Thanks to my readers for their tremendous support which has motivated me to continue this OOP series further.
We have already covered almost all the aspects of Inheritance and Polymorphism in C#. My article will highlight almost all the aspects/scenarios of access modifiers in C#. We’ll learn by doing hands on lab and not only by theory. We’ll cover my favourite topic Constants in a very different manner by categorizing the sections in the form of “Labs”. My effort in this article will be to cover each and every concept of the related topic, so that at the end of the article, we can confidently say that we know “All about access modifiers in C#”. Just dive into OOP.

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I expect that readers of this article should have very basic knowledge of C#. The reader should only know the definition of access modifiers. Last but not the least, as always, I wish that my readers should enjoy reading this article.
Let’s recall our road map:

- Diving in OOP (Day 1): Polymorphism and Inheritance (Early Binding/Compile Time Polymorphism)
- Diving in OOP (Day 2): Polymorphism and Inheritance (Inheritance)
- Diving in OOP (Day 3): Polymorphism and Inheritance (Dynamic Binding/Run Time Polymorphism)
- Diving in OOP (Day 4): Polymorphism and Inheritance (All about Abstract classes in C#)
- Diving in OOP (Day 5): All about access modifiers in C# (Public/Private/Protected/Internal/Sealed/Constants/Readonly Fields)
- Diving in OOP (Day 6): Understanding Enum in C# (A Practical Approach)
- Diving into OOP (Day 7): Properties in C# (A Practical Approach)
- Diving into OOP (Day 8): Indexers in C# (A Practical Approach)
- Diving inti OOP (Day 9): Understanding Events in C# (An Insight)
- Learning C# (Day 10): Delegates in C# (A Practical Approach)
- Learning C# (Day 11): Events in C# (A Practical Approach)
Access Modifiers
Let us take the definition from Wikipedia this time:
“Access modifiers (or access specifiers) are keywords in object-oriented languages that set the accessibility of classes, methods, and other members. Access modifiers are a specific part of programming language syntax used to facilitate the encapsulation of components.”
Like the definition says, we can control the accessibility of our class methods and members through access modifiers, let us understand this in detail by taking every access modifier one by one.
Public, Private, Protected at Class Level
Whenever we create a class, we always want to have the scope to decide who can access certain members of the class. In other words, we would sometimes need to restrict access to the class members. The one thumb rule is that members of a class can freely access each other. A method in one class can always access another method of the same class without any restrictions. When we talk about the default behavior, the same class is allowed complete access but no else is provided access to the members of the class. The default access modifier is private
for class members.
Point to remember: The default access modifier is private
for class members.
Let’s do some hands on lab. Just open your Visual Studio and add a console application in C# named AccessModifiers
. You’ll get a Program.cs class file by default. In the same file, add a new class named Modifiers
and add the following code to it:
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
class Modifiers
static void AAA()
Console.WriteLine("Modifiers AAA");
public static void BBB()
Console.WriteLine("Modifiers BBB");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
So, your Program.cs file becomes like shown in the above code snippet. We added a class Modifiers
and two static
methods AAA
and BBB
. Method BBB
is marked as public
. We call the method BBB
from Main
method.The method is called directly by the class name because it is marked static
When we run the application, we get the output as follows:
Modifiers BBB
Modifiers AAA
is marked public
and so anyone is allowed to call and run it. Method AAA
is not marked with any access modifier which automatically makes it private
, that is the default. The private
modifier has no effect on members of the same class and so method BBB
is allowed to call method AAA
. Now this concept is called member access.
Modify the Program
class and try to access AAA
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
'AccessModifiers.Modifiers.AAA()' is inaccessible due to its protection level
So , since method AAA
is private
, therefore no one else can have access to it except Modifiers
Note: Each and every code snippet written in this article is tried and tested.
Now mark the AAA
method as protected, our class looks like:
class Modifiers
protected static void AAA()
Console.WriteLine("Modifiers AAA");
public static void BBB()
Console.WriteLine("Modifiers BBB");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
'AccessModifiers.Modifiers.AAA()' is inaccessible due to its protection level
Again the same output. We cannot access the method AAA
even after we introduced a new modifier named protected
. But BBB
can access AAA
method because it lies in the same class.
