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WCF Routing Service - Part I: Basic Concept, Simple Routing Service & Content-based Routing

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6 Jun 2014CPOL14 min read 107.6K   2.2K   92   18
This article describes WCF Routing Service concept, Configuring RoutingService (its endpoint(s), target service(s), message filter(s) and filter table) and content based routing.

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The Routing Service is a generic SOAP intermediary that acts as a router. The core functionality of the Routing Service is the ability to route incoming messages based on message content (in either the header or the message body) to the actual services hosted in the same machine as the Router Service or distributed across the network. Actually Routing Service acts as a front-end service that mirrors the target service(s). The main benefit of the Routing Service is to provide location transparency to the client (application) because the client is explicitly decoupled from knowing anything about the actual services that will actually perform tasks on its behalf. Hence it makes possible to perform a variety of different types of intermediate processing within the routing service.

You can use routing in a number of ways. e.g. you can use routing to route incoming messages to the appropriate service(s) by using content-based/context-based routing techniques. You can also use routing to implement a centralized security boundary, protocol bridging, load-balancing or even service versioning.

In routing, Routing Service (Router) exposes a virtual endpoint(s) that client application(s) consumes instead of consuming the actual service endpoint(s) and that (virtual endpoint) routes incoming messages from the client application to the appropriate actual service endpoint through an intermediary.

Image 1

Before WCF 4.0, there was not official support of Routing Service in the framework but from WCF 4.0 onwards there is built-in support of the same.

Understanding the Routing Service

WCF 4.0 came with a new class called RoutingService that provides a generic WCF routing implementation. The RoutingService class can handle routing messages over any WCF-supported protocol using a variety of different messaging patterns like one-way, request-response, and duplex messaging. This class is located underneath the System.ServiceModel.Routing namespace and you'll need to add reference of System.ServiceModel.Routing.dll assembly in your service hosting application.

Below is the definition of the RoutingService class (from msdn)

[AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsAttribute(RequirementsMode =
[ServiceBehaviorAttribute(AddressFilterMode = AddressFilterMode.Any, InstanceContextMode
                        = InstanceContextMode.PerSession, UseSynchronizationContext = false,
                                                            ValidateMustUnderstand = false)]
public sealed class RoutingService : ISimplexDatagramRouter, ISimplexSessionRouter,
                                      IRequestReplyRouter, IDuplexSessionRouter, IDisposable
{ ... }

From the above you can see that the RoutingService class is defined as a sealed class and implements multiple service contracts in order to supports multiple message exchange patterns (MEP). Each service contract provides support for a different messaging exchange pattern (MEP). Please go through the table down below for details(from msdn)-

Service Contract Description
IDuplexSessionRouter Defines the interface required to process messages from duplex session channels.
IRequestReplyRouter Defines the interface required to process messages from request-reply channels.
ISimplexDatagramRouter Defines the interface required for processing messages from simplex datagram.
ISimplexSessionRouter Defines the interface required to process messages from simplex session channels.

Please note that ISimplexDatagramRouter and IRequestReplyRouter interfaces define generic one-way and request-reply service contract definitions that can be used in conjunction with business-specific service contracts while the other two, ISimplexSessionRouter & IDuplexSessionRouter, interfaces are session demanding service contracts. ISimplexSessionRouter is basically a fire-and-forget operation that takes place within the scope of a session while the IDuplexSessionRouter is basically a duplex session aware operation that needs to calling back to the client application within the scope of a session. Please see the definitions of these interfaces down below-

[ServiceContract(Namespace = "",
            SessionMode = SessionMode.Allowed)]
public interface ISimplexDatagramRouter
   [OperationContract(AsyncPattern = true, IsOneWay = true, Action = "*")]
   IAsyncResult BeginProcessMessage(Message message, AsyncCallback callback, object state);

   void EndProcessMessage(IAsyncResult result);

[ServiceContract(Namespace = "",
            SessionMode = SessionMode.Allowed)]
public interface IRequestReplyRouter
   [OperationContract(AsyncPattern = true, IsOneWay = false, Action = "*", ReplyAction = "*")]
   IAsyncResult BeginProcessRequest(Message message, AsyncCallback callback, object state);

   Message EndProcessRequest(IAsyncResult result);

