Windows resources, like GDI handles, are hard to manage correctly without
creating leaks. This article shows how smart pointers can simplify this, and
almost eliminate a major source of errors. It continues my previous article,
Smart Pointers to boost your code,
providing a practical example for using shared_ptr
. (If you are not
familiar with boost::shared_ptr
, you should read it now!)
Update: While the first version was more or less like "concept art", I
brushed up the sources a bit to make the more useful. I added a
function that sets the HandleRef to 0, brushed up the
sources a bit and added a special implementation for HDC's. Also, I fixed some
snippets here, and added a few things to the article.
- Background will examine the problem in
detail, and discuss the common solutions.
- Smart Pointers to rescue will show how
smart pointers can help here, with a simple example.
- Developing a Solution will
develop the idea into a set of template classes, that make reusing the idea
flexible and allow adding new types. Sample code discusses the drop-in header
- Using the Solution - jump here if you
want to know how to use it.
- CDCRef for Device Contexts
- Discussion (new)
Many resource handles encountered in Win32 programming do not fit an
object-oriented environment very well. Here is a list of problems:
- How you acquire the handle determines if you have to call some cleanup
function on it. If you use
, you have to call
when you no longer need it. However, if you got the
from a Window, you must not delete the font.
- There is no way to tell from a handle whether we should delete it or have to
leave it alone.
- There are many handle types, with many different Delete/Release functions,
which must be matched exactly.
- Handles have "pointer" semantics, i.e., copy constructor and assignment
create only a new reference to the actual resource. This is desirable for
performance reasons, however, this makes it complicated to use RAII in an object
oriented environment.
If you have a function returning such a handle, you must at least specify if
and when to release the handle. Things get much more complicated if the handle
is a member of the class. Take a look at this innocent code snippet:
class CMessage
HFONT m_font;
CMessage CreateMessage(CString const & msgText,
LPCTSTR fontName, int fontSize);
Code Snippet (1): Demonstrating the problem
Let me ask one question: Should the destructor of CMessage
- Yes? Then the return value of
will give
you a corrupted font handle to a font that does not exist anymore.
- No? Who will delete the font then?
One way or another, the user of the class is concerned with managing your
resource, or what he can do with your class is severely
A multitude of solutions exist, some are simple, some not:
- Prohibiting Copy Constructor, and Assignment operator (you can't have the
function, then).
- Keeping a "
bool deleteTheFont
" flag together with the font
handle. (I worked with std::pair<HANDLE, bool>
for a while,
but this is still a pain.)
- Count the references to the font. (E.g., the copy constructor would have to
increment the reference count.)
- Use some kind of internal reference counting. (This works for File, Event,
Thread, and many other handles, using
. However,
this is another can of worms opening up. No such luck with GDI handles.)
- Always copying the object (complicated, expensive, sometimes not possible).
- Wrapping one of the solutions into a
The nature of handles makes them prime candidates for a reference counting
- They act as "references to resources", but the resources themselves
cannot/should not be copied.
- The same resource is reused in many places, and must not be deleted as long
as someone is using it.
- It should, however, be released as soon as possible, to "play nice" with the
system resources.
- These resources discussed here don't reference each other, so circular
references should virtually never appear.
Further, we would like to keep the possibility of "unmanaged" handles (i.e.,
it is not deleted automatically). This flag should be set when the smart pointer
is created (close to where we acquire the resource, because this is the place
where we know how to treat it).
See below: Why Not MFC?, why the MFC solution
doesn't do it for me.
As seen above, a reference counting smart pointer is ideal to handle
Why boost::shared_ptr
is great for this:
does not put any requirements on the type of the
resource. (We don't need to inherit HFONT
from some
class. Phew!)
allows a custom deleter, which can do the
resource-specific cleanup. (DeleteObject
for fonts,
for handles, etc.)
- The custom deleter also allows to not delete the resource
Note: I mentioned custom deleters only briefly (if at all) in
my previous article. See the boost
documentation for more.
