This article will focus on network settings that can be changed using VB.NET and sometimes relies on command line programs included with Windows. Typically, network settings can be changed using the GUI dialogs in Windows but what about using the command line to change the settings in quick session? In addition, some GUI dialogs can be automated as necessary to set settings for Windows internal software or network settings. As this article progresses, I will add more to it and have a part II and maybe some YouTube videos for my fellow programmer enthusiasts. In addition, I will provide a Codeplex page with sample projects for people to download and see the code in live action (will have tested the code myself on Windows 7, maybe Windows XP if I have time). Please refer to the CodePlex page at the end of the article or source code link above.
Note: The below has been tested successfully on Windows XP and Windows 7 but some commands are specific to Windows 7.
First Item on list: Netsh Network Settings Using the Command-line
Netsh is a command-line utility present on the Windows OS's (operating system) to change network settings. It allows the Windows power user or IT user to automate his/her user experience on Windows using scripts or VB.NET. What can be changed with netsh?
Some things that can be programmed with netsh are: security settings on the network, TCP/IP configuration, and some other network related items.
Here's a sample code snippet for adding multiple IP addresses using netsh on Windows 7 with a GUI VB.NET program (code included in the link that follows):
Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Structure SubNetType
Public Const ClassA = 1
Public Const ClassB = 2
Public Const ClassC = 3
End Structure
Private Sub Btnaddip_Click(sender As System.Object, _
e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btnaddip.Click
Dim iprangetotal As Integer
Dim commandprompt As Integer
Dim SubNet As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim b As Integer
Dim command As String
commandprompt = Shell("c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe", _
AppWinStyle.NormalFocus, True, 1000)
iprangetotal = TxtNumIP.Text
If TxtSubnet.Text.Length <= 9 Then
If TxtSubnet.Text.Substring(4, 1) = "." Then
SubNet = SubNetType.ClassA
End If
End If
If TxtSubnet.Text.Length <= 11 Then
If TxtSubnet.Text.Substring(7, 1) = "." Then
SubNet = SubNetType.ClassB
End If
End If
If TxtSubnet.Text.Length >= 13 Then
If TxtSubnet.Text.Substring(13, 1).ToString = "." Then
SubNet = SubNetType.ClassC
End If
End If
Select Case SubNet
Case Is = SubNetType.ClassC
For j = 1 To iprangetotal
command = "add address " + Chr(34) + _
"Local Area Connection" + Chr(34) + " _
addr=" + TxtPartialIP.Text + j.ToString + " _
mask=" + TxtSubnet.Text + " gateway=" + _
TxtGateway.Text + " gwmetric=5"
Chr(34) + "Local Area Connection" + Chr(34) + _
" addr= mask= gateway= gwmetric=5")
Next j
Case Is = SubNetType.ClassB
For j = 0 To iprangetotal
For i = 1 To iprangetotal
command = "add address " + Chr(34) + _
"Local Area Connection" + Chr(34) + _
" addr=" + TxtPartialIP.Text + j.ToString + _
"." + i.ToString + " mask=" + _
TxtSubnet.Text + " gateway=" + TxtGateway.Text + _
" gwmetric=5"
Chr(34) + "Local Area Connection" + Chr(34) + _
" addr= mask= gateway= gwmetric=5")
Next i
Next j
Case Is = SubNetType.ClassA
For j = 0 To iprangetotal
For b = 0 To iprangetotal
For i = 0 To iprangetotal
command = "add address " + Chr(34) + _
"Local Area Connection" + Chr(34) + _
" addr=" + TxtPartialIP.Text + i.ToString + _
"." + b.ToString + "." + j.ToString + _
" mask=" + TxtSubnet.Text + " gateway=" + _
TxtGateway.Text + " gwmetric=5"
Chr(34) + "Local Area Connection" + Chr(34) + _
" addr= mask= gateway= gwmetric=5")
Next i
Next b
Next j
End Select
End Sub
As you can see, I loop through the subnet entered and depending on the subnet class, add the IP address to it (i.e. class A subnets change after the first octet - I do not start at 0 because that is the network host address instead I start at 1 and go to the number of hosts in the subnet.
Note: For Windows XP version, replace the above IPV4 in code with IP. In addition, more refinements can be done inside and to the for loops to provide better control over the IP addresses entered.
Here's the link to source code: