Session variables are used in our web applications quite often. Some of the variables are maintained for the whole session so that we can use them in different places to perform application’s logic. But while getting some values, errors happen just because of a small silly spelling mistake and application blows up. We can somehow overcome most of the common session variables spelling mistake problems by using static
classes. Because in this way, you don’t need to spell each time you access.
In this post, I created a static
class in Web/UI layer and created properties for all those common session variables used by our application. So in this way, you can set or get your session variables just using this class. It also serves you to organize your session variables in your project.
As it is only a class, I captured it in an image, but if you need the source code, it can be provided.
internal static class BlogSessionVariables
public static string UserIdentifier
get { return (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserIdentification"] != null ?
Convert.ToString(HttpContext.Current.Session["UserIdentification"]) : string.Empty); }
set { HttpContext.Current.Session["UserIdentification"] = value; }
public static List<dynamic> Articles
get { return (HttpContext.Current.Session["Articles"] != null ?
(List<dynamic>)HttpContext.Current.Session["Articles"] : null); }
set { HttpContext.Current.Session["Articles"] = value; }
Click the image to enlarge so you can view the whole class and test functions.
