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5 Apr 2010CPOL6 min read 1   335  
A class that allows my CommScript class to 'drive' a command line utility


This is an implementation of an IScriptableCommunicator that can interact with a console application by running it in a Process and redirecting its standard streams.


As I was working on my CommScript[^] and TelnetSocket[^] articles, I realized that a System.Diagnostics.Process with its standard streams redirected could be wrapped in a class that implements IScriptableCommunicator and a program could then execute scripts against a console application (not a Windows application) running locally.

As luck would have it, just a few hours later, a message was posted in the C# forum asking:
How do I 'drive' a command line utility beyond executing a single process / command?[^].
That prompted me to actually proceed with developing this class.


To work with CommScript, a class must implement the IScriptableCommunicator interface. I included it in the other two articles, and here I'll include it again:

public delegate void DataReceived ( string Data ) ;

public delegate void ExceptionCaught ( System.Exception Exception ) ;

public interface IScriptableCommunicator : System.IDisposable
    void Connect   ( string Host ) ;
    void WriteLine ( string Data , params object[] Parameters ) ;
    void Write     ( string Data , params object[] Parameters ) ;
    void Close     () ;

    System.TimeSpan ResponseTimeout { get ; set ; }

    System.Text.Encoding Encoding { get ; set ; }

    string LineTerminator { get ; set ; }

    event DataReceived    OnDataReceived    ;
    event ExceptionCaught OnExceptionCaught ;


I have made a few changes to the ScriptableCommunicator abstract class since writing the other two articles. Here is how it now stands:

public abstract class ScriptableCommunicator : IScriptableCommunicator
    private System.Text.Encoding encoding       ;
    private string               lineterminator ;

    protected ScriptableCommunicator
        System.TimeSpan      ResponseTimeout
        System.Text.Encoding Encoding
        string               LineTerminator
        this.ResponseTimeout = ResponseTimeout ;
        this.Encoding        = Encoding ;
        this.LineTerminator  = LineTerminator ;

        this.Timer           = null ;

        return ;

    public abstract void Connect ( string Host ) ;
    public abstract void Write   ( string Data , params object[] Parameters ) ;
    public abstract void Close   () ;

    public virtual void
        string          Format
        params object[] Parameters
        this.Write ( Format + this.LineTerminator , Parameters ) ;

        return ;

    public virtual System.TimeSpan ResponseTimeout { get ; set ; }

    public virtual System.Text.Encoding Encoding
            return ( this.encoding ) ;

            if ( value == null )
                throw ( new System.InvalidOperationException
                    ( "The value of Encoding must not be null" ) ) ;

            this.encoding = value ;

            return ;

    public virtual string
            return ( this.lineterminator ) ;

            if ( value == null )
                throw ( new System.InvalidOperationException
                    ( "The value of LineTerminator must not be null" ) ) ;

            this.lineterminator = value ;

            return ;

    protected virtual System.Timers.Timer Timer { get ; set ; }

    public event DataReceived OnDataReceived ;

    protected virtual void
        string Data
        if ( this.Timer != null )
            this.Timer.Stop() ;

        if ( this.OnDataReceived != null )
            this.OnDataReceived ( Data ) ;

        if ( this.Timer != null )
            this.Timer.Start() ;

        return ;

    public event ExceptionCaught OnExceptionCaught ;

    protected virtual void
        System.Exception Exception
        if ( OnExceptionCaught != null )
            OnExceptionCaught ( Exception ) ;

        return ;

    public virtual void
        this.Close() ;

        return ;


This class, of course, derives from ScriptableCommunicator and implements the required methods.

Fields and Constructor

The fields of the class hold references to the Process and two threads for the asynchronous reads of the output and error streams. The constructor sets the default timeout, encoding, and line terminator.

public sealed class ProcessCommunicator : PIEBALD.Types.ScriptableCommunicator
    private System.Diagnostics.Process process = null  ;
    private System.Threading.Thread    output  = null  ;
    private System.Threading.Thread    error   = null  ;
    private bool                       abort   = false ;

    public ProcessCommunicator
    : base
        new System.TimeSpan ( 0 , 1 , 0 )
        return ;


Connect sets up the Process, Threads, and Timer (if requested) and starts them.

