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3D Cross-Platform 3rd Person Shooter - To Intel x86 Android

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20 Mar 2014Apache10 min read 159.7K   136   53
The process of porting our cross-platform 3D third person shooter game to support the Intel x86 Android environment.

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This article will cover the process of porting our cross-platform 3D third person shooter game to support the Intel x86 Android environment. The source code provided is free to use (Apache 2.0 license), and if you make something cool from it, please let me know, I'd love to see it. The end aim is to hopefully motivate potential game developers to reskin our code into their own game as well as motivate Android or iOS developers to go cross-platform, by showing how easy it is to architect your code base to work for Android (including the Intel chipset) and on iOS.


Our game Phone Wars is based on the concept of getting an Android phone to fight an iPhone and vice versa. To get this done, we needed to create concept art for the phones which we went on to call aBots and iBots, then create 3d models based on the concepts, of course attaching on big rocket launchers (It's the in thing to do when making a game). So, our players get the thrill of being able to blow their rival platform players to bits, iOS players fight an aBot and Android players fight an iBot. Well, that's the premise.

Image 2


  • The game works on multiple platforms (iOS, Android)
  • Loads and renders 3d obj format models
  • Texture manager for dynamic texture streaming
  • Front facing sprites
  • Collision detection
  • Fires bullets from rockets
  • Health bars
  • AI that moves and shoots
  • Path finder (node generation and gating)
  • Pick Ups
  • UI screens

And a lot of other good stuff, but I must stress the most thrilling part I enjoy about this game (Warning: I'm a nerd), is that it works across multiple platforms. Across platforms is one of the big motivations for programming a C++ game, using NDK and JNI calls you can share the same code that you use for iOS. That's huge! You don't need to make a game for just one platform, you can target them all (muwhhahahahahha).

Technical Information

In this section here, I'm going to go through the exact process of porting the code base of the full version of the game to run on the Intel x86 Emulator. The full version also includes online multiplayer player vs player which I've descoped from the demo code base as it's a more complicated set up (requires a server). But to motivate you beautiful people to read on, here's a video of the game running in the emulator.

Step 1 - Compile for x86

We need to compile our C++ code for the x86 chipset. To do this, go into the file located in the jni folder and add x86 to the APP_ABI.

APP_ABI            += x86

Now we need to compile our C++ code and fix any compile errors. By using the usual ndk-build command.

Image 3

No errors -- Winning!!!

(At this point I gave myself several hi5s and took a long well deserved break).

Step 2 - Download the x86 Emulator

Now we have the code compiled, we need to get it running on the x86 emulator. If you go to the link at the top of this article, the page states that the recommended method of installation is through the Android SDK Manager. I usually launch the SDK manager via Eclipse as sometimes on some platforms it has issues launching correctly due to incorrect Java bindings. So in Eclipse hit the Window tool bar > Android SDK Manager > Install Intel x86 Atom System Image.

Image 4

Once it's downloaded, launch the AVD Manager and create an AVD with Intel Atom and GPU emulation.

Image 5

Image 6

Probably best to take another break now as usually things crash on first launch, so enjoy that feeling before you move on to step 3.

Step 3 - Running the App for the first time

First time I launched the game via Eclipse, it launched the Emulator but not the game. I hit the debug button again, and it launched a second emulator and went into the game. Probably a bug somewhere in the Eclipse Android dev environment (If this happens to you, just close the first emulator and things will proceed as usual).

CRASH #1: Google Services

Image 7

The game crashed straight into the debugger complaining that the device didn't have the package This makes sense because our Emulator is running vanilla Android 4.0.3, which doesn't include any of Google's services. What you have to do, is remove any Google specific services your game has.

Step 4 - Install HAX

After we removed all references to Google Services from the code base, the game was still crashing but now in GLSurfaceView. After inspecting the logs.

HAX is not working and emulator runs in emulation mode

This warning about HAX not working looked suspicious, so let's get that installed and see if that helps. You can grab HAX from the Android SDK folder or online here.

The installation process is pretty self-guiding, on the memory limit I went with the recommended setting.

Image 8

Now re-run the emulator, and you should notice the message that HAX is working.

Image 9

Lucky for us however, the game still crashes in the same spot.

