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Typed Iteration over a Composite

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13 Oct 2004 1  
Implementation of STL compliant type sensitive composite iterators.


The composite is a very powerful pattern, allowing a polymorphic tree of objects to know about its structure. In order for this pattern to be successful, it is usual to implement a variety of iterators over the hierarchy. This article deals with the problem of typed iteration. Developing work from a previous article, I have constructed a set of tree iterators that only return children of a particular type.


In a previous article on Composites and Visitors, I dealt with the problem of creating a generic composite tree and applying different visitation strategies to that tree. In the first of two articles, I would like to deal with the problem of typed iteration. The second article will generalize this concept into the use of functors to limit what tree nodes are returned in an iteration. Typed iteration is particularly useful because it handles the down-casting of entries into a particular base type. Also, because the iterators are essentially STL compliant, they can be fed into STL algorithms as required.

The composite is often used in areas such as expression trees or 3D graphics applications. In a graphics application, the scene information is often stored in a composite. A typed iterator would allow you to iterate over the scene hierarchy picking out only material node, or only geometry nodes. This could be particularly useful if you are running a triangulation visitor that will triangulate all geometry nodes.

Using the code

To understand how to use the composite tree, you should read my previous article. Essentially, the iterators are quite simple. The only major changes from a conventional iterator are that in the begin and operator++ functions, a simple while loop iterates until we get the correctly typed entry. They must also check to ensure we have not reached the end of the list. We cannot rely on the user comparing against end() because the last item in the list might not be our required type; therefore, the iterator has to carry around the value of end(). This has two small down-sides. The first is that the iterator is twice the size of a conventional iterator. The second is that if the list grows during an iteration, the iterators will be invalidated. The second issue is no different to the problem seen with certain STL containers such as vectors or the associative containers. Showing the code, I have stripped out a lot of extraneous details from the classes (such as the const versions), and reformatted slightly. If you want to see the full original, then please download the source.

The shallow iterator:

template <typename T>
class CGenericTree
    // Typed shallow iterator

    template <typename child>
    class typed_iterator
        friend class CGenericTree<T>;
        // Normal constructors and destructors

        typed_iterator<child>() :
            m_end() {}
        typed_iterator<child>( const typed_iterator<child> &src ) :
            m_iterator( src.m_iterator ),
            m_end( src.m_end ) {}
        typed_iterator<child> &operator=( const typed_iterator<child> &rhs )
            if ( this != &rhs )
                m_iterator = rhs.m_iterator;
                m_end = src.m_end;
            return *this;
        ~typed_iterator<child>() {}
        // Equality operator

        bool operator==( const typed_iterator<child> &rhs ) const
            return m_iterator == rhs.m_iterator;
        bool operator!=( const typed_iterator<child> &rhs ) const
            return m_iterator != rhs.m_iterator;
        // Referencing operators

        child* operator*()
            return dynamic_cast<child*>( *m_iterator );
        child** operator->()
            return &**this;
        // Increment/decrement operators

        typename typed_iterator<child>& operator++();
        typename typed_iterator<child> operator++(int)
            typed_iterator<child> tmp = *this;
            return tmp;
        // Private constructor off a normal iterator

        explicit typed_iterator<child>( const container_iterator &iter,
            const container_iterator &end );
        // Internal storage is a normal iterator

        container_iterator m_iterator;
        container_iterator m_end;
    template <typename child>
    typename typed_iterator<child> begin_typed()
        return typed_iterator<child>( m_children.begin(), m_children.end() );
    template <typename child>
    typename typed_iterator<child> end_typed()
        return typed_iterator<child>( m_children.end(), m_children.end() );
    // Rest of class definition


template <typename T>
template <typename child>
typename CGenericTree<T>::typed_iterator<child>&
    // Now increment until we either get the correct type or reach the end

    while ( m_iterator != m_end && !dynamic_cast<child*>( *m_iterator ) )
    return *this;

template <typename T>
template <typename child>
    const container_iterator &iter, const container_iterator &end ) :
m_iterator( iter ),
m_end( end )
    // Now increment until we either get the correct type or reach the end

    while ( m_iterator != m_end && !dynamic_cast<CHILD*>( *m_iterator ) )