Let's look at the example for an HFONT
void delete_HFONT(HFONT * p)
delete pFont;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<HFONT> CFontPtr;
CFontPtr CreateFontPtr(HFONT font, bool deleteOnRelease)
if (deleteOnRelease) {
return CFontPtr(new HFONT(font), delete_HFONT);
else {
return CFontPtr(new HFONT(font));
Code Snippet (2): The initial idea
The line (A) is the "magic" one: here we initialize the CFontPtr
as usual, but specify that the object should be deleted using
when the last reference is gone.
Now, we can make heavy use of CFontPtr
: we can use it as return
value from functions. We can have it as class member, and the default copy
constructor, assignment operator, and destructor do exactly what they
Do you remember the first rule for using smart pointers? Put the resource
into a smart pointer as soon as you get it. This rule holds up here as well:
because when we get the font handle, we know exactly if it should be deleted or
not. The smart pointer will carry around this flag, and automatically "do what
we want".
There are some problems even this solution cannot solve:
- Someone could delete the font behind our back.
- We could create the font pointer with
deleteOnRelease = false
and then forget to delete it ourselves.
But such is life in C++, you are always free to shoot yourself in the foot
you like most.
Some problems, however, can be solved better:
But this is the question of the next part.
This paragraph shows how to turn the concept into a complete extensible
solution. It might be helpful in understanding how template libraries evolve
into the complex beasts they are.
The following goals were set:
First, we encapsulate the details of the smart pointer, solving the first two
class CFontRef
typedef boost::shared_ptr<HFONT> tBoostSP;
tBoostSP m_ptr;
explicit CFontRef(HFONT font, bool deleteOnRelease)
if (deleteOnRelease)
m_ptr = tBoostSP(new HFONT(font), delete_HFONT);
m_ptr = tBoostSP(new HFONT(font));
operator HFONT() const { return m_ptr ? *m_ptr : NULL; }
Code Snippet (3): Moving to a specialized class
You might (or should) notice the following things:
- The public interface is reduced to the bare minimum. (A "good thing".)
- The
function has become the constructor.
- An automatic cast operator allows both the if (font) test, and using the
class in a place where a
is expected.
- The deleter remains an associated function (not shown here).
- The class was renamed from "
" to "Ref
", since
it syntactically cast more like a reference than a pointer.
- The constructor does not specify a default parameter. This was done since no
value is the "obvious default". Further, it makes the construction explicit (so
keyword isn't really needed).
- I
'ed the boost pointer inside the class. It occurs in
quite a few places, the typedef
makes the code easier to read, but
"outside" the class, no one really needs it.
Another note: Now would be a good time to make the simplification used
below. However, I'd like to go the "safe & clean way" a bit
Second, we can make both the Handle type and the Deleter a template
parameter. It's simple for the Handle, but some compilers can't handle a
function as template argument. The standard solution is to turn the Deleter
function into a functor - that is, a class that overloads
template <typename HDL, typename DELETER>
class CHandleRefT
typedef boost::shared_ptr<HDL> tBoostSP;
tBoostSP m_ptr;
CHandleRefT(HDL h, bool deleteOnRelease)
if (deleteOnRelease) m_ptr = tBoostSP(new HDL(h), DELETER());
else m_ptr = tBoostSP(new HDL(h));
operator HDL() const { return m_ptr ? *m_ptr : NULL; }
struct CDeleterHFONT
void operator()(HFONT * p) { DeleteObject(*p); delete p; }
typedef CHandleRefT<HFONT, CDeleterHFONT> CFontRef;
Code snippet (4): turning the class into a template
is used for many types, so we don't want to write
our own deleter for each. However, we would like to keep everything strictly
typed, so we make it a template again:
template <typename GDIHANDLE>
struct CDeleter_GDIObject
void operator()(GDIHANDLE * p) { DeleteObject(*p); delete p; }
typedef CHandleRef<HFONT, CDeleter_GDIObject<HFONT> > CFontRef;
Code snippet (5): a helper template
Specialized, more lightweight implementation
There are two things still bugging me:
- The deleters still need to remember the "
delete p
" part.