Image 10

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Step 5 - NDK Debugging

It's time to man up and ndk-gdb your problems away. If you've never debugged NDK code before, it's a bit daunting. If you're happy using gdb over the command line, good for you. If you're scared of anything that sounds like vi or cat or echo, then you're probably best trying to get your Eclipse environment set up with Sequoyah for NDK debugging. I produced a screen recording of myself setting up Eclipse with NDK debugging on a Windows environment previously, might be worth checking out if you've never done this before. But, in general, NDK debugging is a stand out skill and worth leveling up on. I'm going to continue on as if you've set Eclipse up with the Seqyouah magic in order to debug both C++ and Java code in Eclipse. The steps to debug your code go along this pattern. Compile it using the ndk-build NDK_DEBUG=1 flag. Launch your game in debug mode in Eclipse. Have it hit a breakpoint usually after you've loaded your C++ library. Go back into the command line and type ndk-gdb.

Image 12

Then launch the C++ debugger in Eclipse.

Result: It won't connect yet.

A ha! Of course we need to point the Eclipse C++ debugger to the x86 library folder and to use the x86 gdb debugger.

Image 13

Notice the paths for the GDB debugger and GDB command file are pointing inside the x86 folders.

Result: Still doesn't work.

Image 14

Well that didn't work, so I became a bit more aggressive with my attempts, I closed everything down, re-downloaded the NDK package (r8a), NDK-build clean, changed the emulator skin to WVGA800, and moved the break point from after the loadLibrary call to inside the GLView onSurfaceChanged function and victory!!! Big Grin | <img src=

Image 16
(..What's a thead?)

Image 17

If you managed to get this far, seriously STOP RIGHT NOW, hug yourself, have a shower, shave, look to the skies and appreciate sunlight, as you probably haven't seen it for weeks.

Step 6 - Fixing a JNI crash

Having tooled ourselves up with NDK debugging we can step through the code base to find out where the crash occurs. For this game, it was crashing in calls from the C++ code back into Java.

const int result = jEnv->CallIntMethod( jObj, mid, jFilename, jPackaged, jGenerateMipMap );

Inspecting the logs, we can see that this is the case.

08-14 10:43:17.515: W/dalvikvm(2825): JNI WARNING: 
    can't call Lcom/android2c/CCJNI;.textureLoad on instance of Ljava/lang/Class;

After some Googling it turned out to be that the root of the problem was that static calls can't call back into a non-static function. I was going in from Java into C++ with a static function and trying to come out of C++ back into a non-static Java function.

To remedy this issue I went with switching the Java callbacks to be static.


static int jniLoad(const char *name, const bool packaged, const bool generateMipMap)
    // JNI Java call
    JNIEnv *jEnv = gView->jniEnv;
    jobject jObj = gView->jniObj;

    jclass jniClass = jEnv->FindClass( "com/android2c/CCJNI" );
    ASSERT_MESSAGE( jniClass != 0, "Could not find Java class." );

    static jmethodID mid = jEnv->GetMethodID( jniClass, "textureLoad", "(Ljava/lang/String;ZZ)I" );
    ASSERT( mid != 0 );

    // Call the function
    jstring jFilename = jEnv->NewStringUTF( name );
    const int result = jEnv->CallIntMethod( jObj, mid, jFilename, packaged, generateMipMap );
    jEnv->DeleteLocalRef( jFilename );
    return result;

private int textureLoad(final String filename, final boolean packaged, final boolean mipmap)
    return CCGLTexture.load( filename, packaged, mipmap );


static int jniLoad(const char *name, const bool packaged, const bool generateMipMap)
    // JNI Java call
    JNIEnv *jEnv = gView->jniEnv;

    jclass jniClass = jEnv->FindClass( "com/android2c/CCJNI" );
    ASSERT_MESSAGE( jniClass != 0, "Could not find Java class." );

    static jmethodID mid = jEnv->GetStaticMethodID( jniClass, "TextureLoad", "(Ljava/lang/String;ZZ)I" );
    ASSERT( mid != 0 );

    // Call the function
    jstring jFilename = jEnv->NewStringUTF( name );
    const int result = jEnv->CallStaticIntMethod( jniClass, mid, jFilename, packaged, generateMipMap );
    jEnv->DeleteLocalRef( jFilename );
    return result;

private static int TextureLoad(final String filename, final boolean packaged, final boolean mipmap)
    return CCGLTexture.Load( filename, packaged, mipmap );

It runs!!! Well it gets to the first menu.

