Can your enum
s have userfriendly descriptions? How to have enum
values with spaces?
What is the use of the enum
description (with special characters) in C#?
How can you describe basic convertion extension methods. (Enum.ToDescription()
, string.ToEnum<T>()
Using the Code
Create your enum
in your project.
public enum MyEnum1
[DescriptionHelper("[Not selected]")]
None = 0,
Video = 1,
Audio = 2,
Teletext = 3,
[DescriptionHelper("DVB Subtitles")]
DVB_Subtitles = 4,
ECM = 6,
Private = 9,
[DescriptionHelper("AC-3 Audio")]
AC3_Audio = 10,
[DescriptionHelper("H.264 Video")]
H264_Video = 11,
VBI = 12,
[DescriptionHelper("AAC Audio")]
AAC_Audio = 13,
Create your attribute class:
namespace EnumSample
public class DescriptionHelperAttribute : Attribute
public DescriptionHelperAttribute(string description)
this.Description = description;
public string Description { get; protected set; }
Then include these static
extension methods in your code:
namespace EnumSample
public static class MyUtility
public static T ToEnum<T>(this string s, bool ignoreCase) where T : struct
Type genericType = typeof(T);
if (!genericType.IsEnum) return default(T);
T response;
if (Enum.TryParse(s, ignoreCase, out response))
return response;
Array ary = Enum.GetValues(genericType);
foreach (T en in ary)
if ((string.Compare(en.ToString(), s, ignoreCase) == 0) ||
(string.Compare((en as Enum).ToDescription(), s, ignoreCase) == 0))
return en;
return default(T);
public static T ToEnum<T>(this string s) where T : struct
return s.ToEnum<T>(false);
public static string[] GetEnumDescriptions<T>() where T : struct
Type genericType = typeof(T);
if (!genericType.IsEnum) return new string[0];
Array ary = Enum.GetValues(genericType);
string[] strAry = new string[ary.Length];
int ndx = 0;
foreach (T en in ary)
strAry[ndx++] = (en as Enum).ToDescription();
return strAry;
public static string ToDescription(this Enum en)
Type type = en.GetType();
MemberInfo[] memInfo = type.GetMember(en.ToString());
if (memInfo != null && memInfo.Length > 0)
object[] attrs = memInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionHelperAttribute), false);
if (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0)
return ((DescriptionHelperAttribute)attrs[0]).Description;
return en.ToString();
Use in the project (Testing):
MyEnum1 en;
Console.WriteLine("Test 1) String to enum test...");
Console.WriteLine(" (\"bla bla bla...\").ToEnum<MyEnum1>()");
en = ("bla bla bla...").ToEnum<MyEnum1>();
Console.WriteLine(" \"bla bla bla...\" was not found in MyEnum1!
However, the result \"{0}\" will be...", default(MyEnum1));
Console.WriteLine(" Result >> Value:\"{0} - {1}\",
Description:\"{2}\"", (int)en, en.ToString(), en.ToDescription());
Console.WriteLine("Test 2) String to enum test...");
Console.WriteLine(" (\"H.264 Video\").ToEnum<MyEnum1>()");
en = ("H.264 Video").ToEnum<MyEnum1>();
Console.WriteLine(" Result >> Value:\"{0} - {1}\",
Description:\"{2}\"", (int)en, en.ToString(), en.ToDescription());
Console.WriteLine("Test 3) String to enum test... (Classic 'Enum.Parse' method)");
Console.WriteLine(" (MyEnum1)Enum.Parse(typeof(MyEnum1), \"H.264 Video\")");
Console.WriteLine(" \"H.264 Video\" was not found in MyEnum1! \"H264_Video\" should be...");
Console.WriteLine(" In this example, the classic 'Enum.Parse' method is useless.");
en = (MyEnum1)Enum.Parse(typeof(MyEnum1), "H.264 Video");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine(" Result >> Error[{0:X}] - {1}", ex.HResult, ex.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Test 4) GetEnumDescriptions for 'FormWindowState'");
Console.WriteLine(" Result:");
string[] sAry = MyUtility.GetEnumDescriptions<System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState>();
foreach (string s in sAry)
Console.WriteLine(" >> {0}", s);
This will display:
Test 1) String to enum test...
("bla bla bla...").ToEnum<MyEnum1>()
"bla bla bla..." was not found in MyEnum1! However, the result "None" will be...
Result >> Value:"0 - None", Description:"[Not selected]"
Test 2) String to enum test...
("H.264 Video").ToEnum<MyEnum1>()
Result >> Value:"11 - H264_Video", Description:"H.264 Video"
Test 3) String to enum test... (Classic 'Enum.Parse' method)
(MyEnum1)Enum.Parse(typeof(MyEnum1), "H.264 Video")
"H.264 Video" was not found in MyEnum1! "H264_Video" should be...
In this example, the classic 'Enum.Parse' method is useless.
Result >> Error[80070057] - Requested value 'H.264 Video' was not found.
Test 4) GetEnumDescriptions for 'FormWindowState'
>> Normal
>> Minimized
>> Maximized
Points of Interest
Why C# doesn't have extension properties? Interesting...
- 14th September, 2014: Initial post