This is a fully drawn GDI+ custom scrollbar control class. All of its drawing methods are overrideable allowing developers to paint it however they choose.
Well, let me start off by mentioning why I wrote this class. I wrote this class because I read somewhere that you could custom draw the Windows scrollbar in .NET. Well, from that article, I tried to capture the wndproc()
messages for custom drawing. But as I soon found out after tweaking the code several times over, Windows paints the scrollbar all over the place in different methods, making it impossible to custom draw due to flickering. I was so mad because I had spent so much time trying to make it work. So, I decided to start all over anew. I made my own custom control all from scratch.
All though very time consuming, I learned a lot of things about the Windows scrollbar class and how it works, from the links below:
Scrollbars seem to be one of those things Microsoft doesn't like to share with their source code. The articles above stated information about basic knowledge of how to use the scrollbars. They were lacking in depth information about how the scrollbars are calculated. Not only did they forget to explain how they are calculated, but they did not mention how to get size and location information from the thumb, shaft, buttons, etc. This information is not public information because Microsoft doesn't want you fooling around with it.
In my tutorial below, I will explain everything you want to know about scrollbars and more. Besides that, you will learn how to make a fully custom drawn control with event mapping.
Part 1 - Drawing your Fake Controls
Let's jump right into it. To make a custom control, you start off by inheriting the System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
class. This class holds all the basic properties for your control. It's kinda like a basic starter template control for all you newbies out there. :) I started off building my control making the fun stuff first, the graphic design of it all!
There are two ways to design a custom control. One way is by using other pre-built MS controls to make a Composite control. This is a very effective way to get the job done fast. Although it is very fast to create, it may be very slow on load time, and eats up a lot of resources. Besides that, there are many things to the engine that can go wrong considering you are using other controls. You also cannot fix errors in pre-built controls, and you are limited to their design and functionality.
The second way is design by custom draw. This type of design takes forever, hehe. Although, the benefits are outstanding. To custom draw in .NET, you must import the System.Drawing
classes. These classes give you full drawing capabilities inside your control. Custom drawing is called GDI+ in .NET. You can draw everything from circles, rectangles, fonts, lines, etc.
For my scrollbar class, I decided to pick the second way of design by drawing everything. My first method Draw()
starts off by defining my sizes and locations of where I want everything to be. Keep in mind that none of the drawings are really controls. You have to keep track of all of their information like height, width, top, left and name. To do this, the best way is to create a class that stores all of the information and makes an array out of it. Below is the simple way to make this type class:
Public Class ControlInfo
#Region "Private Variables"
Private P_X As Integer
Private P_Y As Integer
Private P_H As Integer
Private P_W As Integer
Private P_Name As String
Private P_X2 As Integer
Private P_Y2 As Integer
#End Region
Public Property X() As Integer
Return P_X
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
P_X = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Y() As Integer
Return P_Y
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
P_Y = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property H() As Integer
Return P_H
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
P_H = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property W() As Integer
Return P_W
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
P_W = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Name() As String
Return P_Name
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
P_Name = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property X2() As Integer
Return P_X2
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
P_X2 = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Property Y2() As Integer
Return P_Y2
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
P_Y2 = Value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub New()
P_X = 0
P_Y = 0
P_H = 0
P_W = 0
P_Name = ""
P_X2 = 0
P_Y2 = 0
End Sub
End Class
This class stores all the information for the fake controls. To declare an array of it, to use in our main scrollbar class, is very simple.
Private Info(0) As ControlInfo
As you can see, it's declared to the size of zero. This is because my Draw()
method defines it with the proper size and values. Let's get into the actual draw method now.
