MCMS Manager

In Microsoft Content Management Server, after the creation of sites, there is no common way to do modifications on the Postings. When something goes wrong with Postings, it is not easy to figure out what went wrong, with either Site Manager or by going through the site. Also, analyzing IIS log for MCMS sites is not straightforward. This tool can be used with Site Manager to analyze Postings and user visits of MCMS sites without much effort. Also this tool can be used to analyze templates, resources and to generate scripts for automation of deployment process.
N.B.: MCMS Manager 3.0 runs from the server where MCMS is installed. Therefore, it cannot be used to manage Postings in remote servers. The software must be physically present in the server.
Channel Browser
Shown below is a tree view where all the Channels are listed. Even though this tool is aimed at Postings, a few operations can be done on channels also.

Posting Browser
Posting browser is the main part of MCMS Manager. Here, a few common properties of Postings are listed. MCMS Manager is made to work with the Site Manager. Most of the things that you can see and do using MCMS Manager cannot be easily done through the Site Manager.

Because MCMS Manager is mainly aimed at Postings, many tasks can be performed with Postings. They are listed in the context menu which appears when a Posting is selected using right mouse button click.

Resource Gallery Browser
This is also a tree view which displays the resource structure.

Resources Browser
Similar to Posting browser, Resources browser can be used to browse through the resources.

Template Gallery Browser
Template Gallery browser can be used to browse through the templates.

Templates Browser
This is to browse through all the templates and do some tasks on templates.

- Edit posting - Rich Editor for HTML Edit.
- Edit properties.
- Release ownership.
- Browse through postings.
- Submit, approve, decline postings.
- Search for postings.
- Search for connected postings.
- Generate Reports.
- Get the GUID of Channel, Posting, Posting Template.
- Check Posting-Template, Posting-Resource Dependency.
- Get Resources related information.
- Get Template related information.
- Thumbnail preview for postings, templates and resources.
- Incremental Export/Import script generator.
- UserGroupBackupRestore script generator.
- And many more...
More Information
For more information on MCMS Manager, check its website here.