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Generic Search Web User Control with event

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11 Oct 2004 1  
This article explains how to create a web user control and trap its events.

Sample Image - SearchWebUserControl.jpg


This control provides a functionality to search a table based on the name column. The user interface uses DataGrid to display the records and the control fires an event trapped by the container to process the request.


Recently, I was developing an application which required a look up functionality of around 30 tables. It seemed a lot of effort and time to code one web page for each table.


To speedup the development time and ease of maintainability, I decided to create a generic search control that does this all for me. As all lookup tables have common column named �name�, it was much easier for me to have only one filter to search across the data in all tables.


Start a new web project named �SearchTest�. Add a new web user control and rename it to �SearchControl�. Rename the default web page �webform1.aspx� created to �default.aspx�. Add a new web page named �ControlContainer� that would contain our control.

Add following to the �SearchControl�:

  1. Web Label named �lblHeader� to display entity against which search is performed.
  2. Web TextBox named �txtName� to enter the name to be searched.
  3. Web DataGrid named �dgResults� to display the search results.
  4. Web Button named �btnRetreive� to fire the event to search result.
  5. HTML button named �Close� to close the parent form.

To �Close� button, add JavaScript to close the form.

INPUT type="button" value="Close" 
  onclick=" return CloseForm();" void function CloseForm() { window.close(); }

Modify control look and feel based on your requirement.

In the code behind the control, add:

// Event fired when user click button on user control

public event System.EventHandler ButtonClicked; 
/// <summary> 

/// Function that called by button click which

/// in turns fires the buttonclicked event 

/// trapped by the client 

/// </summary> 

protected virtual void OnClick(object sender) 
    // Raise the tabclicked event. 

    if(this.ButtonClicked != null) 
        this.ButtonClicked(sender, new EventArgs()); 
/// <summary> 

/// Function that called when data is retrieve from data layer 

/// Displays the data into the data grid 

/// </summary> 

private void BindData(DataSet ds) 
    this.dgResults.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; 

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) 
    // Put user code to initialize the page here 


private void btnRetrieve_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) 
    // call function that would fire the event trapped by the container 

/// <summary> 

/// Property to bind dataset to the Grid 

/// </summary> 

public DataSet GridDataSource 

/// <summary> 

/// Property to get data against which record to be searched 

/// </summary> 

public string TextName 
    get { return this.txtName.Text; } 
/// <summary> 

/// Property to set Header text 

/// </summary> 

public string HeaderText 
    set { this.lblHeader.Text = value;  } 
    get { return this.lblHeader.Text;  } 

Now, open the �ControlContainer� web page in design mode and drag-drop the �SearchControl� on this page. Rename the �SearchControl� as �searchCtrl� and add a new property named �HeaderText�. Set this property as �Customers�.

<uc1:SearchControl id="searchCtrl" runat="server" HeaderText="Customers">

In code behind of this page, add:

protected SearchControl searchCtrl;

In Page_Load event of this page, assign function to trap the ButtonClicked event of the control.

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    searchCtrl.ButtonClicked +=new EventHandler(searchCtrl_ButtonClicked);
// Function that would be fired when

// user clicked �Retrieve� button on user control

private void searchCtrl_ButtonClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    SearchBLL bll = new SearchBLL();

Add business and data layer to read from database. See the attached code.

Now, add a HTML button to default.aspx page. Add OnClick event to this button to open the �ControlContainer� page.

void function OpenForm() 
    window.showModalDialog('ControlContainer.aspx', window, 

This code would open a modal dialog web page with our user control on it. Note: showModalDialog only works with IE.

Compile and run the application. Clicking on the button on default page would open a modal dialog box with control on it. Enter name and press �Retrieve� button to view the results.

You would have noticed that results have appeared in a new page rather than on the modal web page. To make this work, add:

base target="_self"

Between �<Head>� tag of �ControlContainer� web page, add:

  <base target="_self"> 
  <meta name="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.1">
  <meta name="CODE_LANGUAGE" Content="C#">
  <meta name="vs_defaultClientScript" content="JavaScript">
  <meta name="vs_targetSchema" content="">

Compile and run the application again.

Hope this provides an understanding of creating a web control, using it and trapping its events in the container. It could be extended further to map each table in the database with searching on different column.


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