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Lightweight Object to Object Mapper

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17 Sep 2008CPOL8 min read 56.3K   602   37   10
An object to help map from one object to another
Image 1


This article includes an object I put together that helps alleviate a common problem, mapping a particular object to a separate object. Common scenarios include:

  • Using DTO objects for remote calls
  • Presentation Model objects

It is not by any means any attempt at an OR/M. There are already lots of great OR/Ms available to use and I'm not a fan of NIH mentality. This object serves a different purpose.


I have been using a Domain Model pattern using DDD with nHibernate for most apps and I'm not going to be changing that any time soon. I like having the rules and behaviour inside the domain objects and being able to thoroughly unit test them without having the database and every service under the sun running.

One thing I have found that increases development friction is the process of mapping objects against other objects. You tend to end up with code that has your domain objects setting properties onto your DTO objects with usually the same named properties or very similar, for example:

// customer created elsewhere
CustomerDTO customerDTO = new CustomerDTO();
customerDTO.DOB = customer.DOB;

Granted the new initializers syntax has made this a bit more bearable:

CustomerDTO customerDTO = new CustomerDTO()
    DOB = customer.DOB

However this is still more than I would like to have to write.

Requirements of Use

  • No need to have to change any of my objects to be mapped, i.e. adding attributes, I like to keep the domain objects clean from noise like this.
  • No need to have a massive XML file with all the mapping information, for two main reasons:
    1. XML is too verbose, I may as well stick to the current way rather than go down the route of having to write streams of XML.
    2. Type safety
  • Not having to refer to properties of objects by string. I don't want my mapper to stand in the way of being able to refactor my code as I go along by throwing a runtime exception when I decide to rename a property.
  • A nice API to work with some of the best APIs for things like this are implemented in a fluent interface style, think Rhino Mocks and StructureMap.
  • Convention over configuration for mapping, if the properties are of the same type and are the same name then just map them. I want to cut down on the amount of code I have to write to tell the mapper which properties to map, if it can use a convention like this one it saves writing lots of superfluous code.
  • Provide a default no arg constructor for my objects, this is fair enough. nHibernate expects the same and it doesn't interfere too much with the domain objects.
  • Use of properties for mapping, this seems fine. I can't think of an occasion where I have needed to map to fields instead, so until one arises properties will do.

The Implementation, BDD Style

As per my usual approach, I drove out the design using BDD (TDD with emphasis on behaviour), I find this very useful for objects like this because you can then concentrate on getting the API for the caller right before going down the route of creating all the code from the inside out and finding the API cumbersome to use.

Null Checking

I start simple, my first test looks like this:

public class When_trying_to_apply_mappings_with_nulls : 
    public void Should_throw_null_arg_exception_if_source_is_null()
        SimpleObjectMapper<Car, CarDto> sut = createSUT();

simple_object_mapper_specification is just the test base class that holds the createSUT [System Under Test] method and some of the shared fields. Here we make sure that by passing a null into the Apply method, we throw the appropriate exception.

And to make this pass:

public class SimpleObjectMapper<Source, Destination>
        where Source : new()
        where Destination : new()
    public virtual Destination Apply(Source source)
        if (source == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException
                  (&quot;source&quot;, &quot;source cannot be null&quot;);

        return null;

Testing Conventions

We start to flesh out the bare minimum, By making use of Generics, we get strong typing and don't have to go down the casting route. We now want to check our conventions about the properties are working, now we need to have some objects to map against, so I create the following in the test project:

public class Car
    public string Model { get; set; }
    public string Make { get; set; }
    public string Color { get; set; }
    public Engine Engine { get; set; }

public class CarDto
    public string FullDescription { get; set; }
    public string Color { get; set; }
    public EngineDto Engine { get; set; }

public class Engine
    public int MaxRPM { get; set; }
    public int Capacity { get; set; }

public class EngineDto
    public int Capacity { get; set; }

Note that we have some mismatches of properties and one that matches the convention.