[ServiceContractAttribute(Namespace = "",
            SessionMode = SessionMode.Required)]
public interface ISimplexSessionRouter
   [OperationContractAttribute(AsyncPattern = true, IsOneWay = true, Action = "*")]
   IAsyncResult BeginProcessMessage(Message message, AsyncCallback callback, Object state);

   void EndProcessMessage(IAsyncResult result);

public interface IDuplexSessionRouter
   [OperationContractAttribute(AsyncPattern = true, IsOneWay = true, Action = "*")]
   IAsyncResult BeginProcessMessage(Message message, AsyncCallback callback, Object state);

   void EndProcessMessage(IAsyncResult result;)

The main purpose of the RoutingService class is to receive incoming messages from the client applications through the virtual endpoint(s) and to “route” them to an appropriate actual service by evaluating each incoming message against a set of message filters. Hence, you can control the routing behavior by defining the message filters, typically in a configuration file.

Hosting the Routing Service

You can host the RoutingService just like other WCF services using self-hosting or managed hosting techniques. Below is an typical example of self-hosting technique to host RoutingService using ServiceHost class-

var host = new ServiceHost(typeof(RoutingService));

catch (Exception ex)

Just like other WCF services you can also configure the RoutingService through configuration file where you define the RoutingService endpoint(s), RoutingService Behavior, the routing filters and actual services endpoint(s) where finally incoming messages would be routed. Let’s try to understand these concepts in coming sections.

Configuring Routing Service Endpoint(s)

You can configure one or more RoutingService endpoint(s) by choosing a WCF binding and one of the RoutingService supported service contracts implemented by the RoutingService class as described above (IRequestReplyRouter, ISimplexDatagramRouter, ISimplexSessionRouter, IDuplexSessionRouter).

Below is an example of RoutingService with two routing endpoints.

   <service name="System.ServiceModel.Routing.RoutingService"><!--Routing Service -->
      <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding"
                        contract="System.ServiceModel.Routing.IRequestReplyRouter" name="MessageBroker" /> <!--MessageBroker-->
      <endpoint address="regular" binding="basicHttpBinding"
                        contract="System.ServiceModel.Routing.IRequestReplyRouter" name="Regular" /> <!--Regular-->
            <add baseAddress="http://localhost:8080/RoutingService/Router" />

In the above, first endpoint uses basicHttpBinding with IRequestReplyRouter service contract (request-reply) and second endpoint uses wsHttpBinding with ISimplexDatagramRouter service contract (one-way). The endpoints configured above are basically routing endpoints (virtual endpoints or message brokers) that will be consumed by the client applications. Client applications can use one of these endpoints to invoke actual services and each service invocation will be directed directly to the RoutingService. When the RoutingService receives a message through one of these routing endpoints, it evaluates the message against a set of message filters to determine where to forward the message.

Below is an example of client application endpoints based on above RoutingService configuration-

<client><!--Client Side Endpoints for Routing Service -->
   <endpoint address="http://localhost:8080/RoutingService/Router" binding="basicHttpBinding"
                  contract="IComplexNumber" name="BasicHttpBinding_IComplexNumber" />
   <endpoint address="http://localhost:8080/RoutingService/Router/regular" binding="basicHttpBinding"
                  contract="IRealNumber" name="BasicHttpBinding_IRealNumber" />

Configuring Routing Service Message Filter(s)

You can configure RoutingService with message filters to manage the routing message filters. WCF 4.0 comes with a RoutingBehavior for the same. So in order to configure RoutingService with message filters, you need to define a named behavior configuration (say "routingFilters") by enabling the RoutingBehavior followed by specifying the name of the filter table. After that you need to apply the "routingFilters" behavior to the RoutingService through the behaviorConfiguration attribute. See the example below-

      <behavior name="routingFilters">
         <routing filterTableName="RoutingTable" />
   <service name="System.ServiceModel.Routing.RoutingService" behaviorConfiguration="routingFilters">

Configuring Routing Service Target Service(s)

You will need endpoint definitions for the target actual services intend to route to. You can define these target endpoints within the WCF <client> configuration section like below-

   <endpoint address="http://localhost:8081/ComplexNumberService" binding="basicHttpBinding"
                  contract="*" name="ComplexNumber" />
   <endpoint address="http://localhost:8082/RealNumberService" binding="basicHttpBinding"
                  contract="*" name="RealNumber" />

The “*” character in the contract attribute enables the service to accept any incoming messages and not just those specified by a particular service contract.

