The bit of code below is an in-place sorting routine that, by and large, is faster than the Shell Sort - nearly as fast as Quick Sort, and in some cases faster. It is stable, easy to implement, is not recursive, and does not use the stack. There is little difference in its speed no matter how the list/array is ordered. Overall, I believe you will find it very useful to use for any sorting needs. Any feedback would be appreciated.
As I laid in bed one night, thinking about a couple of sorting routines I had used in a recent project, I began to tinker with the idea of creating my own routine. Since a computer is much like a person without vision, I tried to imagine how (as a blind person) I might sort a list of items in Braille. In a matter of a few minutes, the algorithm below occurred to me. I got up, wrote it down in rough form, and then fell asleep. The next morning I set up a simple program to test the algorithm - and it worked beautifully.
As the code comments below indicate, we start by using a simple scan of the list to see if it is already sorted. If not, we start scanning our list below the first item to find the smallest item. Once the smallest item is found, we compare it to our current list item. If the smallest item found is smaller than our current item then we perform a swap. We then move down to the next item in our list/array and repeat the process and keep doing this until we are done.
The process is so simple that I'm surprised no one has thought of it before. As the sort progresses, the list gets shorter and goes faster and faster ...
I think you will find that the swapping of items is reduced to an absolute minimum in this method. On unsorted lists, it performs very well indeed, - but on lists that are very nearly sorted, you should probably use the Shell sort. I made an initial attempt to incorporate the Shell Sort (and a modified/enhanced version of it), but had mixed results (which depended on how sorted the list already was).
I'd love to get some feedback on my approach - especially if you can suggest any improvements. Feel free to use the code, and download the sample demo program and source code and experiment with it.
Please note that I used Microsoft's new Visual Basic. NET 2005 beta program to write and compile the code. With a few tweaks, it should readily run on other software platforms.
Using the code
The code below sorts in ascending format, A to Z. Converting it to descending format is fairly easy (an exercise I will leave to you - unless you need help). As it is listed below, the code is set up to sort strings from a ListBox
, but it can easily be adapted to sort numbers or records or whatever you are wanting to sort.
Private Sub HumanSort()
Dim i As Integer
Dim numRecs As Integer
Dim tempRec As String
Dim NextSmallRec As String
Dim NextSmallIndex As Integer
Dim CurrentRec As String
Dim numsorted As Integer
Dim Ascending As Integer
numRecs = ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
numsorted = 0
Ascending = 0
If numRecs < 2 Then
GoTo VeryEnd
For i = 0 To numRecs - 1
If ListBox1.Items(i) <= ListBox1.Items(i + 1) Then
Ascending = Ascending + 1
End If
End If
If Ascending = numRecs Then GoTo VeryEnd
Do While numsorted < numRecs
CurrentRec = ListBox1.Items(numsorted)
NextSmallIndex = numsorted
NextSmallRec = ListBox1.Items(NextSmallIndex)
For i = (numsorted + 1) To numRecs
If NextSmallRec > ListBox1.Items(i) Then
NextSmallIndex = i
NextSmallRec = ListBox1.Items(i)
End If
If NextSmallIndex >= numsorted + 1 Then
If CurrentRec > NextSmallRec Then
tempRec = ListBox1.Items(numsorted)
ListBox1.Items(numsorted) = ListBox1.Items(NextSmallIndex)
ListBox1.Items(NextSmallIndex) = tempRec
ElseIf CurrentRec = NextSmallRec Then
numsorted = numsorted + 1
tempRec = ListBox1.Items(numsorted)
ListBox1.Items(numsorted) = ListBox1.Items(NextSmallIndex)
ListBox1.Items(NextSmallIndex) = tempRec
End If
End If
numsorted = numsorted + 1
End Sub
Points of Interest
If you download the demo code, you will also find two implementations of the Shell sort. One is fairly generic, but the other uses an array of predetermined gap sizes that outperforms any other such predetermined gap list I've seen.
The demo lets you sort though a list of 10,000 numbers (sorted as strings) using the Human sort, the generic Shell sort and an enhanced Shell sort. You can opt to select a randomly generated list, a descending list, an ascending list, a list that is half ascending and half descending, one that is 75% descending and 25% random, and one that is 75% ascending and 25% random.
The sorting times for each method are shown in seconds and milliseconds. As I said at the beginning, the sorting time for the Human sort is fairly constant - no matter how the list/array is ordered.
This is version 1.0.