As each programmer must have experienced, often you can modify a function only a little to meet the new requirement. Here I present such an example for permutation -- to enumerate all element arrangements for an ascending ordered list. For instance, for a string �abc� where 'a'<'b'<'c', we have permutations �abc�, �acb�, �bac�, �bca�, �cab�, and �cba�, while for a half ordered �cab�, the result is �cab� and �cba�. The following function picked from the STL header file �algorithm� shows how to generate the next permutation from the previous one.
template<class _BidIt> inline
bool next_permutation(_BidIt _First, _BidIt _Last)
_BidIt _Next = _Last;
if (_First ==_Last || _First == --_Next) return (false);
for (; ; )
_BidIt _Next1 = _Next;
if (*--_Next < *_Next1)
_BidIt _Mid = _Last;
for (; !(*_Next < *--_Mid);) ;
std::iter_swap(_Next, _Mid);
std::reverse(_Next1, _Last);
return (true);
if (_Next == _First)
std::reverse(_First, _Last);
return (false);
To obtain all permutations, just set a loop like this:
do v.insert(v.end(), s);
while (next_permutation(s.begin(), s.end()));
Where s
is a work string for character permutation and v
is a vector to collect permuted s
iteratively. In practice, we may meet some permutation variations, two of which are then discussed in this article.
With Non-Ordered Elements
First, consider a permutation variation in a list without a predicate defined for element comparison, in other words, a list without intrinsic order. So, the algorithm cannot rely on the comparisons by the �less than� operator �<
� in next_permutation()
. For example, either from string �abc� or �cab�, we always want all six permutations as mentioned above.
For this, I adapt the STL function to _next_permutation()
by adding the third �map� parameter as shown in the following:
template<class _BidIt> inline
bool _next_permutation(_BidIt _First, _BidIt _Last, Position_Map* pMap)
_BidIt _Next = _Last;
if (_First ==_Last || _First == --_Next) return (false);
for (; ; )
_BidIt _Next1 = _Next;
if (pMap? (*pMap)[*--_Next] < (*pMap)[*_Next1]: *--_Next < *_Next1)
_BidIt _Mid = _Last;
for (; !(pMap? (*pMap)[*_Next] < (*pMap)[*--_Mid]: *_Next < *--_Mid););
std::iter_swap(_Next, _Mid);
std::reverse(_Next1, _Last);
return (true);
if (_Next == _First)
std::reverse(_First, _Last);
return (false);
vector<string> StlPermutation(const char* sz, bool bOrdered)
vector<string> v;
string s = sz;
Position_Map mapPos;
if (!bOrdered)
for (unsigned int i=0; i<s.length(); i++)
mapPos.insert(Position_Pair(s[i], i));
do v.insert(v.end(), s);
while (_next_permutation(s.begin(), s.end(), bOrdered? NULL: &mapPos));
return v;
In the caller StlPermutation()
, if an input is considered as non-ordered when bOrdered
is false, I set a position map that acts as a media for an artificial (simulated) comparison. Then, if this pMap
is passed into _next_permutation()
, I use comparison (*pMap)[*i]<(*pMap)[*j]
for a non-ordered situation, instead of *i<*j
. Now, just two condition changes there make it a dual function.
A Recursive Solution
Another way for non-ordered permutation is using recursion. Although not so efficient as iteration, it is easier to construct naturally mirroring the problem. I create a recursive function as follows, more concise than Steinhaus-Johnson-Trotter algorithm.
vector<string> RecPermutation(const char* sz)
vector<string> v, v1;
string s1; char ch;
int nLen = strlen(sz);
if (nLen==1)
v.insert(v.end(), sz);
for (int i=0; i<nLen; i++)
ch = sz[i];
s1 = sz;
s1.erase(i, 1);
v1 = RecPermutation(s1.c_str());
for (int i=0; i < (int)v1.size(); i++)
s1 = ch + v1[i];
v.insert(v.end(), s1);
return v;
In this RecPermutation()
, I strip each character aside, make a recursive call for the rest of the string, and once it returns, concatenates that character with permuted results. Obviously, this is more comprehensible than _next_permutation()
With Repeated Elements
Sometimes, we see a variation of non-ordered permutation where repeated elements are allowed. For instance, given �aab� or �aba�, the desired permutation pattern might be �aab�, �aba�, and �baa�, but from RecPermutation()
, we still get six strings with each of the three appearing twice. Also, by a little modification of RecPermutation()
, I achieved this method in the following function:
vector<string> RecPermutation(const char* sz, bool bRepeated)
vector<string> v, v1;
string s1; char ch;
int nLen = strlen(sz);
if (nLen==1)
v.insert(v.end(), sz);
for (int i=0; i<nLen; i++)
ch = sz[i];
if (!bRepeated)
for (int j=0; j<i; j++)
if (ch==sz[j]) break;
if (j<i) continue;
s1 = sz;
s1.erase(i, 1);
v1 = RecPermutation(s1.c_str(), bRepeated);
for (int i=0; i < (int)v1.size(); i++)
s1 = ch + v1[i];
v.insert(v.end(), s1);
return v;
As you see, I add the second parameter bAllowRepeated
, and when this flag is false, I check the stripped character to skip repeated one if any. This simply enhances RecPermutation()
as an alternative usage. Try to imagine altering an iteration function this way � really not easy!
Test and Comparison
Surely, you can search online for more permutation solutions. Among them, it�s worthy of mentioning this solution, created by Phillip Fuchs. There the iterative algorithm is pretty impressive and works efficiently for a non-ordered and non-repeated element list. I included his Example2 in my test program to examine an input "ijabcdefgh" as shown below:
Also, I made a comparison using the Permute.exe release build in my 2.2GHz P4 XP laptop, as shown in the following table:
Function Parameter Second(s) #Permutations
_next_permutation bOrdered=true 1 403,200
_next_permutation bOrdered=false 6 3,628,800
RecPermutation bRepeated=true 45 3,628,800
RecPermutation bRepeated=false 45 3,628,800
Philip's example_02 5 3,628,800
As expected, the ordered _next_permutation()
generates only part of permutations for the partially ascending "ijabcdefgh", while the non-ordered _next_permutation()
generates all. The recursive RecPermutation()
takes 45 seconds, not efficient as STL iteration (6 seconds), while Phillip�s example is a bit better than _next_permutation()
. However, only the enhanced RecPermutation()
excludes redundant permutations in a repeated element list, where the additional expense looks trivial.