Defining Routing Service Filter Table

Filter Table determines the routing logic at runtime. You can define the filter table entries within the <filtertables> element. Each entry within the <filtertable> defines a mapping between a routing “filter” and a target endpoint. You can define the “filters” within the <filters> element. Each <filter> entry specifies type of filter along with the filter-specific data e.g. action value, an XPath expression, routing endpoint name etc.).

Below is an example of configuring a filter table "RoutingData" with two filters that maps two endpoints. Here EndpointName filter type has been used.

      <filter name="ComplexNumberFilter" filterType="EndpointName" filterData="MessageBroker" />
      <filter name="RealNumberFilter" filterType="EndpointName" filterData="Regular" />
      <filterTable name="RoutingTable">
         <add filterName="ComplexNumberFilter" endpointName="ComplexNumber" />
         <add filterName="RealNumberFilter" endpointName="RealNumber" />

WCF 4.0 comes with several built-in message filterTypes that you can use to inspect the content of the incoming messages. Please see the table down below for the details(from msdn) -

Filter Type




Uses the ActionMessageFilter class to match messages containing a specific action.

The action to filter upon.


Uses the EndpointAddressMessageFilter class, with IncludeHostNameInComparison == true to match messages containing a specific address.

The address to filter upon (in the To header).


Uses the PrefixEndpointAddressMessageFilter class, with IncludeHostNameInComparison == true to match messages containing a specific address prefix.

The address to filter upon using longest prefix matching.


Uses the StrictAndMessageFilter class that always evaluates both conditions before returning.

filterData is not used; instead filter1 and filter2 have the names of the corresponding message filters (also in the table), which should be ANDed together.


A user-defined type that extends the MessageFilter class and has a constructor taking a string.

The customType attribute is the fully qualified type name of the class to create; filterData is the string to pass to the constructor when creating the filter.


Uses the EndpointNameMessageFilter class to match messages based on the name of the service endpoint they arrived on.

The name of the service endpoint, for example: “serviceEndpoint1”. This should be one of the endpoints exposed on the Routing Service.


Uses the MatchAllMessageFilter class. This filter matches all arriving messages.

filterData is not used. This filter will always match all messages.


Uses the XPathMessageFilter class to match specific XPath queries within the message.

The XPath query to use when matching messages.


  • Content-based routing
    • Service aggregation
    • Service versioning
    • Priority routing
    • Dynamic configuration
  • Context-based routing
  • SOAP processing
  • Protocol bridging
  • Backup endpoints
  • Load Balancing
  • Multicasting
  • Advanced error handling

Demo Service

Now after the description of the RoutingService, let's understand it through examples. I've created a demo service ComplexNumberCalculator for this purpose. I've defined one data contract Complex and one service contract IComplexNumber, and then created a ComplexNumberCalculator service by implementing the IComplexNumber service contract. Please see the code below-

public class Complex
   public  double Real;

    public double Imaginary;

public interface IComplexNumber
    Complex Add(Complex x, Complex y);

    Complex Subtract(Complex x, Complex y);

    Complex Multiply(Complex x, Complex y);

    Complex Divide(Complex x, Complex y);

    double Modulus(Complex x);

    double Argument(Complex x);

    Complex Conjugate(Complex x);

    Complex Recipocal(Complex x);

public class ComplexNumberCalculator : IComplexNumber
    public Complex Add(Complex x, Complex y)
        Console.WriteLine("Invoked ComplexNumberCalculator Operation: Add");

        var z = new Complex();

        z.Real = x.Real + y.Real;
        z.Imaginary = x.Imaginary + y.Imaginary;

        return z;

    public Complex Subtract(Complex x, Complex y)
        Console.WriteLine("Invoked ComplexNumberCalculator Operation: Subtract");

        var z = new Complex();

        z.Real = x.Real - y.Real;
        z.Imaginary = x.Imaginary - y.Imaginary;

        return z;

    public Complex Multiply(Complex x, Complex y)
        Console.WriteLine("Invoked ComplexNumberCalculator Operation: Multiply");