- I would like to avoid the heap copy of the resource handle if possible.
The first problem could be solved with another helper template, but that
wouldturn the actual type of CFontRef into something like
boost::shared_ptr<HFONT, GenericDeleter<
DeleteObjectDeleter<HFONT> > >
. I see no solution for the
second in a generic approach.
However, both solve themselves when using some internal knowledge about
Windows: all resource handles in Windows can be represented by a void
, and we can use a cast to get the strictly typed handle. This is so
deeply rooted in the Win32 API (in fact, if you #undef
macro, most handle types are declared as void
), that we won't see a change till .NET takes over completely. Further,
can use void
as template
So, with the following code, we can go:
struct CDeleter_Void
void operator()(void *) {}
template <typename HDL, typename DELETER>
class CHandleRef
typedef boost::shared_ptr<void> tBoostSP;
tBoostSP m_ptr;
explicit CHandleRef(HDL h, bool deleteOnRelease)
if (deleteOnRelease)
m_ptr = tBoostSP(h, DELETER());
m_ptr = tBoostSP(h, CDeleter_Void());
operator HDL() const { return (HDL) m_ptr.get(); }
struct CDeleter_GDIObject
void operator()(void * p) { DeleteObject( (HGDIOBJ) p); }
typedef CHandleRef<HFONT, CDeleter_GDIObject> CFontRef;
Code snippet (6): the final code
Before, the smart pointer stored a pointer to our resource handle. Now, we
store the resource handle directly in the smart pointer (represented as
void *
(I'll repeat a few things here for the impatient who skipped over all
that boring explanation stuff)
is a template class implementing a counted reference
to a Windows resource handle. Usage rules are similar to a reference counted
smart pointer. It is used to implement a variety of Windows Resource handles,
==> CImageListRef
==> CMenuRef
==> CHandleRef
==> CBitmapRef
==> CBrushRef
==> CPenRef
Template parameters:
: type of the resource handle (e.g., HFONT
: a functor releasing the resources of Handle of type
HDL (e.g., a functor calling DeleteObject
). The handle is passed as
void *
A custom deleter can be passed to the constructor.
However, DELETER is not a template parameter of the class (which avoids template
Automatic vs. manual handles
When constructing a HandleRef
from a raw handle, you pass a
flag indicating if the handle should be released
automatically when the last reference to it goes out of scope.
For an automatic handle, assign the raw handle to a HandleRef
immediately after construction, specifying bDeleteOnRelease=true
Then, pass it around only as HandleRef
. This guarantees the handle
is deleted when it is no longer used.
For a manual handle, that you will delete yourself manually, or that must not
be deleted, specify bDeleteOnRelease=false
The idea here is that you can pass around, copy, store, or return a
, it remembers its deletion policy.
Utility functions that merely receive and use a resource handle (without
storing it) may use the raw handle as argument. However, when the Handle is
stored (e.g., as a class member) or used as a return value from a function, a
is recommended.
As an example, the CImageListRef
class has the following
CImageListRef(HIMAGELIST il, bool deleteOnRelease)
Initializes a new CImageListRef
: Image list to hold
deleteOnRelease [bool]
: if true, the image List il
is destroyed when the last reference to it (made through the
instance) goes out of scope. The correct destroy
function (ImageList_Destroy
) is used.
- implicitly casts the
to the contained
Releases the image list.
To add support for a new type:
The type must be convertible to and from void *
- Write a Delete functor for the type:
struct CDeleter_MyType { void operator()(void * p) { MyTypeRelease(p); }
- use a
typedef CHandleRef<CMyType, CDeleter_MyType> CMyTypeRef;
MFC tried to solve the problem with its own wrappers. Unfortunately, they
chose to wrap the first option from the "possible solutions" above: no copy
functionality, but they pass around CFont *
. This might have been a
good design decision back then, but now, it is just a pain. Consider a function
returning a CFont *
. Now, there are two objects that need to be
released correctly: the Windows HFONT, and the CFont C++ object. Should you:
- Delete the
CFont *
when you are done with it, because it was
allocated dynamically?
