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Promote your App using Advertising( Adduplex , Admob) Part1

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10 Aug 2014 2  
It's Time to make Money with your Apps


You learn , you develop , you make your own Apps on the Windows Phone Store , you have good reviews , good feedback and important downloads then what?, are you still wasting your time just for reading feedback and count downloads everyday? it will become so boring...

Think about it , you can become a Millionaire , who made Flappy Bird,2048 ,LumberMan.. are better then you? surely not , maybe there are Smarter than you,

You always wonder how they become Rich although they make their Apps free!

Users don't buy your App unless they try it before even for 0,99$ and  even you made it Trial, he can  try then another Trial app and forgot you :)

Think about it , you have to make an App or a Game that let Users used everyday , you should make a reason to make Users return back to your App.

Think about it , make  Games that Secretes much Dopamine when Users use it ;)

Don't rush to make money on the first game , don't wait everyday and said :" that's  weird , why users don't buy my games , when I will make money ," and then you will be frustrated.It's not like that , you should be patience , People make money on their 4th or 5th App and maby more.You must know what users want , what users love spending all time for a simple game , a classic game that don't take 48 hours development.

Think About it , it's all about psychology and making a good strategy and let the universe bring the money.You made a Game , you submit it , then start developing the second and the third.. , money is rising while you are sleeping :)

Let's Start now!


First part , I will show you how to add a banner adduplex and Admob and we will see the difference between them.

Second Part , I will show you how to include in-app-purchase in your Apps or Games.

PART 1 : Adduplex

Adduplex is a Cross-promotion network for Windows 8 and Windows Phone apps.

Why we Use Adduplex and how Does it Work?

Addpulex  start serving ads for other apps. They serve ads for your app in return. It's that simple.

that means your App will be shown in other banner of Apps so Users will click on the banner to download it.


Adduplex promote your App in other Apps and it does't give you money but it helps you to advertise it ;)


Take a look on the Website, create a new account ,then click on New app


Enter the Url of your App on the Store later. 

Then you Create your banner : for more information  Click on How to create banners .

After that you must download the sdk of Adduplex and add it on the reference in your project. you can download it from NuGet .

Add this following code the PhoneApplicationPage :


Then add this Code to add a banner :

<adduplex:AdControl Name="adduplex"  VerticalAlignment="Top"   AppId="Your_UNIT_ID"/>

You can get the  App ID here :

Screenshot :



PART 2 : Admob

You can make money with Admob.

There are two types o Admob : Banner Ads and interstitian ads.

1-Banner Ads :

the same thing like Adduplex , the difference that each time the Banner change Image , you earn some money.

Check the Website of Admob.

Create an account or just Sign in with your gmail account.

Then Click on Monetize

and Then click on New ad unit :

After that choose Banner and type the Text ad ,  the Title and choose the time that takes the ads to refresh



After That Admob will generate an App ID :


Return to Visual Studio , add the references GoogleAds you can find it when you download the Project.

Then add this Code in the PhoneApplicationPage :


and add the Banner :

<GoogleAds:AdView AdUnitID="YOUR_AD_ID"

2-Interstitial Ads :

After that we will show this Interstitial ads with C# , no need to xaml :

First of All we send the request :

  private void OnRequestInterstitialClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // NOTE: Edit "MY_AD_UNIT_ID" with your interstitial
            // ad unit id.
            interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd("ca-app-pub-3296397228927741/4035813717");
            // NOTE: You can edit the event handler to do something custom here. Once the
            // interstitial is received it can be shown whenever you want.
            interstitialAd.ReceivedAd += OnAdReceived;
            interstitialAd.FailedToReceiveAd += OnFailedToReceiveAd;
            interstitialAd.DismissingOverlay += OnDismissingOverlay;
            AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest();
            adRequest.ForceTesting = true;
            showInterstitial.IsEnabled = false;

After receiving the Request we show it :


Generaly we show the Interstitial ads just before losing while we play , a pop up is shown and you earn money , if the user click on it you will earn more.

Ps : the User can Close this Ads.

Screenshot :



Promoting your Apps is very important to increase number of downloads and get money.but Users sometimes don't like these Banners of Ads and maybe he will uninstall the App , so it's preferred to let him delete this Ads and ofcourse after he pay :D

We Will see how to do it on the Next Article Part2, it's called In-App-Purshase , the fact that  the user can buy products inside the App.



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