        var z = new Complex();

        z.Real = x.Real * y.Real - x.Imaginary * y.Imaginary ;
        z.Imaginary = x.Real * y.Imaginary + x.Imaginary * y.Real;

        return z;

    public Complex Divide(Complex x, Complex y)
        Console.WriteLine("Invoked ComplexNumberCalculator Operation: Divide");

        var z = new Complex();

        var modulusY = this.Modulus(y);

        z.Real = (x.Real * y.Real + x.Imaginary * y.Imaginary) / (modulusY * modulusY);
        z.Imaginary = (x.Imaginary * y.Real - x.Real * y.Imaginary) / (modulusY * modulusY);

        return z;

    public double Modulus(Complex x)
        Console.WriteLine("Invoked ComplexNumberCalculator Operation: Modulus");

        var modX = Math.Sqrt(x.Real * x.Real + x.Imaginary * x.Imaginary);

        return modX;

    public Complex Conjugate(Complex x)
        Console.WriteLine("Invoked ComplexNumberCalculator Operation: Conjugate");

        var z = new Complex();

        z.Real = x.Real;
        z.Imaginary = -1 * x.Imaginary;

        return z;

    public double Argument(Complex x)
        Console.WriteLine("Invoked ComplexNumberCalculator Operation: Argument");

        var argumentX = Math.Atan(x.Imaginary/x.Real);

        return argumentX;

    public Complex Recipocal(Complex x)
        Console.WriteLine("Invoked ComplexNumberCalculator Operation: Recipocal");

        var z = new Complex();

        var modulusX = this.Modulus(x);
        var conjugateX = this.Conjugate(x);

        z.Real = conjugateX.Real / (modulusX * modulusX);
        z.Imaginary = conjugateX.Imaginary / (modulusX * modulusX);

        return z;

I've hosted ComplexNumberCalculator service in a windows console application using self-hosting technique as below-

var host = new ServiceHost(typeof(ComplexNumberCalculator));

catch (Exception ex)

and configured two endpoints, one service endpoint and one standard mex endpoint in order to exchange metadata as below.

   <service name="CalculatorService.ComplexNumberCalculator">
      <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="CalculatorService.IComplexNumber" />
      <endpoint address="mex" kind="mexEndpoint" />
            <add baseAddress="http://localhost:8081/ComplexNumberService" />

I've also enabled service metadata by defining a default behavior (by ommiting name) as below-

      <behavior name="">
         <serviceMetadata />

I'll use this service for all demonstrations throughout this post.

Simple Routing Service using MatchAll filterType

In this example I'm going to configure a simple RoutingService that will just pass (route) all incoming messages from our ComplexNumberCalculator service's client application to the ComplexNumberCalculator service. Here RoutingService will just act as an intermediary. I've hosted the RoutingService in windows console application using self-hosting technique. You can host RoutingService in IIS/WAS/Windows Service/AppFabric as per your need.

First I've configured our RoutingService with following endpoint (virtual endpoint) as below-

   <service name="System.ServiceModel.Routing.RoutingService">
      <endpoint address="" binding="basicHttpBinding" contract="System.ServiceModel.Routing.IRequestReplyRouter"
                          name="VirtualEndpoint"  />
            <add baseAddress="http://localhost:8080/RoutingService/Router" />

Please note that here I've used IRequestReplyRouter service contract as our ComplexNumberCalculator service supports request-reply MEP.

Then I've defined an endpoint for our target service: ComplexNumberCalculator as below-

   <endpoint address="http://localhost:8081/ComplexNumberService" binding="basicHttpBinding"
                  contract="*" name="ComplexNumber" />

Next I've enabled the RoutingBehavior followed by specifying the name of the filter table. I've done this by defining default behavior like below-

      <behavior name="">
         <routing filterTableName="RoutingTable" />

The next step would be to define our filter table: RoutingTable by adding entries to it. But as each entry within the filter table defines the mapping between a routing filter and a target endpoint, we’ll define filters first then our filer table. I've defined following filter for our filter table-

      <filter name="ComplexNumberFilter" filterType="MatchAll" />

I've used above MatchAll filter type that matches all incoming messages. Note that our goal is to just pass all incoming messages from the client to ComplexNumberCalculator.

