In order to use TFS Test Suites via code, you should first create TFS Collection and Team Test Project. You can find more information in my previous post: “How to: Connect to TFS Team Project C# Visual Basic .NET Code“.
Next, you need to connect to specific test plan. You can read more in the article: “Manage TFS Test Plans in MS Test Manager C# VB .NET Code“.
In MS Test Manager, you can edit, create, delete test suites. Here, I will show you how to do these actions via C# and Visual Basic .NET code.
There are three types of test suites- static, requirement-based and query-based. You can add child suites only to the first type. The current tutorial is only applicable for the static test suites.
Get All TFS Test Suites
Our first job is to create a wrapper class for the TFS Suite (ITestSuiteBase
). It will contain only the most important properties of the base core TFS suite object and will be serializable because the standard MS objects are not. This means that you cannot use them in web services or put them into the clipboard.
public class Suite : IComparable<Suite>
public Suite Parent { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public List<Suite> SubSuites { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public int CompareTo(Suite other)
return this.Title.CompareTo(other.Title);
You need the following three methods to get a tree based list of all static
test suites in the specified test plan.
public static List<ITestSuiteBase> GetAllTestSuitesInTestPlan(ITestPlan testPlan)
List<ITestSuiteBase> testSuites = GetAllTestSuites(testPlan.RootSuite.SubSuites);
return testSuites;
public static List<Suite> GetAllSuites(ITestSuiteCollection subSuitesCore)
List<Suite> subSuites = new List<Suite>();
foreach (ITestSuiteBase currentSuite in subSuitesCore)
if (currentSuite != null)
List<Suite> childred = null;
if (currentSuite is IStaticTestSuite)
IStaticTestSuite suite = currentSuite as IStaticTestSuite;
if (suite.SubSuites != null && suite.SubSuites.Count > 0)
childred = GetAllSuites(suite.SubSuites);
Suite newSuite = new Suite(currentSuite.Title, currentSuite.Id, childred);
SetParentToAllChildrenSuites(childred, newSuite);
return subSuites;
public static void SetParentToAllChildrenSuites(List<Suite> childred, Suite newSuite)
if (childred != null)
List<Suite> currentChildrens = childred.ToList();
foreach (Suite currentChild in childred)
currentChild.Parent = newSuite;
gives you all first level test suites in the test plan. Next, we use recursion to get all child test suites. You need to refresh every item because otherwise you will not get the last screenshot of the test suites, TFS sometimes caches the query results. Every custom suite entity contains the list of its childs and reference to its parent.
Add New TFS Test Suite
public static int AddSuite(ITestManagementTeamProject testManagementTeamProject,
ITestPlan testPlan, int parentSuiteId, string title)
ITestSuiteBase parentSuite = null;
if (parentSuiteId != -1)
parentSuite = testManagementTeamProject.TestSuites.Find(parentSuiteId);
if (parentSuite is IRequirementTestSuite)
return 0;
IStaticTestSuite staticSuite = testManagementTeamProject.TestSuites.CreateStatic();
staticSuite.Title = title;
if (parentSuite != null && parentSuite is IStaticTestSuite && parentSuiteId != -1)
IStaticTestSuite parentSuiteStatic = parentSuite as IStaticTestSuite;
return staticSuite.Id;
First, we initialize the parent test suite, if it is not a static
suite, we stop the process. If the parent suite is not found, we add the new test suite to the entries of the root test plan suite. In order to complete the process, we need to save the test plan.
Delete TFS Test Suite
public static void DeleteSuite(ITestManagementTeamProject testManagementTeamProject,
ITestPlan testPlan, int suiteToBeRemovedId, IStaticTestSuite parent = null)
ITestSuiteBase currentSuite = testManagementTeamProject.TestSuites.Find(suiteToBeRemovedId);
if (currentSuite == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("The suite for deletion cannot be found!");
if (parent != null)
else if (currentSuite.Parent != null)
If the parent is not found, we remove the test suite from the test plan suites. Again, to complete the process, we need to save the test plan.
Create TFS Queries
public static ITestSuiteBase GetTestSuiteByName
(ITestManagementTeamProject testManagementTeamProject, string suiteName)
string query = string.Concat("SELECT * _
FROM TestSuite where Title = '", suiteName, "'");
var firstMatchingSuite = testManagementTeamProject.TestSuites.Query(query);
return firstMatchingSuite.FirstOrDefault();
So Far in the TFS API Series
1. Connect to TFS Team Project C# Code
2. Manage TFS Test Plans C# Code
3. Manage TFS Test Cases C# Code
4. Manage TFS Test Suites C# Code
5. TFS Associate Automated Test with Test Case C# Code
6. Test Cases Statistics with SSRS and TFS Data Warehouse
7. SSRS SQL Server Reporting Services- Subscriptions for Reports
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The post- Manage TFS Test Suites in MS Test Manager C# VB.NET Code appeared first on Automate The Planet.