Private Sub Draw()
Me.Value = 0
ReDim Info(5)
Info(0) = New ControlInfo
Info(1) = New ControlInfo
Info(2) = New ControlInfo
Info(3) = New ControlInfo
Info(4) = New ControlInfo
Info(5) = New ControlInfo
PageUp = New Timer
PageDown = New Timer
Dim x, y, h, w As Integer
PageUp.Enabled = False
PageUp.Interval = 500
PageDown.Enabled = False
PageDown.Interval = 500
x = 0 : y = 0 : h = 0 : w = 0
Info(0).X = x : Info(0).Y = y : Info(0).H = h : _
Info(0).W = w : Info(0).X2 = (x + w) : _
Info(0).Y2 = (y + h) : Info(0).Name = "ALL"
Dim Thumbht As Integer = Get_Thumb_Height()
x = 0 : y = 17 : h = Thumbht : w = Me.Width
Info(1).X = x : Info(1).Y = y : Info(1).H = h : _
Info(1).W = w : Info(1).X2 = (x + w) : _
Info(1).Y2 = (y + h) : Info(1).Name = "Thumb"
Draw_Thumb(x, y, w, h, ControlEvents.None)
x = 0 : y = 17 : h = 0 : w = Me.Width
Info(2).X = x : Info(2).Y = y : Info(2).H = h : _
Info(2).W = w : Info(2).X2 = (x + w) : _
Info(2).Y2 = (y + h) : Info(2).Name = "Shaft Above"
Draw_Shaft_Above(x, y, w, h, ControlEvents.None)
If Thumbht > 0 Then Thumbht += 1
x = 0 : y = 17 + Thumbht : _
h = Me.Height - 34 - Thumbht : w = Me.Width
Info(3).X = x : Info(3).Y = y : Info(3).H = h : _
Info(3).W = w : Info(3).X2 = (x + w) : _
Info(3).Y2 = (y + h) : Info(3).Name = "Shaft Below"
Draw_Shaft_Below(x, y, w, h, ControlEvents.None)
x = 0 : y = Me.Height - 17 : h = 16 : w = Me.Width
Info(4).X = x : Info(4).Y = y : Info(4).H = h : _
Info(4).W = w : Info(4).X2 = (x + w) : _
Info(4).Y2 = (y + h) : Info(4).Name = "Arrow Down"
Draw_Arrow_Down(x, y, w, h, ControlEvents.None)
x = 0 : y = 0 : h = 16 : w = Me.Width
Info(5).X = x : Info(5).Y = y : Info(5).H = h : _
Info(5).W = w : Info(5).X2 = (x + w) : _
Info(5).Y2 = (y + h) : Info(5).Name = "Arrow Up"
Draw_Arrow_Up(x, y, w, h, ControlEvents.None)
End Sub
The method above is very simple. We first re-declare the array sizes. We then start making our fake controls.
- Main User Control
- Thumb Control
- Shaft Control Above Thumb
- Shaft Control Below Thumb
- Scroll Arrow Button Up
- Scroll Arrow Button Down
We then set all of our fake properties, storing them in our controlinfo
class. Last but not least, each fake control has its own drawing method. All of these drawing methods are overrideable, allowing for easy custom draw. They also do not leave you in the dark, because they pass several parameters to you. These parameters consist of location, size, and event type. Let's take a look at what one of the drawing methods looks like. This drawing method is Draw_Arrow_Up()
. It draws the scroll arrow button up.