Finally I've configured our filter table: RoutingTable with the filter type defined above as below-

   <filterTable name="RoutingTable">
      <add filterName="ComplexNumberFilter" endpointName="ComplexNumber" />

In the above, I've added a single table entry and set the filterName attribute to “ComplexNumberFilter” (name of the filter type defined above) and endpointName attribute to "ComplexNumber" (name of the target service endpoint, the ultimate receiver).

At last, I've created a console client application to call the service. I've generated ComplexNumberCalculator service code file by using the svcutil.exe from the command line like below-

svcutil.exe http://localhost:8081/ComplexNumberService/mex 

and configured the client side endpoint as below-

   <endpoint address="http://localhost:8080/RoutingService/Router" binding="basicHttpBinding"
                  contract="IComplexNumber" name="BasicHttpBinding_IComplexNumber" />

Notice that I've used here service contract IComplexNumber (of ComplexNumberCalculator servcie ) instead of IRequestReplyRouter (of RoutingService). IComplexNumber service contract will be used to invoke ComplexNumberCalculator service's operations by creating client side channel. Below is the client application code-

var cf = new ChannelFactory<IComplexNumber>("BasicHttpBinding_IComplexNumber");

var channel = cf.CreateChannel();

var z1 = new Complex();
var z2 = new Complex();

z1.Real = 3D;
z1.Imaginary = 4D;

z2.Real = 2D;
z2.Imaginary = -2D;

Console.WriteLine("*** RoutingService with Message Filters ***\n");
Console.WriteLine("Please hit any key to start: ");
string command = Console.ReadLine();

while (command != "exit")
   ComplexNumberArithmetics(channel, z1, z2);

   Console.WriteLine("\nPlease hit any key to re-run OR enter 'exit' to exit.");
   command = Console.ReadLine();


The method ComplexNumberArithmetics performs complex number arithmetics using the channel created above (you can find the code of the ComplexNumberArithmetics method in the sample).

Before running our demo, just have a quick look of sample project provided with this post-

Image 2

There are four projects in the solution: CalculatorService, ConsoleClient, ConsoleHostComplexNo & ConsoleHostRouter. Now set ConsoleClient, ConsoleHostComplexNo & ConsoleHostRouter projects as a Start Up projects and hit Ctrl+F5 keys in order to start the projects. Now press any key on the console client and you can verify that the routing is working properly. you can see that the messages arrive at ComplexNumberCalculator service after they are “routed” by the intermediary RoutingService.

Image 3 Image 4 Image 5

Content Based Routing

In content-based routing techniques, the target service is determined by evaluating the content of a particular incoming message. You can evaluate incoming message Header or Body to decide the target service endpoint. You can inspect the SOAP action of an incoming message or some value inside the message payload such as an element, attribute or header value etc. you can use Action, XPath filterTypes to implement content based routing.

Image 6

Let’s consider an example to understand the content based routing with our ComplexNumberCalculator service. Suppose that we want to route the Binary Operations (Add, Subtract, Multiply & Divide) to ComplexNumberService1 and the Unary Operations (Modulus, Argument, Conjugate & Reciprocal) to ComplexNumberService2.

I'll implement the same by two ways; first by using the different ComplexNumberCalculator action values within the SOAP header and secondly by using the XPath Expressions.

Content Based Routing using the Action Values

Lets start with the content-based routing using the action values by updating our RoutingService. First I've defined two endpoints for the target services like below-

        <endpoint address="http://localhost:8081/ComplexNumberService1" binding="basicHttpBinding"
                  contract="*" name="BinaryOperation" />
        <endpoint address="http://localhost:8081/ComplexNumberService2" binding="basicHttpBinding"
                  contract="*" name="UnaryOperation" />

Next I've defined filters for each of the different ComplexNumberCalculator service action values like below-

          <!--Binary Operation-->
          <filter name="AddFilter" filterType="Action" filterData="" />
          <filter name="SubtractFilter" filterType="Action" filterData="" />
          <filter name="MultiplyFilter" filterType="Action" filterData="" />
          <filter name="DivideFilter" filterType="Action" filterData="" />
          <!--Unary Operation-->
          <filter name="ModulusFilter" filterType="Action" filterData="" />
          <filter name="ArgumentFilter" filterType="Action" filterData="" />
          <filter name="ConjugateFilter" filterType="Action" filterData="" />
          <filter name="RecipocalFilter" filterType="Action" filterData="" />