Modifiers in Inheritance
Let’s add one more class and make a relation of base and derived class to our existing class and add one more method to our base class. So our class structure will look something like this:
Modifiers Base Class
class ModifiersBase
static void AAA()
Console.WriteLine("ModifiersBase AAA");
public static void BBB()
Console.WriteLine("ModifiersBase BBB");
protected static void CCC()
Console.WriteLine("ModifiersBase CCC");
Modifiers Derive Class
class ModifiersDerived:ModifiersBase
public static void XXX()
Program Class
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
'AccessModifiers.ModifiersBase.AAA()' is inaccessible due to its protection level
Now in this case, we are dealing with derived class. Whenever we mark a method with the specifier, protected
, we are actually telling C# that only derived classes can access that method and no one else can. Therefore in method XXX, we can call CCC because it is marked protected
, but it cannot be called from anywhere else including Main
function. The method AAA
is made private
and can be called only from the class ModifiersBase
. If we remove AAA
from method XXX
, the compiler will give no error.
Therefore, now we are aware of three important concepts. Private
means only the same class has access to the members, public
means everybody has access and protected
lies in between where only derived classes have access to the base class method.
All the methods for example reside in a class. The accessibility of that method is decided by the class in which it resides as well as the modifiers on the method. If we are allowed an access to a member, then we say that the member is accessible, else it is inaccessible.
Internal Modifier at Class Level
Let’s take one another scenario. Create a class library with a name “AccessModifiersLibrary
” in your Visual Studio. Add a class named ClassA
in that class library and mark the class as internal
, the code will be as shown below:
namespace AccessModifiersLibrary
internal class ClassA
Now compile the class, and leave it. Its DLL will be generated in ~\AccessModifiersLibrary\bin\Debug folder.
Now in your console application, “AccessModifiers
” i.e. created earlier. Add the reference of AccessModifiersLibrary
library by adding its compiled DLL as a reference to AccessModifiers
In Program.cs of AccessModifiers
console application, modify the Program
class like shown below:
using AccessModifiersLibrary;
namespace AccessModifiers
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ClassA classA;
And compile the code.
Compile time error: 'AccessModifiersLibrary.ClassA' is inaccessible due to its protection level
We encountered this error because the access specifier internal
means that we can only access ClassA
from AccessModifiersLibrary.dll and not from any other file or code. Internal
modifier means that access is limited to current program only. So try never to create a component and mark the class internal
as no one would be able to use it.
And what if we remove the field internal
from ClassA
, will the code compile? i.e.,
namespace AccessModifiersLibrary
class ClassA
using AccessModifiersLibrary;
namespace AccessModifiers
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ClassA classA;
Compile time error: 'AccessModifiersLibrary.ClassA' is inaccessible due to its protection level
We again got the same error. We should not forget that by default if no modifier is specified, the class is internal
. So our class ClassA
is internal
by default even if we do not mark it with any access modifier, so the compiler results remain the same.
Had the class ClassA
been marked public
, everything would have gone smooth without any error.
Point to remember: A class marked as internal
can only be have its access limited to the current assembly only.
Namespaces with Modifiers
Let’s for fun, mark a namespace of AccessModifiers
class library as public
in Program
public namespace AccessModifiers
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Compile the application.
Compile time error: A namespace declaration cannot have modifiers or attributes
Point to remember: Namespaces as we see by default can have no accessibility specifiers at all. They are by default public
and we cannot add any other access modifier including public
again too.
Private Class
Let’s do one more experiment and mark the class Program
as private
, so our code becomes:
namespace AccessModifiers
private class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Compile the code.
Compile time error: Elements defined in a namespace cannot be explicitly declared as private, protected, or protected internal
Point to remember: A class can only be public
or internal
. It cannot be marked as protected
or private
. The default is internal
for the class.
Access modifiers for the members of the class:
Now here is a big statement, that the members of a class can have all the above explained access modifiers, but default modifier is private
Point to remember: Members of a class can be marked with all the access modifiers, and the default access modifier is private
What if we want to mark a method with two access modifiers?
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
public private void Method1()
Compile the code.
Compile time error: More than one protection modifier
Therefore, we can’t mark a member with more than one access modifier often. But there are such scenarios too, we’ll cover them in next sections. Already defined types like int
and object
have no accessibility restrictions. They can be used anywhere and everywhere.