Public Overridable Sub Draw_Arrow_Up(ByVal X As Integer, _
ByVal Y As Integer, ByVal W As Integer, ByVal H As Integer, _
ByVal EventOf As ControlEvents)
Dim g As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics
g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None
Select Case EventOf
Case ControlEvents.None
g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.White), _
New Rectangle(X, Y, W, H))
g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.Gray), New Rectangle(X, Y, W - 1, H))
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.LightBlue), 3, 2 + Y, W - 4, 2 + Y)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.LightBlue), 2, Y + 3, 2, H + Y - 3)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.LightBlue), 3, Y + H - 2, W - 4, Y + H - 2)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.LightBlue), W - 3, Y + 3, W - 3, H + Y - 3)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) - 1, (H \ 2) - 2, _
(W \ 2) + 1, (H \ 2) - 2)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) - 2, (H \ 2) - 1, _
(W \ 2) + 2, (H \ 2) - 1)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) - 3, (H \ 2), _
(W \ 2) - 1, (H \ 2))
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) + 1, (H \ 2), _
(W \ 2) + 3, (H \ 2))
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) + 2, (H \ 2) + 1, _
(W \ 2) + 4, (H \ 2) + 1)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) - 4, (H \ 2) + 1, _
(W \ 2) - 2, (H \ 2) + 1)
Info(5).X = X : Info(5).Y = Y : Info(5).H = H : Info(5).W = W : _
Info(5).X2 = (X + W) : Info(5).Y2 = (Y + H) : _
Info(5).Name = "Arrow Up"
Case ControlEvents.OnMouseDown
g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.LightBlue), _
New Rectangle(X, Y, W, H))
g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.Gray), New Rectangle(X, Y, W - 1, H))
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue), 3, 2 + Y, W - 4, 2 + Y)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue), 2, Y + 3, 2, H + Y - 3)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue), 3, Y + H - 2, W - 4, Y + H - 2)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue), W - 3, Y + 3, W - 3, H + Y - 3)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) - 1, (H \ 2) - 2, _
(W \ 2) + 1, (H \ 2) - 2)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) - 2, (H \ 2) - 1, _
(W \ 2) + 2, (H \ 2) - 1)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) - 3, (H \ 2), _
(W \ 2) - 1, (H \ 2))
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) + 1, (H \ 2), _
(W \ 2) + 3, (H \ 2))
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) + 2, (H \ 2) + 1, _
(W \ 2) + 4, (H \ 2) + 1)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) - 4, (H \ 2) + 1, _
(W \ 2) - 2, (H \ 2) + 1)
Info(5).X = X : Info(5).Y = Y : Info(5).H = H : Info(5).W = W : _
Info(5).X2 = (X + W) : Info(5).Y2 = (Y + H) : _
Info(5).Name = "Arrow Up"
Case ControlEvents.OnMouseMove
g.FillRectangle(New SolidBrush(Color.White), _
New Rectangle(X, Y, W, H))
g.DrawRectangle(New Pen(Color.Gray), New Rectangle(X, Y, W - 1, H))
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue), 3, 2 + Y, W - 4, 2 + Y)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue), 2, Y + 3, 2, H + Y - 3)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue), 3, Y + H - 2, W - 4, Y + H - 2)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Blue), W - 3, Y + 3, W - 3, H + Y - 3)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) - 1, (H \ 2) - 2, _
(W \ 2) + 1, (H \ 2) - 2)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) - 2, (H \ 2) - 1, _
(W \ 2) + 2, (H \ 2) - 1)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) - 3, (H \ 2), _
(W \ 2) - 1, (H \ 2))
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) + 1, (H \ 2), _
(W \ 2) + 3, (H \ 2))
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) + 2, (H \ 2) + 1, _
(W \ 2) + 4, (H \ 2) + 1)
g.DrawLine(New Pen(Color.Black), (W \ 2) - 4, (H \ 2) + 1, _
(W \ 2) - 2, (H \ 2) + 1)
Info(5).X = X : Info(5).Y = Y : Info(5).H = H : Info(5).W = W : _
Info(5).X2 = (X + W) : Info(5).Y2 = (Y + H) : Info(5).Name = "Arrow Up"
End Select
End Sub
For all you people not familiar with drawing with GDI+, I start off by creating a variable to hold my graphics that I am going to paint. I set its smoothingmode
to none
to get a crisp look. There are many other modes in that enumeration to choose from, like highquality
, which will try to blend your graphics. Next, I use a Case
statement to figure out which event has occurred, so I can paint my graphics to that event. I use some basic GDI+ drawing methods like FillRectangle
which makes solid rectangles, DrawRectangle
which makes outlines of rectangles, and DrawLine
which makes lines from one point to another. I then finish off by setting all of the fake properties in my controlinfo
class once again. You may ask why twice? Well, that's how we can use this method more than once, from more than one place. The rest of the fake control drawing methods are very similar. They are easy to override if you want to make scrollbars that look fancy, or like XP style, or whatever you choose, it's up to you.