Rive is documented here[^].

public override void
    string Command
    if ( this.process != null )
        this.Close() ;

    if ( System.String.IsNullOrEmpty ( Command ) )
        throw ( new System.ArgumentException
            ( "No Command provided" , "Command" ) ) ;

    System.Collections.Generic.IList<string> temp = Command.Rive
        Option.HonorQuotes | Option.HonorEscapes
        ' '
    ) ;

    this.process = new System.Diagnostics.Process() ;

    this.process.StartInfo.FileName = temp [ 0 ] ;

    if ( temp.Count == 2 )
        this.process.StartInfo.Arguments = temp [ 1 ] ;

    this.process.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true ;
    this.process.StartInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden ;

    this.process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false ;
    this.process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput =
        this.process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput =
        this.process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true ;

    this.output = new System.Threading.Thread ( this.Reader ) ;
    this.output.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.BelowNormal ;
    this.output.IsBackground = true ;

    this.error = new System.Threading.Thread ( this.Reader ) ;
    this.error.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.BelowNormal ;
    this.error.IsBackground = true ;

    this.process.Start() ;

    this.output.Start ( this.process.StandardOutput.BaseStream ) ;

    this.error.Start ( this.process.StandardError.BaseStream ) ;

    if ( this.ResponseTimeout.TotalMilliseconds > 0 )
        this.Timer = new System.Timers.Timer
            ( this.ResponseTimeout.TotalMilliseconds ) ;

        this.Timer.Elapsed += delegate
            object                         sender
            System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs args
            this.Abort() ;

            throw ( new System.TimeoutException
                ( "The ResponseTimeout has expired" ) ) ;
        } ;

        this.Timer.Start() ;

    return ;


(There's no particular reason to use the base streams for reading and writing other than that I can use the Encoding that way.)

public override void
    string          Format
    params object[] Parameters
    if ( ( this.process == null ) || this.process.HasExited )
        throw ( new System.InvalidOperationException
            ( "The process appears to be stopped" ) ) ;

        byte[] temp = this.Encoding.GetBytes
        ) ;

        lock ( this.process.StandardInput )
            this.process.StandardInput.BaseStream.Write ( temp , 0 , temp.Length ) ;
            this.process.StandardInput.Flush() ;
    catch ( System.Exception err )
        this.RaiseExceptionCaught ( err ) ;

        throw ;

    return ;


public override void
    this.Abort() ;

    if ( this.process != null )
        this.process.Close() ;

        this.process = null ;

    return ;


private void
    this.abort = true ;

    if ( this.Timer != null )
        this.Timer.Stop() ;

    if ( this.output != null )
        if ( !this.output.Join ( 15000 ) )
            this.output.Abort() ;

            this.output.Join ( 15000 ) ;

        this.output = null ;

    if ( this.error != null )
        if ( !this.error.Join ( 15000 ) )
            this.error.Abort() ;

            this.error.Join ( 15000 ) ;

        this.error = null ;

    return ;


The Reader method takes the stream to read (output or error) as a parameter.

private const int BufLen = 4096 ;

private void
    object Stream
    PIEBALD.Types.StreamReader stream = new StreamReader
        ( (System.IO.Stream) Stream , BufLen ) ;

    byte[] buffer = new byte [ BufLen ] ;

    while ( !this.abort )
        int len = stream.Read ( buffer , 0 , BufLen ) ;

        if ( len > 0 )
            this.RaiseDataReceived ( this.Encoding.GetString ( buffer , 0 , len ) ) ;
            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep ( 100 ) ;

    return ;

As you can see, the Reader method is performing non-blocking reads on the output and error streams; If there is no data available, then the number of bytes returned is zero (0). If blocking reads were used, the code might not be able to check the state of the abort flag frequently enough and could get blocked indefinitely and have to be aborted -- something that should generally be avoided.

According to the MSDN documentation, System.IO.StreamReader.Read returns: "The number of characters that have been read, or 0 if at the end of the stream and no data was read."
Likewise for System.IO.Stream: "The total number of bytes read into the buffer ... or zero (0) if the end of the stream has been reached."

That means that those methods are supposed to be non-blocking, and indeed, when reading from the output stream, I received zero (0) when there was no data. BUT! While testing, I discovered that that is not the case when reading from the Error stream! When there is no data (and there rarely is) the read would block indefinitely!

The problem is that within the Output stream is a System.IO.__ConsoleStream, but within the Error stream is a System.IO.NullStream. ReadTimeout can't be set on the error stream and none of the available asynchronous techniques were appealing to me (especially the ones that are line-oriented).


When you have a blocking read, but need a non-blocking read, pretty much the only solution is to wrap it in an asynchronous read -- this simply moves the blocking read to another thread so the main thread doesn't get blocked.

My StreamReader class implements asynchronous reads on a Stream. An additional benefit (or drawback, depending on your point of view) is that it uses a List<byte> (rather than an array) as a buffer for the data that has been read from the stream and not yet read by the calling code -- while this is convenient, if the caller doesn't read frequently enough, the buffer could grow quite large (and it doesn't shrink).