Internal Class and Public Method
Create a class library with a class named ClassA
marked internal
and have a public
method MethodClassA()
, as:
namespace AccessModifiersLibrary
internal class ClassA
public void MethodClassA(){}
Add the reference of class library to our console application. Now in Program.cs of console application, try to access that method MethodClassA
of ClassA
using AccessModifiersLibrary;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
ClassA classA = new ClassA();
Compile time errors:
'AccessModifiersLibrary.ClassA' is inaccessible due to its protection level
The type 'AccessModifiersLibrary.ClassA' has no constructors defined
'AccessModifiersLibrary.ClassA' is inaccessible due to its protection level
'AccessModifiersLibrary.ClassA' does not contain a definition for 'MethodClassA' and
no extension method 'MethodClassA' accepting a first argument of type 'AccessModifiersLibrary.ClassA'
could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
So many errors. The errors are self explanatory though. Even the method MethodClassA
of ClassA
is public
, it could not be accessed in Program
class due to protection level of ClassA
, i.e. internal
. The type enclosing the method MethodClassA
is internal
, so no matter if the method is marked public
, we cannot access it in any other assembly.
Public Class and Private Method
Let’s make the class ClassA
as public
and method as private
namespace AccessModifiersLibrary
public class ClassA
private void MethodClassA(){}
using AccessModifiersLibrary;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
ClassA classA = new ClassA();
Output on compilation
'AccessModifiersLibrary.ClassA' does not contain a definition
for 'MethodClassA' and no extension method 'MethodClassA' accepting a first argument
of type 'AccessModifiersLibrary.ClassA' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Now we marked our class Public
, still can’t access the private
method. So for accessing a member of the class, the access modifier of class as well as method is very important.
Note: Each and every code snippet written in this article is tried and tested.
Public Class and Internal Method
Make ClassA
as public
and MethodClassA
as internal
namespace AccessModifiersLibrary
public class ClassA
Internal void MethodClassA(){}
using AccessModifiersLibrary;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
ClassA classA = new ClassA();
Output on compilation
'AccessModifiersLibrary.ClassA' does not contain a definition for 'MethodClassA' and no extension
method 'MethodClassA' accepting a first argument of type 'AccessModifiersLibrary.ClassA' could be
found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
So an internal
marked member means that no one from outside that DLL can access the member.
Protected Internal
In the class library, make three classes ClassA
, ClassB
and ClassC
, and place the code somewhat like this:
namespace AccessModifiersLibrary
public class ClassA
protected internal void MethodClassA()
public class ClassB:ClassA
protected internal void MethodClassB()
public class ClassC
public void MethodClassC()
ClassA classA=new ClassA();
And in Program
class in our console application, call the MethodClassC
of ClassC
using AccessModifiersLibrary;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
ClassC classC=new ClassC();
Compiler output
The code successfully compiles with no error.
Protected internal
modifier indicates two things, that either the derived class or the class in the same file can have access to that method, therefore in the above mentioned scenario, the derived class ClassB
and the class in the same file, i.e., ClassC
can access that method of ClassA
marked as protected internal
Point to remember: Protected internal
means that the derived class and the class within the same source code file can have access.
Protected Member
In our Program.cs in console application, place the following code:
namespace AccessModifiers
class AAA
protected int a;
void MethodAAA(AAA aaa,BBB bbb)
aaa.a = 100;
bbb.a = 200;
class BBB:AAA
void MethodBBB(AAA aaa, BBB bbb)
aaa.a = 100;
bbb.a = 200;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Compiler Output
Cannot access protected member 'AccessModifiers.AAA.a' via a qualifier of type 'AccessModifiers.AAA';
the qualifier must be of type 'AccessModifiers.BBB' (or derived from it)
Class AAA
is containing a protected
member, i.e., a
. But to the same class, no modifiers make sense. However as a
is protected
, in the derived class method MethodBBB
, we cannot access it through AAA
as aaa.a
gives us an error. However bbb
which looks like BBB
does not give an error. To check this out, comment out the line aaa.a=100
in MethodBBB ()
. This means that we cannot access the protected
members from an object of the base class, but from the objects of derived class only. This is in spite of the fact that a
is a member of AAA
i.e. the base class. Even so, we still cannot access it. Also we cannot access a
from the method Main
Accessibility Priority in Inheritance
namespace AccessModifiers
class AAA
public class BBB:AAA
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Compiler Output
Compile time error: Inconsistent accessibility: base class 'AccessModifiers.AAA' is less accessible than class 'AccessModifiers.BBB'
The error again gives us one more point to remember.
Point to remember: In between public
and internal
, public
always allows greater access to its members.