Part 2 - Making Fake Events for Your Fake Controls
How to make fake events? Well, to start out, the inherited usercontrol
class lets you override its main events. This will give you a starting point. Knowing what events occurred is half the battle, the hard part is figuring out where the event occurred in relation to the location of your fake control. Since you have stored your fake control properties in your controlinfo
class, figuring out if the event happened over your fake control is easy. Below are two methods to show you how this is done:
Private Function CursorPOS() As Integer
Dim CursorLocation As Point = Me.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)
If UBound(Info) = 0 Then Return 0 : Exit Function
Dim i As Integer = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(Info)
If CursorLocation.X >= Info(i).X And CursorLocation.X < _
Info(i).X2 And CursorLocation.Y >= Info(i).Y And _
CursorLocation.Y <= Info(i).Y2 Then
Return i
Exit Function
End If
Return 0
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(ByVal e As _
If ThumbMoving = True Then ThumbMover() : Exit Sub
If MouseDownNow = True Then Exit Sub
Dim CheckValue As Integer = CursorPOS()
If CheckValue = CurrentMouseMove Then
Exit Sub
Select Case CurrentMouseMove
Case 1 : Draw_Thumb(Info(1).X, Info(1).Y, Info(1).W, Info(1).H, _
Case 4 : Draw_Arrow_Down(Info(4).X, Info(4).Y, Info(4).W, _
Info(4).H, ControlEvents.None)
Case 5 : Draw_Arrow_Up(Info(5).X, Info(5).Y, Info(5).W, _
Info(5).H, ControlEvents.None)
End Select
CurrentMouseMove = CheckValue
Select Case CheckValue
Case 1 : Draw_Thumb(Info(CheckValue).X, Info(CheckValue).Y, _
Info(CheckValue).W, Info(CheckValue).H, ControlEvents.OnMouseMove)
Case 4 : Draw_Arrow_Down(Info(CheckValue).X, Info(CheckValue).Y, _
Info(CheckValue).W, Info(CheckValue).H, ControlEvents.OnMouseMove)
Case 5 : Draw_Arrow_Up(Info(CheckValue).X, Info(CheckValue).Y, _
Info(CheckValue).W, Info(CheckValue).H, ControlEvents.OnMouseMove)
End Select
End If
End Sub
The first method CursorPOS()
checks to see what fake control the event occurred over. It then returns its array ID. With the ID, you can then draw the new control and set its new properties. The second method OnMouseMove()
does this. It finds out if the mouse moved over the fake control, then calls its drawing method to repaint it, which can be a nice looking highlight effect for mouseover like below:

In this example, the thumb is highlighted from the mouseover.
Part 3 - Sizing Fake Scrollbar Controls
This section is the part that Microsoft doesn't want to give away their secrets. They are the calculating methods for sizing the thumb and scrolling range. To calculate the thumb size is very simple.
Private Function Get_Thumb_Height() As Integer
If Me.Maximum = 0 Or LargeChange = 0 Then Return 0 : Exit Function
Dim ThumbHt As Integer = (Me.Height - 35) / (Me.Maximum / Me.LargeChange)
Select Case ThumbHt
Case Is < 10
Return 10
Case Else
Return ThumbHt
End Select
End Function
First, we check to make sure properties are set by user in designmode. Then we calculate the thumb height. The equation is below:
- ThumbHeight = ShaftHeight / (Maximum / LargeChange)
Easy you say? Yes, seems easy enough. We then need to check to see how big the thumb is. If the thumb is smaller than 10 in height, we wouldn't be able to click on it, so we make sure it is a minimum height of 10. If it is greater than 10, we return it as is.
