This is a basic way to use the Stack
Class for a Board or Coard Game. I came across the Stack
Class as a way to solve the issue of generating a deck of cards for a card game. Creating random numbers on the fly lead to searching for an easy to use alternative. This is also an exercise in flow control, and using simple counters to make events happen or bring them to an end.
I am learning the .NET languages and wanted to make a basic game that worked.
Using the Code
References to Use:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
The code consists of a form and a result class, and nothing more. I am new programmer, learning the Microsoft Products. So here it goes. This is my first go at a C# program, so excuse my lack of convention and etiquette.
The game is set up with 1 roll button 5 text boxes or Labels for the die's face value. There are 10 buttons to hold and unhold the respective dice. The choice of the outcomes is done by using 13 checkboxes with changed event handler and a counter attached to this. I have 2 result buttons, one for the 3 rolls which is pressed when the check box selection is excepted, the other when all the outcomes have a result.
Below is the list of the variables I used to control counts and the stack. The examples are shown.
The most important variable is the int Stack
as it makes the 'dice a roll'.
int begrollcount = 3;
int holdcount1 = new int();
int yzbonuscount = 0;
int yzbonus = 0;
int threekcnt = 0;
Stack<int> frank = new Stack<int>();
The first call is to make 195 dice rolls up front, so the stacks contents can be popped out.
public Form1()
private void rolls()
Stack<Int32> mcsc = new Stack<int>();
Random mark = new Random();
int[] rolls = new int[195];
for (int i = 0; i < 195; i++)
rolls[i] =mark.Next(1,7);
foreach(int element in rolls)
After pre determining the Rolls value, we need to set up how to hold and roll of the buttons. The variable begrollcount
will control that 3 rolls are applied to each turn.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (holdcount1 < 1)
int francis1 = frank.Pop();
textBox1.Text = francis1.ToString();
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
holdcount1 += 1;
private void button11_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
holdcount5 -= 1;
Below, I create the methods and variables necessary to make the scores and check if the criteria is met for this score. I have done this by creating an int
array which converts the text to an int
. The array will be passed on to my results class to work out the scores by returning an integer value for the score based on those values meet the logic in the result class method. This all happens when a Check Box is checked, and a counter is moved forward. Upon this, the logic checks a value of 1, then run the below code when met. The code uses a counter to run the logic to generate the games scores and count the events to end the game and score accordingly.
private void button12_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int[] resultset = new int[5];
int rs1 = new int();
int rs2 = new int();
int rs3 = new int();
int rs4 = new int();
int rs5 = new int();
resultset[0] = rs1;
resultset[1] = rs2;
resultset[2] = rs3;
resultset[3] = rs4;
resultset[4] = rs5;
if (threekcnt == 1)
bonuscheck(rs1, rs2, rs3, rs4, rs5);
ResultClass alfa = new ResultClass();
int rolledscore = new int();
rolledscore = alfa.threeofakind(resultset);
label24.Text = rolledscore.ToString();
private void ThreeofAKind_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show
("Please Confirm you wish to Score or Use three of a kind",
"Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
if (res == DialogResult.Yes)
threekcnt += 1;
button12_Click(sender, e);
eventscount += 1;
if (res == DialogResult.No)
MessageBox.Show("Please Choose another option");
if (eventscount <= 13)
begrollcount = 3;
textBox1.Text = "";
textBox2.Text = "";
textBox3.Text = "";
textBox4.Text = "";
textBox5.Text = "";
if (holdcount1 >= 1)
button11_Click(sender, e);
if (holdcount2 >= 1)
button10_Click(sender, e);
if (holdcount3 >= 1)
button9_Click(sender, e);
if (holdcount4 >= 1)
button8_Click(sender, e);
if (holdcount5 >= 1)
button7_Click(sender, e);
label36.Text = threekcnt.ToString();
threekcnt -= 1;
if (eventscount == 13)
button13_Click(sender, e);
private void bonuscheck(int r1, int r2, int r3, int r4, int r5)
int nopssthroughchk = 1;
if(r1 == 1 && label13.Text == "0" ||
r1 == 2 && label12.Text == "0"
||r1 == 3 && label11.Text == "0" ||
r1 == 4 && label10.Text == "0" ||
r1 == 5 && label9.Text == "0" ||
r1 == 6 && label8.Text == "0" )
nopssthroughchk -= 1;
if (yzbonuscount == 1 && r1 == r2 && r2 ==r3 &&
r3 == r4 && r4 == r5 && nopssthroughchk
== 1)
yzbonus += 100;
Result Class
using system;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Yahtzeemk2
class ResultClass
int total = new int();
public int totalofdie(int[] numero)
for(int i = 0; i< 5; i++)
total += numero[i];
return total;
public int threeofakind(int[] numero)
int result = new int();
if (numero[0] == numero[1] && numero[1] == numero[2] ||
numero[0] == numero[1] && numero[1]== numero[3] ||
numero[0] == numero[1] && numero[1] == numero[4] ||
numero[0] == numero[2] && numero[2] == numero[3] ||
numero[0] == numero[2] && numero[2] == numero[4] ||
numero[0] == numero[3] && numero[3] == numero[4] ||
numero[1] == numero[2] && numero[2] == numero[3] ||
numero[1] == numero[2] && numero[2] == numero[4] ||
numero[2] == numero[3] && numero[3] == numero[4] ||
numero[1] == numero[3] && numero[3] == numero[4])
result = totalofdie(numero);
result = 0;
return result;
public int faceval(int[] numero, int denom)
int fvcount = 0;
int result = new int();
if (numero[0] == denom)
fvcount +=1;
if (numero[1] == denom)
fvcount += 1;
if (numero[2] == denom)
fvcount += 1;
if (numero[3] == denom)
fvcount += 1;
if (numero[4] == denom)
fvcount += 1;
result = denom * fvcount;
return result;
After this, the game is reset by setting all int
variables to their original values and using the rolls
function to make the stack.
Points of Interest
I had made a deck of cards using the same Stack
Class in VB, but I wanted to try and make a game of yahtzee on a form. Yahtzee I felt was easier than Black Jack to code, but the flow of control was larger with yahtzee with 13 separate events. On yahtzee and Black Jack, I learnt that by getting the program to press a button, do not have any code you need run placed after that event, as it can disrupt the whole flow of the program.
- 11th June, 2015: Initial version