MS Visual Studio and MS Office products have menus with bitmaps next to commands which are associated with toolbar buttons. The aim of this class was to provide a quick and easy method of implementing these types of menus. The menu class can be used to replace the mainframe window menu as well being used as a context menu.
- ToolBarWrapper.h & ToolBarWrapper.cpp (Toolbar resource wrapper)
- MenuEx.h & MenuEx.cpp (principle
Add the above files to your project.
Next add the view header file to your projects header file where the menu is to be used for instance Mainfrm.h.
#include "MenuEx.h"
is the class to be included to implement the menu.
class CMainFrame : public CFrameWnd
... Some other code
CMenuEx m_menu;
To initialise the menu for a frame window, call CMenuEx::Initialize
in the OnCreate
int CMainFrame::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
if (CFrameWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
return -1;
if (!m_menu.Initialize(IDR_MAINFRAME,this))
return -1;
... Some other code
We now need to provide support for sizing and drawing the menu, that requires processing the WM_MEASUREITEM
messages. Use the class wizard to create the message handlers (Note: You change the message filter option in the class wizard to Window).
Menu items which use the Radio feature in MFC require this adding to your project where the SetRadio
option is used to update the command user interface.
void CMainFrame::OnUpdateRadioItem3(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
pCmdUI->SetRadio(m_nRadioGroup == 3);
m_menu.SetRadio(pCmdUI,m_nRadioGroup == 3);
That's it! The next versions will support the intelligent menus and the new fangled MS Visual Studio 7.0beta menus.
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