It is a common task that as a part of database setup, you need to seed some default user accounts and roles into the database as a part of setup.
DbKeeperNet is an opensource .NET/C# framework which helps you manage database schema for your database performing various types of upgrade steps. DbKeeperNet is designed with support for various database types in mind. Currently, it supports most common databases: MSSQL, SQLite, Firebird, MySQL, Oracle. Since the whole framework is extensible, adding support of a new database type is just a simple task.
It is just matter of a few minutes to get it set up in your project and have in-place infrastructure which will ensure proper upgrade path for your database schema on all installations for your application.
In its recent version, DbKeeperNet also supports seeding of the ASP.NET membership and roles. With respect to overall design - this is supported on any database which implemented its membership providers and makes them available to the .NET infrastructure.
Please keep in mind that any seeded account with pre-seeded password should change the seeded password ASAP.
Sample Task
Let’s consider the following set of operations you would perform in your database during the time as your application evolves (of course, this can be mixed with any other database schema change like adding a table):
Upgrade to Version 1.00
- If running on MSSQL, setup the membership schema
- Create role
- Create role
- Create user
assigned to TestRole1
and TestRole2
Upgrade to Version 1.01
- Create user
assigned to TestRole1
- Delete user
- Delete
Upgrade Script
Part of this article is a console application demo project using the script below and referencing DbKeeperNet
as a Nuget package:
- The demo project is created for the MSSQL but it can be easily adopted for any other database just by changing setup in App.Config
* The MSSQL specific step here is necessary since the DB schema creation script requires to be executed within a separated transaction and each of the steps needs to be committed.
- For example, MySQL providers seed the required schema on its own upon the first usage of membership providers.
- It can be easily adopted and used in a web application - you simply have to plan for its initial execution.
DbKeeperNet is using an XML validated against the XSD schema to define a database upgrade. Below, you can find an example database upgrade script to achieve the above steps (this is coming directly from the example):
<upd:Updates xmlns:upd=""
<Precondition FriendlyName="Update step executed" Precondition="StepNotExecuted"/>
<Update Version="1.00">
<UpdateStep xsi:type="upd:CustomUpdateStepType" Id="1"
DbKeeperNet.Engine" FriendlyName="Setting up database schema for membership and roles">
<Precondition FriendlyName="Update step executed"
<Precondition FriendlyName="Database is MSSQL"
<UpdateStep xsi:type="upd:AspNetRoleCreateUpdateStepType"
FriendlyName="Create role TestRole1" Id="2" RoleName="TestRole1"/>
<UpdateStep xsi:type="upd:AspNetRoleCreateUpdateStepType"
Id="3" RoleName="TestRole2"/>
<UpdateStep xsi:type="upd:AspNetAccountCreateUpdateStepType"
Id="4" UserName="TestUser1"
Mail="" Password="SeededPassword">
<Update Version="1.01">
<UpdateStep xsi:type="upd:AspNetAccountCreateUpdateStepType"
Id="1" UserName="TestUser2" Mail=""
<UpdateStep xsi:type="upd:AspNetRoleDeleteUpdateStepType"
Id="2" RoleName="TestRole2"/>
<UpdateStep xsi:type="upd:AspNetAccountDeleteUpdateStepType"
Id="3" UserName="TestUser1"/>
Now, let’s setup the C# portion which executes the script:
const string connString = "default";
using (UpdateContext context = new UpdateContext())
Updater updater = new Updater(context);
Console.WriteLine("Can login as TestUser2: " +
Membership.Provider.ValidateUser("Testuser2", "SeededPassword2"));
Console.WriteLine("Can login as TestUser2: " +
Membership.Provider.ValidateUser("testuser2", "InvalidPassword"));
Console.WriteLine("Is user testuser2 in role testrole1: " +
Roles.Provider.IsUserInRole("testuser2", "testrole1"));
Console.WriteLine("Is user testuser2 in role testrole2: " +
Roles.Provider.IsUserInRole("testuser2", "testrole2"));
and appropriate App.Config portion:
<section name=""
< loggingService="fx">
<add provider="asm"
DatabaseSetup.xml,DbKeeperNet.AspNetMembershipDemo" />
<add connectString="default" databaseService="MsSql" />
<add name="default"
connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename='
Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True;
Initial catalog=DbKeeperNetAspNetMembershipDemo"
<membership defaultProvider="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider">
<add name="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider"
type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider, System.Web,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"
connectionStringName="default" enablePasswordRetrieval="false"
enablePasswordReset="true" requiresQuestionAndAnswer="false"
requiresUniqueEmail="false" passwordFormat="Hashed"
maxInvalidPasswordAttempts="5" minRequiredPasswordLength="6"
minRequiredNonalphanumericCharacters="0" passwordAttemptWindow="10"
passwordStrengthRegularExpression="" applicationName="/"/>
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="AspNetSqlRoleProvider">
<add connectionStringName="default" applicationName="/"
name="AspNetSqlRoleProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider,
System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"/>
<profile enabled="false">