- Not delete the
CFont *
, but use it only until some other class
is destroyed (because the other class "holds" the font)?
- Not delete the font, but use it only in the current message handler (because
it's a temporary MFC object that is deleted in the next
- Detach the
from the CFont *
before deleting
it (because you have to get rid of the MFC object, but the Windows resource is
still in use somewhere)?
When turning UI code into general routines and classes, I regularly stumble
over all these four scenarios. It is not a pleasant experience, I can tell you -
so I end up using raw resource handles instead, to have "only the normal
Further, I like UI code not to be dependent on MFC, if possible. The best
code IMO is a library that relies solely on the Win32 API interface, and does
not put any requirements on the framework.
The CDCRef
class, referencing a HDC
, deserves
additional discussion.
Device Contexts are the most complicated resource I've come across: There are
two cleanup functions: DeleteDC
and ReleaseDC
and the latter needs an additional parameter (the HWND
the DC was
acquired from).
CDCRef is implemented as separate class, since I didn't want the complexity
of HDC to "creep" into the Other HandleRef classes. The main difference is the
constructor - instead of a flag, you directly pass the deleter:
CDCRef(hdc, CDCRef::Null())
CDCRef(hdc, CDCRef::Delete())
CDCRef(hdc, CDCRef::Release(hwnd))
For ReleaseDC, the HWND is passed as parameter to the deleter. Again, we
associated all information required for cleanup with the object when it is
constructed, which is a design principle of HandleRef.
Further, CDCRef provides static member functions that wrap the Win32 API
functions that acquire a HDC
. For example,
implements the GetDC
Win32 API function,
but returns a CDCRef
The solution provided here is not new. The idea of the article is to show
that the solution becomes very simple when using an appropriate library (about
20 lines of actual code), and how such a solution would be developed from the
initial idea to use shared_ptr
Now, How good is the solution?
- You need to know how Win32 Resources are managed
- You need to know how smart pointers work
- You have a slight overhead over plain Win32 code: a separately allocated
object (8 Bytes) for each managed handle, and the cleanup call is through a
function pointer.
The second is not an issue: smart pointers are such a fundamental technique
that you shouldn't be caught without. The last might be an issue when handling
lots of resources. However, such an application likely benefits most from
automated resource management, and you can keep performance under control with
using a raw handle (or a CHandleRefT<> const &
) where
The first actually reflects a design choice: CHandleRef does not
isolate you from the underlying API, but makes it transparent and easier to use.
(MFC, in contrast, isolates you very well in the default case, and fails
misderably in all others). Additional advantage: CHandleRef is not only library
independent, it also integrates easily with other libraries.
Is a "better" solution possible?
Definitely. You still can do things wrong: release an object while it is
still selected into a device context, specify the wrong cleanup policy, or
delete the handle while it is still in use. However, a completely safe solution
would require to wrap the entire GDI API: all functions creating or using an GDI
actually show the difference between an open
wrapper (allowing access to the underlying API handles) and a close
wrapper (denying the same access).
To make CDCRef
construction "foolproof" the CDCRef
constructor would have to be protected, so they can be constructed only through
dedicated functions that initialize correctly. But this requires wrappers for
all functions acquiring a DC. Further, to make CDCRef
foolproof, one also would have to wrap all functions accepting a DC, and remove
the operator HDC()
from the class. The open wrapper leaves you some
responsibility, but you have no problems if I forgot to provide a wrapper (or
the original API is extended).
Conclusion and Thank You
Thank you all for the encouraging feedback! It is great to see the time to
write the article was well spent. 
For a more formal conclusion: We have seen that
- Resource Handles, as many other objects, can have a variety of destruction
policies, which are not "visible" from the handle itself
- The deletion policy should be "attached" to the handle when the handle is
- reference counted smart pointers are perfect for wrapping resource handles
provides the features to make an
implementation simple
- by using some platform-specific knowledge, we can make the solution more
efficient, and less complex in terms of code, while keeping the original