Fields and constructor

There are fields to hold the stream to read, the buffer to hold the data that has been read, and a thread that will perform the asynchronous reads. The constructor sets these up and starts the thread.

public sealed class StreamReader : System.IDisposable
    private readonly System.IO.Stream                      stream    ;
    private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> buffer    ;
    private readonly System.Threading.Thread               thread    ;
    private          System.Exception                      exception = null  ;
    private          bool                                  abort     = false ;

    public StreamReader
        System.IO.Stream Stream
        int              Capacity
        if ( Stream == null )
            throw ( new System.ArgumentNullException
                ( "Stream" , "Stream must not be null" ) ) ;

        if ( !Stream.CanRead )
            throw ( new System.InvalidOperationException
                ( "It appears that that Stream doesn't support reading" ) ) ;

        if ( Capacity < 1 )
            throw ( new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException
                ( "Capacity" , "Capacity must not be less than one (1)" ) ) ;
        } = Stream ;

        this.buffer = new System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> ( Capacity ) ;

        this.thread = new System.Threading.Thread ( AsyncRead ) ;
        this.thread.IsBackground = true ;
        this.thread.Priority = System.Threading.ThreadPriority.BelowNormal ;
        this.thread.Start() ;

        return ;


The Read method is the non-blocking attempt to read data from the buffer:

  • If there is data available in the buffer, then it is copied to the provided array and then removed from the buffer.
  • If not, and an Exception has been encountered by the asynchronous reader, then that Exception is thrown.
  • Otherwise, the method returns zero (0) -- no data available.
public int
    byte[] Buffer
    int    Offset
    int    Count
    if ( Buffer == null )
        throw ( new System.ArgumentNullException
            ( "Buffer" , "Buffer must not be null" ) ) ;

    if ( Offset < 0 )
        throw ( new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException
            ( "Offset" , "Offset must not be less than zero (0)" ) ) ;

    if ( Count < 0 )
        throw ( new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException
            ( "Count" , "Count must not be less than zero (0)" ) ) ;

    int result = 0 ;

    if ( Count > 0 )
        lock ( this.buffer )
            int avail = this.buffer.Count ;

            if ( avail > 0 )
                if ( Count < avail )
                    result = Count ;
                    result = avail ;

                this.buffer.CopyTo ( 0 , Buffer , Offset , result ) ;

                this.buffer.RemoveRange ( 0 , result ) ;
            else if ( this.exception != null )
                throw ( new System.InvalidOperationException
                    ( "The way is shut" , this.exception ) ) ;

    return ( result ) ;


The AsyncRead method simply reads from the Stream and adds any data to the buffer. If an Exception is encountered, it is stored and the method exits.

private void
        byte[] temp = new byte [ this.buffer.Capacity ] ;

        while ( !this.abort )
            int bytes = ( temp , 0 , temp.Length ) ;

            if ( bytes > 0 )
                lock ( this.buffer )
                    for ( int i = 0 ; i < bytes ; i++ )
                        this.buffer.Add ( temp [ i ] ) ;
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep ( 100 ) ;
    catch ( System.Exception err )
        this.abort = true ;

        this.exception = err ;

    return ;

Using the Code

The ProcessCommunicator class is designed for use with CommScript. The zip file contains all the files necessary to use it as such as well as two little console programs that demonstrate its use.

The included Build.bat file will compile the Master and Slave programs (you may need to set the path to CSC). Master will instantiate a ProcessCommunicator and a CommScript, it will then run a simple script that will execute Slave, interact with it a little, and exit. The output from Slave will then be written to the console.

The meat of Master is:

    PIEBALD.Types.IScriptableCommunicator pc
    new PIEBALD.Types.ProcessCommunicator()
    PIEBALD.Types.CommScript s = new PIEBALD.Types.CommScript ( pc ) ;

    string script =
    " ;

    string output ;

    s.ExecuteScript ( script , out output ) ;

    System.Console.WriteLine ( output ) ;

Points of Interest

"Did you learn anything interesting/fun/annoying while writing the code?" -- Why, yes, as a matter of fact I did...

  • That the Output and Error streams have different backing stores and that the Error stream violates the contract expressed by the documentation of System.IO.Stream!
  • That some utilities (e.g. FTP and TELNET, at least on WinXP) won't prompt for input when running this way!

StreamReader is a work-around for the first problem. I tried different values for CreateNoWindow and WindowStyle, but none solved the second problem. Nor did I find any command-line parameters for those two utilities that would make them behave properly.


Also included in the zip file, and built by the Build.bat, is a simple console utility that may help test the console program that you intend to automate. When investigating a utility that you would like to automate, try it with the tester first.

It will take its command-line parameters and cobble up a script to execute.
Syntax: UtilityTester start_command exit_command [ prompt [ command... ] ].

  • Example 1: UtilityTester ftp quit
    • You will see that the prompt does not get displayed.
  • Example 2: UtilityTester nslookup exit
    • You will see that the prompt (>) does get displayed, so try...
  • Example 3: UtilityTester nslookup exit ">"
    • You should see that the $exit isn't sent until after the prompt (>) is detected in the output.
      Note: A single character, like ">", does not make a good prompt.
  • Example 4: UtilityTester "Slave \"What is thy bidding, master? \"" exit "What is thy bidding, master?" "Hello" "World!"
    • This demonstrates providing command-line parameters to the utility being tested and issuing some commands as well.


  • 2010-04-03 First submitted


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)