The class AAA
is by default marked internal
and BBB
that derives from AAA
is made public
explicitly. We got an error as the derived class BBB
has to have an access modifier which allows greater access than the base class access modifier. Here internal
seems to be more restrictive than public
But if we reverse the modifiers to both the classes i.e. ClassA
marked as public
and ClassB internal
or default, we get rid of the error.
Point to remember: The base class always allows more accessibility than the derived class.
Another scenario:
namespace AccessModifiers
class AAA
public class BBB
public AAA MethodB()
AAA aaa= new AAA();
return aaa;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Compiler output
Inconsistent accessibility: return type 'AccessModifiers.AAA' is less accessible than method 'AccessModifiers.BBB.MethodB()'
Here the accessibility of AAA
is internal
which is more restrictive than public
. The accessibility of method MethodB
is public
which is more than that of the typeAAA
. Now the error occurred because return values of a method must have greater accessibility than that of the method itself, which is not true in this case.
Point to remember: The return values of a method must have greater accessibility than that of the method itself.
namespace AccessModifiers
class AAA
public class BBB
public AAA aaa;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Compiler Output
Inconsistent accessibility: field type 'AccessModifiers.AAA' is less accessible than field ''

Image credit:
Now rules are the same for everyone. The class AAA
or data type aaa
is internal
. aaa
field is public
which makes it more accessible than AAA
which is internal
. So we got the error.
Change the code to:
namespace AccessModifiers
class AAA
public class BBB
AAA a;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
The output compilation results in no error.
We learnt a lot about these access modifiers like public
, private
, protected
, internal
, protected internal
. We also learnt about their priority of access and usage, let’s summarize their details in a tabular format for revision. Later, we’ll move to other types as well.
Tables taken from MSDN:
Declared accessibility | Meaning |
public | Access is not restricted. |
protected | Access is limited to the containing class or types derived from the containing class. |
internal | Access is limited to the current assembly. |
protected internal | Access is limited to the current assembly or types derived from the containing class. |
private | Access is limited to the containing type. |
“Only one access modifier is allowed for a member or type, except when you use the protected internal
Access modifiers are not allowed on namespaces. Namespaces have no access restrictions.
Depending on the context in which a member declaration occurs, only certain declared accessibilities are permitted. If no access modifier is specified in a member declaration, a default accessibility is used.
Top-level types, which are not nested in other types, can only have internal
or public
accessibility. The default accessibility for these types is internal
Nested types, which are members of other types, can have declared accessibilities as indicated in the following table.”
Members of | Default member accessibility | Allowed declared accessibility of the member |
enum | Public | None |
class | Private | public
protected internal |
interface | Public | None |
struct | Private | public
private |
Sealed Classes
” is a special class of access modifier in C#. If a class is marked as sealed
, no other class can derive from that sealed
class. In other words, a class marked as sealed
can’t act as a base class to any other class.
namespace AccessModifiers
sealed class AAA
class BBB:AAA
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Compiler Output
'AccessModifiers.BBB': cannot derive from sealed type 'AccessModifiers.AAA'
Hence proved.
Point to remember: A class marked sealed
can’t act as a base class to any other class.

Image credit:
Access the members of sealed
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
sealed class AAA
public int x = 100;
public void MethodA()
Console.WriteLine("Method A in sealed class");
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
AAA aaa=new AAA();
Compiler Output
Method A in sealed class
So, as we discussed, the only difference between a sealed
and a non sealed
class is that the sealed
class cannot be derived from. A sealed
class can contain variables, methods, properties like a normal class do.
Point to remember: Since we cannot derive from sealed
classes, the code from the sealed
classes cannot be overridden.
Note: Each and every code snippet written in this article is tried and tested.
Our Program
class in the console application.
public class Program
private const int x = 100;
public static void Main(string[] args)
We see, a constant marked variable or a const variable behaves like a member variable in C#. We can provide it an initial value and can use it anywhere we want.
Point to remember: We need to initialize the const
variable at the time we create it. We are not allowed to initialize it later in our code or program.
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
private const int x = y + 100;
private const int y = z - 10;
private const int z = 300;
public static void Main(string[] args)
System.Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}",x,y,z);
Can you guess the output? What? Is it a compiler error?
