A few weeks ago I was looking for a way to create irregularly shaped windows from a bitmap with a user
defined transparent color. The MFC samples, that I found so far, have their problems with enclosed
transparent regions. So I decided to come up with my own solution.
uses a very simple but failsafe "brute-force" algorithm to calculate
a region from a bitmap with a user defined transparent color. It starts with the rectangular region given by
the bitmap's dimensions and then scans the bitmap row by row. Every "transparent" row section, that
is found, is subtracted from the bitmap's region, giving a new bitmap's region.
Below there is a (reduced) screenshot of the demo application's main window. (Well, the copyright line
has been added later.) But as you can see, CContourBitmap
has no problems with convex or
concave shapes or fully enclosed transparent regions.

Using the code
offers two different methods to calculate a region from a bitmap:
HRGN CContourBitmap::CreateRegion(COLORREF colorTransp=CLR_DEFAULT)
Use this function to explicitly specify the transparent color. (Or use the default color, that is
the color of the topleft pixel.)
HRGN CContourBitmap::CreateRegion(CPoint pntTransparentColor)
Use this function to extract the transparent color from any pixel within the image. (If the pixel is outside
of the bitmap, the return value is NULL.)
Apart from these methods, there are two other helpful functions to ease bitmap handling:
CSize CContourBitmap::GetSize()
Returns the dimensions of the bitmap.
BOOL CContourBitmap::Paint(CDC* pDC, int nXDest=0, int nYDest=0)
Copies the bitmap with an optional offset to the given device context.
Points of Interest
is derived from CBitmap
. It adds no attributes to the base
class. Thus, casting a CBitmap
to CContourBitmap
is save.
Known Bugs
Specifying a 24 bit transparent color on a Windows desktop with 16 bit
color depth may not work correctly. Needs a conversion from the 24 bit color space to the
16 bit color space.
Legal Copyrights
The Pink Panther TM & (C) 1964 by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc.
- 2004-07-07 Initial release