Below is an example of the control resizing:

As you can see, depending upon the maximum property value, the thumb height changes. The next calculation is the thumb sliding up and down the shaft. LOL Only if "beavis and butthead were here". The method is ThumbMover()
Private Sub ThumbMover()
Dim e As Point = Me.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)
Dim NewPOS As Integer = e.Y + Info(1).Y - MeterY
If NewPOS <= 18 Then
If Info(1).Y <> 17 Then
Draw_Thumb(0, 17, Me.Width, Info(1).H, ControlEvents.OnMouseDown)
Draw_Shaft_Above(0, 0, Me.Width, 0, ControlEvents.None)
Draw_Shaft_Below(0, Info(1).H + 18, Me.Width, Me.Height - 18 - _
17 - Info(1).H, ControlEvents.None)
Me.Value = Me.Minimum
RaiseEvent Scroll()
End If
Exit Sub
End If
If NewPOS >= Me.Height - Info(1).H - 19 Then
If Info(1).Y <> Me.Height - Info(1).H - 18 Then
Draw_Thumb(Info(1).X, Me.Height - Info(1).H - 18, Info(1).W, _
Info(1).H, ControlEvents.OnMouseDown)
Draw_Shaft_Above(0, 17, Me.Width, Info(1).Y - 17, _
Draw_Shaft_Below(0, 0, Me.Width, 0, ControlEvents.None)
Me.Value = Me.Maximum
RaiseEvent Scroll()
End If
Exit Sub
End If
Draw_Thumb(Info(1).X, NewPOS, Info(1).W, Info(1).H, _
Draw_Shaft_Above(0, 17, Me.Width, Info(1).Y - 17, _
Draw_Shaft_Below(0, NewPOS + Info(1).H + 1, Me.Width, _
Me.Height - 18 - NewPOS - Info(1).H, ControlEvents.None)
MeterY = e.Y
Dim ScrollingArea As Integer = Me.Height - 34 - Info(1).H
Me.Value = (Me.Maximum / ScrollingArea) * ((Info(1).Y - 17) - 1)
RaiseEvent Scroll()
End Sub
Well, let me break it down for you. First, we get the cursor position. Then we calculate the new position with this equation:
- NewPosition = CurrentCursorPosition + ThumbTop - OldCursorPosition
This will give us a new position for a moveable thumb. We then check to make sure the thumb is within the shaft. If it is out of range, we correct it. If it is in range, we then start the moving process. OK, now to get in depth on the secrets of the Windows scrollbar. To keep the scrollbar from flickering, we do not paint under the thumb. The shaft is in two pieces. The top shaft and bottom shaft. We draw from the top shaft to the thumb top, then we draw the bottom thumb to the bottom shaft. This reduces the drawing flicker to almost nothing. The next equation calculates the new control value.
The equation is:
- Value = (Maximum / FullShaftSize) * ThumbTop
Seems simple enough! Then, last but not least, we raise a scroll event.
Part 4 - Scrolling Thumb based On Arrow Button Events
OK, we start off this section describing how Microsoft makes its arrow buttons work. How it clicks once and moves the thumb one position down, but if you continue holding the arrow button, it speeds up thumb moving. To create this effect, I use a timer control. Of course, how can you live in a world without time?