390 290 300

Shocked? A constant
field can no doubt depend upon another constant
. C# is very smart to realize that to calculate the value of variable x
marked const
, it first needs to know the value of y
variable. y
’s value depends upon another const
variable z
, whose value is set to 300
. Thus C# first evaluates z
to 300
then y
becomes 290
i.e. z -1
and finally x
takes on the value of y
i.e. 290 + 100
resulting in 390
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
private const int x = y + 100;
private const int y = z - 10;
private const int z = x;
public static void Main(string[] args)
System.Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}",x,y,z);
The evaluation of the constant value for 'AccessModifiers.Program.x' involves a circular definition
We just assigned z=x
from our previous code, and it resulted into error. The value of const x
depends upon y
, and y
in turn depends upon value of z
, but we see value z
depends upon x
as x
is assigned directly to z
, it results in a circular dependency.
Point to remember: Like classes, const
variables cannot be circular, i.e., they cannot depend on each other.
A const
is a variable whose value once assigned cannot be modified, but its value is determined at compile time only.
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
public const ClassA classA=new ClassA();
public static void Main(string[] args)
public class ClassA
Compile time error: 'AccessModifiers.Program.classA' is of type 'AccessModifiers.ClassA'.
A const field of a reference type other than string can only be initialized with null.
Point to remember: A const
field of a reference type other than string
can only be initialized with null
If we assign the value to null
in Program
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
public const ClassA classA=null;
public static void Main(string[] args)
public class ClassA
Then the error will vanish. The error disappears as we now initialize classA
to an object which has a value that can be determined at compile time i.e., null
. We can never change the value of classA
, so it will always be null
. Normally, we do not have const
s as classA
reference type as they have value only at runtime.
Point to remember: One can only initialize a const
variable to a compile time value, i.e., a value available to the compiler while it is executing.
actually gets executed at runtime and therefore does not get value at compile time. So this results in an error.
public class ClassA
public const int aaa = 10;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
ClassA classA=new ClassA();
Compile time error: Member ''
cannot be accessed with an instance reference; qualify it with a type name instead
Point to remember: A constant by default is static
and we can’t use the instance reference, i.e., a name to reference a const
. A const
has to be static
as no one will be allowed to make any changes to a const
Just mark the const
as static
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class ClassA
public static const int aaa = 10;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
ClassA classA=new ClassA();
Compile time error: The constant '' cannot be marked static
C# tells us frankly that a field i.e. already static
by default cannot be marked as static
Point to remember: A const
variable cannot be marked as static
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class ClassA
public const int xxx = 10;
public class ClassB:ClassA
public const int xxx = 100;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Compiler Warning: '' hides inherited
member ''. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended.
We can always create a const
with the same name in the derived class as another const
in the base class. The const
variable of class ClassB xxx
will hide the const xxx
in class ClassA
for the class ClassB
Static Fields
Point to remember: A variable in C# can never have an uninitialized value.
Let’s discuss this in detail.
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
private static int x;
private static Boolean y;
public static void Main(string[] args)
Point to remember: Static
variables are always initialized when the class is loaded first. An int
is given a default value of zero and a bool
is given a default to False
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
private int x;
private Boolean y;
public static void Main(string[] args)
Program program=new Program();
Point to remember: An instance variable is always initialized at the time of creation of its instance.
An instance variable is always initialized at the time of creation of its instance. The keyword new
will create an instance of the class Program
. It will allocate memory for each of the non static
, i.e. instance variables and then initialize each of them to their default values as well.
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
private static int x = y + 10;
private static int y = x + 5;
public static void Main(string[] args)
Output is self explanatory. C# always initializes static
variables to their initial value after creating them. Variables x
and y
are therefore given a default of zero value. C# now realizes that these variables declared need to be assigned some values. C# does not read all the lines at once but only one at a time. It will now read the first line and as the variable y
has a value of 0
, so x
will get a value of 10
. Then at the next line, y
is the value of x + 5
. The variable x
has a value of 10
and so y
now becomes 15
. As C# does not see both lines at the same time, it does not notice the circularity of the above definition.
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
int x = y + 10;
int y = x + 5;
public static void Main(string[] args)
Compile time error:
A field initializer cannot reference the non-static field, method, or property 'AccessModifiers.Program.y'
A field initializer cannot reference the non-static field, method, or property 'AccessModifiers.Program.x'
The lab we did in Lab3
does not work for instance variables as the rules of an instance variable are quite different than that of static
variables. The initializer of an instance variable has to be determined at the time of creation of the instance. The variable y
does not have a value at this point in time. It can’t refer to variables of the same object at the time of creation. So we can refer to no instance members to initialize an instance member.
