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Simple ASP.NET Session Management Framework

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5 Oct 2004 2  
An article on managing Session information.


For a project of my former employer, I�ve run into a problem of losing Session information after communication with other applications on different domains. My ASP.NET application was communicating via hidden-fields through a POST on a Java-Servlet and PHP pages. These pages get my postback-aspx-URL but after the postback, I lose the Session information because these applications where running on a different domain.

That's why I've looked for the possibilities in ASP.NET for storing Session information, without using difficult State-Management-servers or databases.

Creating the framework

ASP.NET developers are familiar with the objects Session and Cache, these objects are central in my framework for managing Session information.

I�ve started creating an object for storing Session information, named SessionObject. See listing 1. In this object, you can place your variables needed for your sessions.

public class SessionObject
  private string _userName = string.Empty;

  public string UserName
    get { return _userName; }
    set { _userName = value; }

Listing 1. SessionObject.cs

Thereafter, I�ve been thinking how I can get SessionObject back. In ASP.NET there is an object called Cache. This object is created on each Application-Domain and is type-safe on multi-threaded applications. Don�t forget that when your ASP.NET application is unloaded by the WebServer, your Cache object is also flushed. See listing 2.

public class SessionManager
  private const string SESSION_MANAGER = "SessionManager";
  private HttpContext _context;
  private Guid _sessionID;
  private SessionObject _sessionObject;

  public SessionManager (HttpContext httpContext)
    _context = httpContext;
  public static void Initialize(HttpContext httpContext)
    httpContext.Items.Add(SESSION_MANAGER, new SessionManager (httpContext));
  public static SessionManager Current
    get { return (SessionManager) HttpContext.Current.Items[SESSION_MANAGER]; }

  public Guid SessionID
    get { return _sessionID; }
      if (!_sessionID.Equals(value))
        _sessionID = value;
  private void GetSessionObject(Guid sessionID)
    _sessionObject = _context.Cache[sessionID.ToString()] as SessionObject;
    if (_sessionObject == null)
      SetSessionObject(sessionID, new SessionObject());

  private void SetSessionObject(Guid sessionID, SessionObject sessionObject)
    _sessionObject = sessionObject;

  public SessionObject SessionObject
    get { return _sessionObject; }

Listing 2. SessionManager.cs

The SessionManager uses a SessionID, this is stored in the Session object (not our SessionObject) or it will be returned by a QueryString variable of ASPX-page. On every request on the ASP.NET application, the SessionManager is initialized and added on the HttpContext.Items.

protected void Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)

Listing 3. Global.asax.cs

By creating a base ASPX-page where all other ASPX-pages derive from, with a property SessionManager, you have access to the SessionManager on all other ASPX-pages. But it�s possible that the SessionManager doesn�t have a SessionObject initialized. Therefore, we create a property SessionID, and by setting the SessionID of the base ASPX-page, the SessionManager gets the SessionObject from the Cache, or when it doesn�t exist, it creates one and places it in the Cache. See listing 4.

public class BaseWebForm : System.Web.UI.Page
  private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    // Put user code to initialize the page here

  public SessionManager SessionManager
    get { return SessionManager.Current; }

  public Guid SessionID
    get { return (Guid) Session["SessionID"]; }
      Session["SessionID"] = value;
      SessionManager.SessionID = value;
  override protected void OnInit(EventArgs e)
  private void InitializeComponent()
    this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Page_Load);

Listing 4. BaseWebForm.cs

In every ASP.NET application, there is a start page. This page has to create a new SessionID by executing in the Page_Load: this.SessionID = Guid.NewGuid;. Now, there is a SessionObject created in the Cache, and you can get the Session information on every other ASPX-page by setting SessionID on that page.


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