Private Sub Move_ThumbDown()
Dim NewPos As Integer
If Me.Value < Me.Maximum Then
If Me.Value + Me.SmallChange > Me.Maximum Then
Me.Value = Me.Maximum
Me.Value += Me.SmallChange
End If
If Me.Value = Me.Maximum Then
NewPos = Info(4).Y - Info(1).H - 1
Draw_Thumb(Info(1).X, NewPos, Info(1).W, Info(1).H, _
Draw_Shaft_Above(0, 17, Me.Width, Info(1).Y - 17, _
Draw_Shaft_Below(0, NewPos + Info(1).H + 1, Me.Width, _
(Me.Height - 18) - (Info(1).Y + Info(1).H), ControlEvents.None)
NewPos = ((Me.Value) / (Me.Maximum)) * _
(Info(4).Y - Info(1).H - 17) + 17
Draw_Thumb(Info(1).X, NewPos, Info(1).W, Info(1).H, _
Draw_Shaft_Above(0, 17, Me.Width, Info(1).Y - 17, _
Draw_Shaft_Below(0, NewPos + Info(1).H + 1, Me.Width, _
(Me.Height - 18) - (Info(1).Y + Info(1).H), _
End If
RaiseEvent Scroll()
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PageDown_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PageDown.Tick
If ShaftMovingDown = True Then
End If
PageDown.Interval = 50
End Sub
The PageDown
timer property (enabled) is set to True
. It then calls the Move_ThumbDown()
method. This creates a one click move for the thumb. The timer then increases its speed which, if the mouse is still down, increases the speed of the thumb movement.

Part 5 - Scrolling Thumb based on Shaft MouseDown Events
You have just seen in the previous section how to move the thumb by arrow buttons. Now, I am going to teach you how to move thumb with largechange, by clicking on the shaft. The following method creates this in combination with the previous timer method:
Private Sub Move_ShaftDown()
Dim NewPos As Integer
If Me.Value < Me.Maximum Then
If Me.Value + Me.LargeChange > Me.Maximum Then
Me.Value = Me.Maximum
Me.Value += Me.LargeChange
End If
If Me.Value = Me.Maximum Then
NewPos = Info(4).Y - Info(1).H - 1
Draw_Thumb(Info(1).X, NewPos, Info(1).W, Info(1).H, _
Draw_Shaft_Above(0, 17, Me.Width, Info(1).Y - 17, _
Draw_Shaft_Below(0, NewPos + Info(1).H + 1, Me.Width, _
(Me.Height - 18) - (Info(1).Y + Info(1).H), _
NewPos = ((Me.Value) / (Me.Maximum)) * _
(Info(4).Y - Info(1).H - 17) + 17
Draw_Thumb(Info(1).X, NewPos, Info(1).W, Info(1).H, _
Draw_Shaft_Above(0, 17, Me.Width, Info(1).Y - 17, _
Draw_Shaft_Below(0, NewPos + Info(1).H + 1, Me.Width, _
(Me.Height - 18) - (Info(1).Y + Info(1).H), _
End If
RaiseEvent Scroll()
End If
End Sub
The code above starts out by checking to see if the value is below the maximum. If it is, it then highlights the shaft and moves the thumb. It only highlights the shaft half that was clicked on.
The below example shows this:

Part 6 - Scrolling Based on Key and Wheel Events
The methods below show how to capture the arrow and page keyboard keys, as well as the mouse wheel. To capture the keyboard keys, I use the ProcessDialogKey()
method. To capture the mouse wheel, I use the onMouseWheel()
Protected Overrides Function ProcessDialogKey(ByVal keyData _
As System.Windows.Forms.Keys) As Boolean
Select Case keyData
Case Keys.Up, Keys.PageUp
If PageUp.Enabled = False Then
Draw_Arrow_Up(Info(5).X, Info(5).Y, Info(5).W, Info(5).H, _
PageUp.Enabled = True
End If
Case Keys.Down, Keys.PageDown
If PageDown.Enabled = False Then
Draw_Arrow_Down(Info(4).X, Info(4).Y, Info(4).W, Info(4).H, _
PageDown.Enabled = True
End If
End Select
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseWheel(ByVal e As _
If e.Delta > 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Well, this concludes my tutorial on scrollbars. I hope you all enjoyed how long it was. ;) If anyone needs any help with understanding this article, don't forget to write.
Also one more thing, I am in the process of making the orientation of the scrollbar. So, currently you can only vertical scroll. Sorry! I am also making custom drawing presets for XP style, 3D style, flat style, and futuristic style.
"Devon Developers!" VectorX.
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