SharePoint 2013 contains a SPMaintenaceWindow
class which can be used to give notifications to end users scoped to SharePoint content database. This is a simple PowerShell script you need to execute.
Enable Notification
$maintenanceStartDate =
"11/29/2013 08:00:00 AM" # Date when the maintenance will start
maintenanceEndDate =
"11/30/2013 02:00:00 PM" # Date when the maintenance will stop
$notificationStartDate =
"11/28/2013 06:00:00 AM" # Date when the message will start being displayed
notificationEndDate =
"11/30/2013 02:00:00 PM" # Date when the message will stop being displayed
$maintenanceLink =
"" # This link will only appear if the maintenance duration is defined.
maintenanceType =
"MaintenancePlanned" # OPTIONS ARE: MaintenancePlanned | MaintenanceWarning
$readOnlyDays = 1 # duration days
readOnlyHours = 6 # duration hours.
$readOnlyMinutes = 0 # duration minutes only appears if days and minutes are both zero
$maintenanceWindow = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPMaintenanceWindow
maintenanceWindow.MaintenanceEndDate = $maintenanceEndDate
$maintenanceWindow.MaintenanceStartDate = $maintenanceStartDate
maintenanceWindow.NotificationEndDate = $notificationEndDate
$maintenanceWindow.NotificationStartDate = $notificationStartDate
maintenanceWindow.MaintenanceType = $maintenanceType
$maintenanceWindow.Duration =
New-Object System.TimeSpan( $readOnlyDays, $readOnlyHours, $readOnlyMinutes, 0)
maintenanceWindow.MaintenanceLink = $maintenanceLink
Get-SPContentDatabase | % {
Disable Notification
Get-SPContentDatabase | % {