public class When_simple_object_mapper_is_mapping_properties_by_convention : 
    public void Should_set_values_where_name_matches_and_same_type()
        SimpleObjectMapper<Car, CarDto> sut = createSUT();
        carDto = sut.Apply(car);

        Assert.That(carDto.Color, Is.EqualTo(&quot;Red&quot;));

As we have seen above, only the Color property matches the convention specified before [in most real world apps, it tends to be most properties that meet the convention], so we want to get this to pass:

public virtual Destination Apply(Source source)
    var destination = new Destination();

    if (source == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException
			(&quot;source&quot;, &quot;source cannot be null&quot;);

    var sourceProps = typeof(Source).GetProperties();
    var destinationProps = typeof(Destination).GetProperties();

    foreach (var sourceProp in sourceProps)
        foreach (var destinationProp in destinationProps)
                 (destinationProp.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                && (sourceProp.PropertyType.Equals(destinationProp.PropertyType))))
                var sourceVal = sourceProp.GetValue(source, null);
                destinationProp.SetValue(destination, sourceVal, null);

    return destination;

Okay, so we have added some reflection here to get properties of the source and destination types, we then enumerate over each and check for any matches, this gives us the passed test, now to refactor:

public class PropertyMatch
    public PropertyInfo SourceProperty;
    public PropertyInfo DestinationProperty;

    public PropertyMatch(PropertyInfo sourceProp, PropertyInfo destinationProp)
        SourceProperty = sourceProp;
        DestinationProperty = destinationProp;

The reason for this class will become clear after the next code sample:

public class SimpleObjectMapper<Source, Destination>
        where Source : new()
        where Destination : new()
        protected IList<PropertyMatch> propertyMatches = new List<PropertyMatch>();

        public SimpleObjectMapper()
            var sourceProps = typeof(Source).GetProperties();
            var destinationProps = typeof(Destination).GetProperties();

            foreach (var sourceProp in sourceProps)
                foreach (var destinationProp in destinationProps)
                        && (sourceProp.PropertyType.Equals
                        propertyMatches.Add(new PropertyMatch
					(sourceProp, destinationProp));

        public virtual Destination Apply(Source source)
            var destination = new Destination();

            if (source == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException
			(&quot;source&quot;, &quot;source cannot be null&quot;);

            foreach (var propertyMatch in propertyMatches)
                var sourceVal = propertyMatch.SourceProperty.GetValue(source, null);
                propertyMatch.DestinationProperty.SetValue(destination, sourceVal, null);

            return destination;

Reflecting over types isn't the most efficient task you can do, therefore we can improve the performance for multiple calls to our Apply method by performing the reflect when the SimpleObjectMapper is created. That way it gets done once per instance, hence the need for the PropertyMatch class to create the association between the two PropertyInfo objects.

Note that this code has changed slightly in that I am now taking advantage of the DynamicAccessor object supplied by C# and now use IsAssignableFrom as opposed to Equals. See comment.

Testing Awkward Mappings

The convention based mapping we have set up is pretty good and should get us most of the way there. However there are times where you need more control over the setting of properties that don't follow the convention. Let's get a test written to spec this out:

public class When_simple_object_mapper_is_mapping_properties_explicitly : 

    public void Should_map_any_explicit_mappings_specified()
        SimpleObjectMapper<Car, CarDto> sut = createSUT();
        carDto = sut.Explicit((model,dto) => dto.FullDescription = model.Make + 
				&quot; - &quot; + model.Model)

        Assert.That(carDto.FullDescription, Is.EqualTo(&quot;Audi - A4&quot;));

The CarDTO.FullDescription property is a prime example of this, whereby the property may contain values from other properties on the domain object. The above API feels good, by utilizing a Lambda statement we have kept the code down to a minimum but have the power to assign pretty much any value to a specific property on the DTO. Another benefit is compile time checking.