Finally I've mapped Binary Operations to the ComplexNumberService1 endpoint and UnaryOperations to the ComplexNumberService2 endpoint in the filter table: RoutigTable like below-

          <filterTable name="RoutingTable">
            <add filterName="AddFilter" endpointName="BinaryOperation" />
            <add filterName="SubtractFilter" endpointName="BinaryOperation" />
            <add filterName="MultiplyFilter" endpointName="BinaryOperation" />
            <add filterName="DivideFilter" endpointName="BinaryOperation" />

            <add filterName="ModulusFilter" endpointName="UnaryOperation" />
            <add filterName="ArgumentFilter" endpointName="UnaryOperation" />
            <add filterName="ConjugateFilter" endpointName="UnaryOperation" />
            <add filterName="RecipocalFilter" endpointName="UnaryOperation" />

That's it. Now set ConsoleClient & ConsoleHostRouter projects as Start Up projects and hit Ctrl+F5 keys in order to run the projects. Next run the WCFRoutingPart1\ComplexNumberServices\StartAllServices.cmd file (see the sample code) from the Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt (in Administrator mode) in order to start ComplexNumberService1 and ComplexNumberService2 services. Finally press any key on the console client and you can verify that the Binary Operations are routing to the ComplexNumberservice1 service while the UnaryOperations are routing to the ComplexNumberService2 service by the intermediary RoutingService.

Image 7
Image 8

Content Based Routing using the XPath Expressions

You can use XPath filterType to evaluate a variety of different XPath expressions against the incoming messages. It is more powerful and flexible and you can use XPath Expression to inspect and evaluate any part of the incoming message including SOAP headers or the SOAP body.

Lets start with the content-based routing using the XPath filterType by updating our RoutingService. First I've defined a set of namespace prefix bindings using the the <namespaceTable> element as below-

          <add prefix="s" namespace="" />
          <add prefix="wsa" namespace="" />

See the screen shot below to understand how I defined the namespace prefixes-

Image 9

Next I've defined filters for each different ComplexNumberCalculator service action values using the XPath filterType as down below-

          <!--Binary Operation-->
          <filter name="AddFilter" filterType="XPath" filterData="/s:Envelope/s:Header/wsa:Action =''" />
          <filter name="SubtractFilter" filterType="XPath" filterData="/s:Envelope/s:Header/wsa:Action =''" />
          <filter name="MultiplyFilter" filterType="XPath" filterData="/s:Envelope/s:Header/wsa:Action =''" />
          <filter name="DivideFilter" filterType="XPath" filterData="/s:Envelope/s:Header/wsa:Action =''" />
          <!--Unary Operation-->
          <filter name="ModulusFilter" filterType="XPath" filterData="/s:Envelope/s:Header/wsa:Action =''" />
          <filter name="ArgumentFilter" filterType="XPath" filterData="/s:Envelope/s:Header/wsa:Action =''" />
          <filter name="ConjugateFilter" filterType="XPath" filterData="/s:Envelope/s:Header/wsa:Action =''" />
          <filter name="RecipocalFilter" filterType="XPath" filterData="/s:Envelope/s:Header/wsa:Action =''" />

Notice the XPath Expression contained in the filterData attribute will be evaluated against the incoming message (the expressions simply inspect the action values).

Now just follow the instructions of the previous example to run the demo, you'll see the same result as before.

XPath filter technique is very useful and you can use the same to route messages based on custom SOAP headers or the content found within the body of the SOAP message.


Routing in WCF is a very wide topic. I've covered WCF Routing Service concept and explained how to configure a RoutingService (endpoint(s), target service(s), message filter(s) and filter table) in this post. Then I've demonstrated a simple RoutingService using MatchAll filterType and finally explored Content-based routing using Action values and XPath Expressions. But lot to cover. In the next series of this article I'll cover some routing topics like protocol bridging, context-based routing, load balancing etc. Till then, happy coding.


