You can just download and run these to see how they work.
Note: For a smaller download, I removed the packages from the solution, so the first time you build it, it'll download them from NuGet.
Note: You can find an updated article here: How to NLog (4.2) with VisualStudio 2015.
I've been trying to hit the ground running using NLog in order to log messages to the console and/or a file, but ran into wall after wall of things not working. There are plenty of tutorials and blogs and what not, suggesting you do this or that, but most of that data is rather outdated (ranging from 2006 to 2010?), so in order to save others some time, here's the quick setup to get you up and running with NLog and VisualStudio 2013.
Step 1: Open VS2013, Create a New Console Project
Nothing fancy. Name it as you wish, put it where you want.
- For bonus points: print "
hello world!
" to the console.
Step 2: Get NLog from NuGet
Go to "Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manage NuGet Packages for Solution ..."

Step 2.1: Get the NLog package
Simple as 1..2..3... Search, point the mouse, click.

Note: Current version is 3.1. This tutorial works just as well with it.
Step 2.2: Get the NLog Configuration
Here's where things deviate a bit from the tutorials I've seen. You'll need to manually add the NLog configurations (which will install the NLog schema as well for you) to your packages:

Without this, you won't be able to do much and you'll get frustrating errors like this:

The reason is (like it suggests) that it can't find the schema. The why is beyond me, but installing the configuration manually will add the needed NLog.xsd schema file and let you code away happily ever after.
NOTE: On NLog 3.1, installing the configuration will install the Schema, but you won't see it in the installed packages. Don't worry, it's still there :).
Step 3: Edit your NLog Config
The previous steps should have created a configuration file in your solution called NLog.config. Open it, and have a look inside, it should look like:
="1.0" ="utf-8"
<nlog xmlns=""
Remove the comments from the default target
and rules
, and you are ready to start logging to a file.
Step 3.1 Extra Points
If you want to log to the console, you could replace the above (or add, to log to both) with: To your targets
<target xsi:type="Console"
layout="${shortdate} ${level} ${message}" />
And to your rules
<logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="console" />
For bonus points, change the Console
above with ColoredConsole
, and log different types to see the results :).
Step 4: Edit Your Main Method
You can simply copy / paste this into your main:
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Out.WriteLine("Greetings, some loggings is about to take place.");
Logger logger = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
Console.Out.WriteLine("Let's assume you're going to work, and using the bus to get there:");
logger .Trace("Trace: The chatter of people on the street");
logger .Debug("Debug: Where are you going and why?");
logger .Info("Info: What bus station you're at.");
logger .Warn("Warn: You're playing on the phone and not looking up for your bus");
logger .Error("Error: You get on the wrong bus.");
logger .Fatal("Fatal: You are run over by the bus.");
Console.Out.WriteLine("Done logging.");
Console.Out.WriteLine("Hit any key to exit");
If you followed all the above advice, you should see something like this:

Extracurricular Activity
The following section was removed, but I still highly encourage you to have a look at the official NLog page for levels (here: log levels), and explore them a bit too see what you can achieve with NLog.
I've based the article above on several articles and examples from the net.
The Official Tutorial
- - I simply got frustrated , since it seems rather outdated, and wouldn't work for me. You don't have an EXE installer, and you can't get the Empty NLog Configuration File to work, since it doesn't exist.
CodeProject Tutorial
- Introduction to NLog - This article has lots of information and would go into the details of what you can do with the configuration files. I highly suggest reading it to get a hang of what's possible with NLog. If you do try to copy code from it, you might need to take care with the casing, for example: change
TO fileName
(that tutorial is 8 years old, and aimed at NLog 1 I think ... ).
Layout Renderes
Log Viewers
You can install some external log views if you want. They will save you looking into the files, or console, by catching the messages and printing them out in a GUI of your choice.
I found [Sentinel] to work. It's not very recent (2011), not very clear (on the set up), but after adding the needed config (they have an example on the site), it's quite straight forward.
For future reference and ease, add to your <targets>
<target xsi:type="NLogViewer"
Add to your <rules>
<logger name="*"
writeTo="viewer" />
For some reason [Harvester] doesn't seem to work for me.
Some extra research, and here's how to make harvester work for you as well:
Add this above the <targets>
<add assembly="Harvester.Integration.NLog, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2335e074c59acad6"/>
Then add this to the <targets>
<target xsi:type="Harvester"
binding ="\\.\pipe\Harvester"
mutexName="HarvesterMutex" />
And last, this to your <rules>
<logger name="*"
writeTo="Harvester" />
I'm quite sure you can find others out there.
This is a little gem I've found about lately. You can find it here . You can download the free version which is the one I'm using ATM.
In contrast to the two above solutions, BareTail will simply monitor a text file for changes. This means that if you are already logging into a text file, you don't need to add another target or worry about installing another program. Simply run this, point it to the text file, and it will monitor it.
It has an option to Follow Tail, which mean it will keep scrolling down when the file grows, and you can easily set the highlights color for any text pattern you want, so you can easily keep tab on whatever you find important for you.

More Articles
Wrap Up
I can't believe there wasn't a single place with all this information to get a quick start logging started. Note that you can also define your loggers in code (look at the CodeProject article I linked above), but I find the configuration (once they work) to be quite easy to work with. I hope this will help you to get up and running with your logging. Feel free to leave comments and vote.
November 12, 2015
- Added link to new article (Nlog 4.2 with VS 2015)
- Removed Extra curriculum as it might have been too gender based and made some readers feel uncomfortable.
- minor fixes.
October 6, 2014
- Updated and tested with NLog 3.1
- Added BareTail to the log viewers.
- Changed tracing level on Console from Warn to Trace.
June 16, 2014
- Thanks for a good spot in the comments, updated "
" ... to "logger.Trace
" to reflect the correct variable name. (In the download code, it's a bit different, and it's used as "Log" there, being a static global variable).
May 10, 2014
- Typos
- Removed packages for smaller download size (NuGet will get them automatically when you first build the project)
May 9, 2014
- Added Log levels and when to use them
- Update code with "interactive" demo
April 1, 2014
- Fixed a typo that might throw an exception
- Added configuration for
- Added configuration for
March 26, 2014