If you're using Microsoft Word, you might feel familiar with the symbol dialog that offers you many symbols to insert into your Word document. This article makes the same symbol dialog, that when you pick up any symbol listed in the above table to insert into your HTML document created by online HTML editor, such as Code Project Article Writer Helper, it'll automatically rearrange the sequence of the recently used symbols as the real one does.
This article also demonstrates the refresh portion of a Web Page using XMLHTTP, thanks to Dhandapani Ammasai for his wonderful Refresh Portion Of Your Web Page Using XMLHTTP article which you should read first.
The Data Structure for Storing symbols
This article uses an XML document to store the symbols listed in the symbol table. And the DTD of the XML document looks as shown below:
<!ELEMENT Symbols (Symbol)>
<!ELEMENT Symbol (SymName,SymCode)>
<!ELEMENT SymUseTimes (#PCDATA)>
Each Symbol
element has one attribute named SymID
, three sub elements: SymName
element specifies the name of the symbol, SymCode
specifies the ANSI character code corresponding to the symbol, and SymUseTimes
indicates how many times the symbol was picked up and inserted into other documents.
Using the content model specified by the above DTD, the XML document used to preserve the symbols could be created, and the segment of it is shown below:
='1.0' ='gb2312'
<Symbol SymID="1">
<Symbol SymID="2">
<Symbol SymID="3">
How it works
When the user requests the web page to open the symbol dialog, the Server-Side VBScript calls the functions to make the Symbol table and the recently used symbols column, then the dialog is shown. When the ondblclick
event is fired, the client-side JavaScript will call the functions to update the special symbol element related to the selected symbol using XMLHTTP, and arranges the sequence of the recently used symbols.
Server-Side VBScript Code
The VBScript includes three functions.
First, the MakeSymbolTable(xmlFile)
which extracts a collection of Symbols from the XML document and shows them in a table.
Sub MakeSymbolTable(xmlFile)
dim xmlDoc
dim oSymbols,oSymbol
dim strXPath,strSymID,strSymbol
dim intCount,intLoop,intFlag
dim strFullPathFile
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
xmlDoc.async = False
strFullPathFile = server.MapPath(xmlFile)
strXPath = "//Symbol"
set oSymbols = xmlDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
intCount = oSymbols.length
intFlag = 0
for intLoop=0 to intCount-1
set oSymbol = oSymbols.item(intLoop)
strSymID = oSymbol.getAttribute("SymID")
strSymbol = chr(oSymbol.selectSingleNode("SymCode").text)
<td><div class="clsBlockItemU" xType="Update" xID="<%=strSymID%>">
intFlag = intFlag + 1
if(intFlag=6) then
intFlag = 0%>
<td class="clsNoBorder"></TD>
End if
End Sub
Next is the ShowRUSymbols(xmlFile,xslFile)
which selects the most recently used symbols, and shows them in a column:
Sub ShowRUSymbols(xmlFile,xslFile)
dim xmlDoc,xslDoc,xmlRstDoc
dim oSymbols,oSymbol
dim strXPath,strSymID,strSymbol
dim intCount,intLoop,intFlag
dim strFullPathXmlFile,strFullPathXslFile
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
xmlDoc.async = False
strFullPathXmlFile = server.MapPath(xmlFile)
Set xslDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
xslDoc.async = False
strFullPathXslFile = server.MapPath(xslFile)
Set xmlRstDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
xmlRstDoc.async = False
xmlDoc.transformNodeToObject xslDoc, xmlRstDoc
strXPath = "//Symbol"
set oSymbols = xmlRstDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
intCount = oSymbols.length
if(intCount <14) then
intSCount = intCount
intSCount = 14
End if
intFlag = 0
for intLoop=0 to intCount-1
set oSymbol = oSymbols.item(intLoop)
strSymID = oSymbol.getAttribute("SymID")
strSymbol = chr(oSymbol.selectSingleNode("SymCode").text)
<td><div class="clsBlockItemU" xType="noUpdate" xID="<%=strSymID%>">
End Sub
The last procedure is the IncUseTimes(strSymID,xmlFile)
which selects the corresponding Symbol element (Ele
) where the value of the SymID
attribute is equal to the value of the input parameter called strSymID
, and gets the text content of its child element named SymUseTimes
, then converts the string to a number (num
) and adds 1 to the number, finally sets the text content of the child element called SymUseTimes
of the element Ele
to the number num
Sub IncUseTimes(strSymID,xmlFile)
dim xmlDoc
dim oItem
dim strXPath,strSymUsedTimes
dim lngCount
dim strFullPathFile
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")
xmlDoc.async = False
strFullPathFile = server.MapPath(xmlFile)
strXPath = "//Symbol[@SymID='"& strSymID & "']/SymUseTimes"
set oItem = xmlDoc.documentElement.selectNodes(strXPath)
strSymUsedTimes = oItem.text
lngCount = Clng(strSymUsedTimes) + 1
oItem.text = Cstr(lngCount)
xmlDoc.save strFullPathFile
End Sub
Client-Side JavaScript Code
The JavaScript includes six functions. The relationship of the functions can be described as below:
When the dblclick
event is fired, the doSel()
function is called. This function is quite simple, it checks whether a symbol item has been selected; if it's true, it will call the UpdateDB()
function to update the corresponding Symbol element. In the body of the UpdateDB()
function, the FinishUpdate()
function will be attached with the onreadystatechange
event. When the onreadystatechange
in the application is fired, the FinishUpdate()
function will be called to decide whether or not to update the recently used symbols. If it needs, the FinishUpdate()
function will call the UpdateMostUse()
function to update the user interface.
The UpdateDB()
function and the UpdateMostUse()
function are a little bit more complex than others, and let's discuss them in details, here we go:
First, there are some variables I declared as global because each of them is used in almost all the functions.
var arrSymbol = new Array(14);
var arrSymID = new Array(14);
var gCurDivSel = null;
var http = null;
The UpdateDB()
function updates the data in the Web server using XMLHTTP:
function UpdateDB(xID){
var strFileName = "IncSymUseTimes.asp?id="+xID;
var editdata = null;
http = new ActiveXObject(" Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
http.onreadystatechange = FinshUpdate;
The UpdateMostUse()
function is used to rearrange the recently used symbols, update the user interface using DHTML, without refreshing the whole page:
function UpdateMostUse(oDiv){
var nLoop = 0;
var nCount = arrSymbol.length;
var nIndex = -1;
var chrCurUse,nSymID;
var chrTmp,nTmp;
var oDivCur = null;
var oTD = null;
chrCurUse = oDiv.innerText;
nSymID = oDiv.xID;
chrTmp = arrSymbol[nLoop];
nIndex = nLoop;
chrTmp = arrSymbol[0];
nTmp = arrSymID[0];
arrSymID[0] = arrSymID[nIndex];
arrSymbol[nIndex] = chrTmp;
arrSymID[nIndex] = nTmp;
oTD = trMostUsed.cells[nLoop];
oDivCur = oTD.firstChild;
How to Use It
- Download the sources and unzip into a web directory of your web server. Set Read and Write access controls on the XML folder.
- Copy the code shown as below to your Web page.
function OpenSymDlg(){
var strOptions,strUrl;
strOptions =
strUrl = "SymbolDialog.asp";
- Bind the
function to an event that fires on any object when the function is called. <input type="button"
onclick="OpenSymDlg()" value="Open Symbol Dialog">
- Fire the event to your selected object to show the symbol dialog.
A MS Word Symbol dialog was created in this article, so as you can see, it seems to work OK. I hope you can find it helpful.
Please feel free to send your comments, suggestions, and questions to: marryjack@hotmail.com.