The other thing you may have picked up on is the fluent interface API, you can already start to see how readable it would be if you needed to specify a list of explicit mappings. Now we need to get this to pass:

public class SimpleObjectMapper<Source, Destination>
    where Source : new()
    where Destination : new()
    protected IList<PropertyMatch> propertyMatches = new List<PropertyMatch>();
    protected IList<Action<Source, Destination>> explicitActions = 
		new List<Action<Source, Destination>>();

    public SimpleObjectMapper()
        var sourceProps = typeof(Source).GetProperties();
        var destinationProps = typeof(Destination).GetProperties();

        foreach (var sourceProp in sourceProps)
            foreach (var destinationProp in destinationProps)
                    && (sourceProp.PropertyType.Equals(destinationProp.PropertyType))))
                    propertyMatches.Add(new PropertyMatch(sourceProp, destinationProp));

    public virtual SimpleObjectMapper<Source, Destination> Explicit
		(Action<Source, Destination> explicitAction)
        return this;

    public virtual Destination Apply(Source source)
        var destination = new Destination();

        if (source == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException
			(&quot;source&quot;, &quot;source cannot be null&quot;);

        foreach (var propertyMatch in propertyMatches)
            var sourceVal = propertyMatch.SourceProperty.GetValue(source, null);
            propertyMatch.DestinationProperty.SetValue(destination, sourceVal, null);

        foreach (var action in explicitActions)
            action(source, destination);

        return destination;

The implementation of this becomes very simple thanks to the power of Lambdas, we simply keep a list of Action<Source, Destination> objects around and add to them for every explicit call made (it would be nicer to use an Expression to be able to do checks against the lambda but you can't perform assignments for an Expression. If someone knows a way, let me know!). Next when Apply is called, we enumerate over each of the actions and pass the objects in to be worked on.

Nested Objects

So far we have only used properties that represent a straight forward mapping. However what about the Engine property that exists on both domain and DTO? It doesn't get picked up by the convention because they are different types as they should be, but how do we map from the domain to the DTO... well we already have a SimpleObjectMapper at our disposal and a way of specifying explicit mappings so why not just leverage them!

public class When_simple_object_mapper_is_mapping_a_deep_property : 
    public void Should_use_specified_object_mapper_in_explicit_to_perform_mapping()
        SimpleObjectMapper<Engine, EngineDto> engineMapper = 
			new SimpleObjectMapper<Engine, EngineDto>();
        SimpleObjectMapper<Car, CarDto> sut = createSUT();
        carDto = sut.Explicit((model,dto) => dto.Engine = 

        Assert.That(carDto.Engine.Capacity, Is.EqualTo(1998));

This demonstrates the power gained from using Lambda statements. We haven't needed to make any changes to the SimpleObjectMapper, instead we have introduced a new SimpleObjectMapper instance that knows how to map from Engine to EngineDto and just inform the main car mapper to use it when mapping the Engine property, pretty cool, eh... we can now use this new mapper in isolation at certain times and combined with the main car mapper at other times with no duplication of mapping details.

Collection Mappings

It's often the case when performing mappings that instead of working with a single domain object, you may be working with a collection. In this case, you want to be able to enumerate over this collection and get a collection of mapped objects back. Let's write a test to enable the SimpleObjectMapper to support this:

public class When_simple_object_mapper_is_asked_to_map_object_collections : 
    public void Should_be_able_to_map_properties_for_each_source()
        SimpleObjectMapper<Car, CarDto> sut = createSUT();
        Car car2 = new Car()
            Color = &quot;Blue&quot;

        IEnumerable<Car> cars = new List<Car>() { car, car2 };
        IEnumerable<CarDto> results = sut.Apply(cars);

        Assert.That(results.Any(item => item.Color == car.Color));
        Assert.That(results.Any(item => item.Color == car2.Color));

One thing to note is that instead of a new method I have chosen just to overload the Apply method, this is just personal preference. Moreover, I have chosen to accept IEnumerable for both. This gives us the lowest denominator so the collection passed could be any type that implemented IEnumerable (every FCL collection I think).

public virtual IEnumerable<Destination> Apply(IEnumerable<Source> sources)
    return sources.Select<Source, Destination>(source => Apply(source));

Easy, once again Lambda statements to the rescue to save me from having to write a foreach with a yield return. I can instead leverage the Select extension method to return a custom IEnumerable result. Inside the statement, I simply forward the item to the Apply method.