Readonly Fields
fields are one of the most interesting topics of OOP in C#.
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
public static readonly int x = 100;
public static void Main(string[] args)
Wow, we get no error, but remember not to use a non static
variable inside a static
method, else we’ll get an error.
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
public static readonly int x = 100;
public static void Main(string[] args)
x = 200;
Compile time error: A static readonly field cannot be assigned to
(except in a static constructor or a variable initializer).
We cannot change the value of a readonly
field except in a constructor.
Point to remember: A static readonly
field cannot be assigned to (except in a static
constructor or a variable initializer).
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
public static readonly int x;
public static void Main(string[] args)
Here we find one difference between const
and readonly
, unlike const
, readonly
fields need not have to be initialized at the time of creation.
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class Program
public static readonly int x;
static Program()
x = 100;
Console.WriteLine("Inside Constructor");
public static void Main(string[] args)
Inside Constructor
One more major difference between const
and readonly
is seen here. A static readonly
variable can be initialized in the constructor as well, like we have seen in the above mentioned example.
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class ClassA
public class Program
public readonly ClassA classA=new ClassA();
public static void Main(string[] args)
We have already seen this example in const
section. The same code gave an error with const
does not give an error with readonly fields. So we can say that readonly
is a more generic const
and it makes our programs more readable as we refer to a name and not a number. Is 10
more intuitive or priceofcookie
easier to understand? The compiler would for efficiency convert all const
s and readonly
fields to the actual values.
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class ClassA
public int readonly x= 100;
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Compile time error:
Member modifier 'readonly' must precede the member type and name
Invalid token '=' in class, struct, or interface member declaration
Wherever we need to place multiple modifiers, remind yourself that there are rules that decide the order of access modifiers, which comes first. Now here the readonly
modifier precedes the data type int
, we already discussed at the very start of the article. This is just a rule that must always be remembered.
using System;
namespace AccessModifiers
public class ClassA
public readonly int x= 100;
void Method1(ref int y)
void Method2()
Method1(ref x);
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
Compile time error:
A readonly field cannot be passed ref or out (except in a constructor)
A readonly field can’t be changed by anyone except a constructor.
The method Method1 expects a ref parameter which if we have forgotten allows you
to change the value of the original. Therefore C# does not permit a readonly
as a parameter to a method that accepts a ref or an out parameters.
Let’s recall all the points that we have to remember:
- The default access modifier is
for class members.
- A class marked as
can have its access limited to the current assembly only.
- Namespaces as we see by default can have no accessibility specifiers at all. They are by default
and we cannot add any other access modifier including public
again too.
- A class can only be
or internal
. It cannot be marked as protected
or private
. The default is internal
for the class.
- Members of a class can be marked with all the access modifiers, and the default access modifier is
Protected internal
means that the derived class and the class within the same source code file can have access.
- Between
and internal
, public
always allows greater access to its members.
- Base class always allows more accessibility than the derived class.
- The return values of a method must have greater accessibility than that of the method itself.
- A class marked
can’t act as a base class to any other class.
- Since we cannot derive from
classes, the code from the sealed
classes cannot be overridden.
- We need to initialize the
variable at the time we create it. We are not allowed to initialize it later in our code or program.
- Like classes,
variables cannot be circular, i.e., they cannot depend on each other.
- A
field of a reference type other than string
can only be initialized with null
- One can only initialize a
variable to a compile time value, i.e., a value available to the compiler while it is executing.
- A constant by default is
and we can’t use the instance reference, i.e., a name to reference a const
. A const
has to be static
as no one will be allowed to make any changes to a const
- A
variable cannot be marked as static
- A variable in C# can never have an uninitialized value.
variables are always initialized when the class is loaded first. An int
is given a default value of zero and a bool
is given a default of False
- An instance variable is always initialized at the time of creation of its instance.
- A
static readonly
field cannot be assigned to (except in a static
constructor or a variable initializer).
With this article, we completed almost all the scenarios of access modifiers. We did a lot of hands-on lab to clear our concepts. I hope my readers now know by heart about these basic concepts and will never forget them. In my upcoming article, i.e., the last article of this series, we’ll be discussing about Properties and Indexers in C#.
Keep coding and enjoy reading. 
Also do not forget to rate/comment/like my article if it helped you by any means, this helps me get motivated and encourages me to write more and more.
My other series of articles:
RESTful WebAPIs:
Happy coding !