The deep iterator:

template <typename T>
class CGenericTree
    // Typed deep iterator

    template <typename child>
    class typed_deep_iterator
        friend class CGenericTree<T>;
        // Normal constructors and destructors

        typed_deep_iterator<child>() : m_iterator( NULL ), m_end( NULL ) {}
        typed_deep_iterator<child>( const typed_deep_iterator<child> &src ) :
            m_iterator( src.m_iterator ), m_end( src.m_end ) {}
          &operator=( const typed_deep_iterator<child> &rhs )
            if ( this != &rhs )
                m_iterator = rhs.m_iterator;
                m_end = rhs.m_end;
            return *this;
            m_iterator = NULL;
            m_end = NULL;
        // Equality operator

        bool operator==( const typed_deep_iterator<child> &rhs ) const
            return m_iterator == rhs.m_iterator;
        bool operator!=( const typed_deep_iterator<child> &rhs ) const
            return m_iterator != rhs.m_iterator;
        // Referencing operators

        child* operator*()
            return dynamic_cast<child*>( m_iterator );
        child** operator->()
            return &**this;
        // Increment operators

        typed_deep_iterator<child>& operator++()
            while( m_iterator != m_end && !dynamic_cast<child*>( m_iterator ) )
            return *this;
        typed_deep_iterator<child> operator++(int)
            typed_deep_iterator tmp = *this;
            return tmp;
        // Private constructor off a pointer

        explicit typed_deep_iterator<child>( T *src, T *end ) :
            m_iterator( src ), m_end( end )
            while ( m_iterator != m_end && !dynamic_cast<child*>( m_iterator ) )
        // Private increment operator

        void increment()
            if ( m_iterator )
                m_iterator = m_iterator->GetNext();
        // Internal storage is simply a pointer

        T* m_iterator;
        T* m_end;
    template < typename child>
    typename typed_deep_iterator<child> begin_deep_typed()
        return typed_deep_iterator<child>( static_cast<T*>(this), end_val() );
    template <typename child>
    typename typed_deep_iterator<child> end_deep_typed()
        return typed_deep_iterator<child>( end_val(), end_val() );
    // Rest of class definition


This code demonstrates iterating over the children of the node head only returning nodes of type CNodeDerived1.

    CNodeBase::typed_iterator<CNodeDerived1> iter = 
    for ( ; iter != head->end_typed<CNodeDerived1>(); ++iter )
        cout << (*iter)->GetId() << " " << (*iter)->GetType() << endl;

The next example does the same but uses deep iteration:

    CNodeBase::typed_deep_iterator<CNodeDerived1> iter = 
    for ( ; iter != head->end_deep_typed<CNodeDerived1>(); ++iter )
        cout << (*iter)->GetId() << " " << (*iter)->GetType() << endl;

Points of Interest

A few quick points to note. The first is the syntax required for templates defined inside templates. This fooled me for a while as I wrote this class. Especially, the syntax when you are defining the function bodies outside the class. I specifically wrote some functions outside the class definition in the typed_iterator to demonstrate this point. Note the fact that you have to use the template <typename T> syntax twice. Once for the outer class and once for the inner class. Once you realize that, the rest makes sense.

The second point to note is the use of the member function template in order to generate the necessary begin and end functions to work with the typed iterators. This again has some oddities with the syntax, most notably the fact that, in use, you have to specify the template argument (unlike most other function templates). This is due to the fact that the begin and end functions differ from each other only in return type, so the static polymorphism of the compiler cannot resolve the correct one. In use, you would do iter = begin<MyType>().

The more astute reader will notice that the typed iterator can be used as a standard shallow or deep iterator simply by passing in the base type as the template parameter. At first glance, this appears wasteful; however, there is a way to more efficiently implement this using explicit template instantiation. I will not go through the detail here, unless there are specific requests from any readers.


  • 6 Oct 04 : Version 1 released.
  • 10 Oct 04 : Version 2 released to resolve crash in remove functions.


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