Managing Mappers

We now have a way to define a SimpleObjectMapper to be able to map two objects. We can re-use this instance over and over by using the Apply method. What would be nice would be to have somewhere to keep these instances to be able to retrieve the appropriate mapper when required, this is why I created the SimpleObjectMapperContainer.

It functions similar to an IoC container (Windsor, StructureMap, etc.) in that you register the instances with it and then are able to retrieve the instance further down the line, it is a static class with all methods being threadsafe.

Typical Usage Scenario

For this example, I'm going to use a Web application example:

// ... inside Global.asax
protected void Application_Start()

public static class BootStrapper
    public static void RegisterMappers()
		(new SimpleObjectMapper<Administrator, AdministratorDTO>());
		(new SimpleObjectMapper<Location, LocationDTO>());

	(new SimpleObjectMapper<Staff, StaffDTO>()
	.Explicit((staff, staffDTO) => staffDTO.LocationId = staff.Location.Id)
	.Explicit((staff, staffDTO) => staffDTO.LocationDescription = 
	.Explicit((staff, staffDTO) => staffDTO.Photo.Data = staff.Photo));

At application start up, all we do is register our SimpleObjectMapper instances with the SimpleObjectMapperContainer and that's it.

var adminMapper = SimpleObjectMapper.RetrieveMapper<Administrator, AdministratorDTO>();
var dto = adminMapper.Apply(admin);

Then to get hold of the instance we simply use the right type parameters.

Going Forward

Feel free to make adjustments to the code. What I would ask is if you please let me know, I could introduce the changes and update the source here.
Below are some ideas:

  • Mapping to fields if needed
  • More control over convention? possibly injection of a convention pattern
  • Using Expression for explicit mappings to do some checking (not supported at present)


  • Initial Version - 4th September, 2008
  • Amendments after feedback - 16th September, 2008
    • Added DynamicAccessor to use instead of standard reflection for getting and setting property values
    • Changed type check for convention to use IsAssignableFrom rather than Equals
    • Introduced new SimpleObjectMapperContainer to help with management of SimpleObjectMapper instances


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Have worked in web/software developement since leaving college in 2002, initially for a software house now for a private bank in the IOM, became MCAD certified in 2006 and now studying to get MCSD certified.

I'm very interested in using design patterns, good design practices & principles to create well written maintainable software

Comments and Discussions

QuestionGood article Pin
Sandeep Pote12-Mar-13 20:42
Sandeep Pote12-Mar-13 20:42 
GeneralVery Interesting - how about objects with collections Pin
waltbp31-Aug-09 10:49
waltbp31-Aug-09 10:49 
GeneralEnumerations and sub objects Pin
TheGreatAndPowerfulOz25-Aug-09 10:14
TheGreatAndPowerfulOz25-Aug-09 10:14 
GeneralUse this instead... Pin
stavinski19-Feb-09 5:52
stavinski19-Feb-09 5:52 
...[^] much better mapping features Smile | :)
QuestionOver Engineering - Why not just use a simple Serializable Dictionary as a DTO for all objects? Pin
Tawani Anyangwe17-Sep-08 10:07
Tawani Anyangwe17-Sep-08 10:07 
AnswerRe: Over Engineering - Why not just use a simple Serializable Dictionary as a DTO for all objects? [modified] Pin
stavinski17-Sep-08 23:02
stavinski17-Sep-08 23:02 
GeneralFormatting bug Pin
Todd Smith17-Sep-08 9:39
Todd Smith17-Sep-08 9:39 
GeneralRe: Formatting bug Pin
stavinski17-Sep-08 22:30
stavinski17-Sep-08 22:30 
GeneralBrilliant Pin
seesharper9-Sep-08 4:09
seesharper9-Sep-08 4:09 
GeneralRe: Brilliant Pin
stavinski11-Sep-08 5:07
stavinski11-Sep-08 5:07 

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