  • 7th Jun, 2014 -- Article updated (Added a new entry for the fourth part of the series in 'All Posts' section)
  • 6th Jun, 2014 -- Article updated (added Features section)
  • 28th May, 2014 -- Article updated (Added a new entry for the third part of the series in 'All Posts' section)
  • 27th May, 2014 -- Article updated (updated the URL of the second part of the series in 'All Posts' section)
  • 24th May, 2014 -- Article updated
    • (updated the article's title)
    • (updated the entries of the 'All Posts' section)
  • 22nd May, 2014 -- Article updated (corrected typo mistakes)
  • 21th May, 2014 -- Article updated (updated the entries of the 'All Posts' section)
  • 20th May, 2014 -- Article updated (re-arranged the entries of the 'All Posts' section)
  • 19th May, 2014 -- Article updated
    • (Updated the table of contents section-- added an entry of the 'All Posts' section)
    • (Added the 'All Posts' section)
  • 14th May, 2014 -- Article updated (Added table of contents section)
  • 13th May, 2014 -- Original version posted


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Technical Lead Infogain India Pvt Ltd
India India

Samir NIGAM is a Microsoft Certified Professional. He is an insightful IT professional with results-driven comprehensive technical skill having rich, hands-on work experience n web-based applications using ASP.NET, C#, AJAX, Web Service, WCF, jQuery, Microsoft Enterprise Library , LINQ, MS Entity Framework, nHibernate, MS SQL Server & SSRS.

He has earned his master degree (MCA) from U.P. Technical University, Lucknow, INDIA, his post graduate dipoma (PGDCA ) from Institute of Engineering and Rural Technology, Allahabad, INDIA and his bachelor degree (BSc - Mathematics) from University of Allahabad, Allahabad, INDIA.

He has good knowledge of Object Oriented Programming, n-Tier Architecture, SOLID Principle, and Algorithm Analysis & Design as well as good command over cross-browser client side programming using JavaScript & jQuery,.


Comments and Discussions

QuestionCan I route to an endpoint on another machine? Pin
unrealsoul0071-May-17 19:12
professionalunrealsoul0071-May-17 19:12 
GeneralMy Vote 5 Pin
Amit Jadli5-Nov-15 17:24
professionalAmit Jadli5-Nov-15 17:24 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Humayun Kabir Mamun4-Nov-15 0:25
Humayun Kabir Mamun4-Nov-15 0:25 
Questionprotocol bridging for proprietary protocols Pin
Member 212667730-Sep-15 0:02
Member 212667730-Sep-15 0:02 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
D V L9-Sep-15 0:28
professionalD V L9-Sep-15 0:28 
QuestionNeeded Help Pin
jakss30-Nov-14 19:24
jakss30-Nov-14 19:24 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Şahin A.20-Sep-14 11:36
Şahin A.20-Sep-14 11:36 
QuestionRouting service performance?? Pin
Vasistan Shakkaravarthi11-Aug-14 20:04
Vasistan Shakkaravarthi11-Aug-14 20:04 
Questiongood article about routing in wcf Pin
Shabana Parveen12-Jun-14 20:42
professionalShabana Parveen12-Jun-14 20:42 
AnswerRe: good article about routing in wcf Pin
Samir NIGAM12-Jun-14 21:00
Samir NIGAM12-Jun-14 21:00 
GeneralRe: good article about routing in wcf Pin
Shabana Parveen11-Sep-14 1:48
professionalShabana Parveen11-Sep-14 1:48 
QuestionBest Article Forever......Keep Updating Good n Hot Topics... Pin
Rajeev Kr. Singh28-May-14 19:22
professionalRajeev Kr. Singh28-May-14 19:22 
AnswerRe: Best Article Forever......Keep Updating Good n Hot Topics... Pin
Samir NIGAM29-May-14 18:45
Samir NIGAM29-May-14 18:45 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Volynsky Alex24-May-14 10:13
professionalVolynsky Alex24-May-14 10:13 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Samir NIGAM24-May-14 20:34
Samir NIGAM24-May-14 20:34 
QuestionRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Volynsky Alex24-May-14 21:11
professionalVolynsky Alex24-May-14 21:11 
QuestionExcellent Article Pin
Vikas Misra(TCS)23-May-14 11:18
Vikas Misra(TCS)23-May-14 11:18 
AnswerRe: Excellent Article Pin
Samir NIGAM23-May-14 18:28
Samir NIGAM23-May-14 18:28 

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