When you print a digital photo out, you are like to also print the taken date sometimes. However, there maybe various reasons that you have not gotten the date information on the original picture. For example, the DC does not provide that function (I am in that case :<). Of course, you can use one of the picture editors, such as Photoshop, to add the date information manually. But that's too fussy especially when there are many photos. I think there must be some tools to do so for us. Unfortunately, after searching on the net, I just found Nikon View 6 can only do while (and only while) printing out. Thus I wanted to write such a tool.
With the .NET's GDI+ classes, we can easily operate on picture files in various formats. The only challenge is how to read the EXIF meta data. It's fortunate this time, there are some articles that discuss it. I just copy the "wheel" of others (see Reading EXIF Tags From JPEG Files by Steve McMahon).
Functions provided
- Font, color, location are customizable
- Preview
- View all EXIF data in a picture
- Add files or folder (with sub-folder)
- Save options on exit
At last
I will maintain this utility on my blog (in Chinese). You can get the latest version from there. Hope you have fun with it!