This is a port of Patrik Svensson's CFontStatic class to PocketPC with a few modifications. The class allows to easily set various attributes of static text such as color, font or alignment.
Using the code
The CFontStatic
class contains the following methods:
void SetBackground(DWORD dwBgColor);
void SetBackground(int red, int green, int blue);
void SetForeground(DWORD dwForeColor);
void SetForeground(int red, int green, int blue);
void SetFontStatic(CString szFont, int nSize,
DWORD dwColor, FontStyle dwStyle);
void SetFontStatic(CString szFont, int nSize);
void SetFontStatic(CString szFont);
void SetFontSize(int nSize);
void SetFontStyle(FontStyle dwStyle);
void SetAlignment(AlignStyle style);
In order to use the class, you need to either declare an instance of the class in your code:
CFontStatic myLabel;
or associate a CFontStatic
member of the dialog/view class with a resource in DoDataExchange()
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LBL_TOP, m_myLabel);
Here is an example of setting various attributes. You can either set them all in one hit, or only set the ones you need:
m_lblTop.SetFontStatic(_T("Courier New"),
16, RGB(255, 255, 255), CFontStatic::FS_BOLD);
m_lblMid.SetFontStatic(_T("Tahoma"), 18, GetSysColor(COLOR_STATICTEXT),
m_lblBot.SetBackground(255, 255, 255);
m_lblBot.SetForeground(0, 0, 128);
m_lblBot.SetFontStatic(_T("Frutiger Linotype"));
- 29/10/2004 - Initial submission.