Image 18

Step 7 - Fixing the final crash

The next crash I was experiencing was to do with a null pointer coming in from our URL Manager class.

Image 19

All that was required in this case, was to include a null check around reading variables passed in via a Java array.

jstring jHeaderName = (jstring)jEnv->GetObjectArrayElement( jHeaderNames, i );
if( jHeaderName != NULL )
    const char *cHeaderName = jEnv->GetStringUTFChars( jHeaderName, &isCopy );

Interesting how this issue never showed up on the ARM port, but it's good that it did, as I feel that this process has made my code more secure.

It runs!!!

Image 20

Well OK, one last thing to fix, my glClearColour was set to not clear out the alpha channel, once I set the alpha to 1, everything was good in the world.

Using the code

You can find the iOS project inside the iOS folder (2c.xcproj). You can find the Android project inside the Android/Source folder. Inside Eclipse if you select import projects into your workspace and target the root game folder, it'll include all the folders of the game (Engine/External libs/App/Android).

Here I'll list out some of the best parts of the codebase that might be easiest to jump in and start customizing.

Starting the game

In ScenePlayManager.cpp:

void ScenePlayManager::start()
    if( gameState == GameState_SplashScreen )

The start function gets called when the background image is pressed. If you want to not start the game and do something else instead, this is the place to start modifying.

More opponents?

In SceneAndroidsManager.cpp:

void SceneAndroidsManager::startGame()
    CharacterPlayer *player1, *player2;
    player1 = game->spawnCharacter( "player1", playerType.buffer );
    game->assignPlayerCharacter( player1 );
    if( CCText::Contains( playerType.buffer, "aBot" ) )
        player2 = game->spawnCharacter( "player2", "iBot" );
        game->addFriend( player2 );
        player2 = game->spawnCharacter( "player2", "aBot" );
        game->addFriend( player2 );

startGame gets called after the level is loaded, here we spawn two characters. Player1 is assigned to be a PlayerCharacter and player 2 is added as a friend. You can add more friends here (well they're baddies really). Notice that if the player character is an iBot, an aBot is spawned and vice versa.

Customizing the level?

In the createEnvironment function of SceneGameSyndicate.cpp:

This part sets the level size to be 500 and sets the level texture to be "level_background.png".

void SceneGameSyndicate::createEnvironment()
        CCText levelsPath = "Resources/common/levels/level_";
        // Ground
            const float size = 500.0f;
            mapBounds.width = size * 0.5f * 0.8f;
            mapBounds.height = size * 0.5f * 0.8f;
            ground = new CollideableFloor();
            ground->setup( size, size );
            ground->setScene( this );
            ground->readDepth = false;
            CCText texPath = "Resources/";
            texPath += CLIENT_NAME;
            texPath += "/levels/level_background.png";
            ground->primitive->setTexture( texPath.buffer, Resource_Packaged );

This part creates a list of sandbag locations then spawns the sandbags around the level.

// Create sandbags around the level
    CCList<CCPoint> sandbagLocations;
    sandbagLocations.add( new CCPoint( 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
    sandbagLocations.add( new CCPoint( -50.0f, -100.0f ) );
    sandbagLocations.add( new CCPoint( 50.0f, -100.0f ) );
    sandbagLocations.add( new CCPoint( -50.0f, 100.0f ) );
    sandbagLocations.add( new CCPoint( 50.0f, 100.0f ) );
    const float sandbagWidth = 30.0f;
    for( int i=0; i<sandbagLocations.length; ++i )
        CCText fxPath = "Resources/common/levels/";
        CCText objFile = fxPath;
        objFile += "sandbags.obj";
        CCText texFile = fxPath;
        texFile += "sandbags_diffuse.png";
        CCObjectCollideable *object = new CCObjectCollideable();
        object->setScene( this );
        CCAddFlag( object->collideableType, collision_static );
        CCModelBase *model = new CCModelBase();
        CCModelObj *model3d = CCModelObj::CacheModel( objFile.buffer, texFile.buffer );
        model3d->setColour( CCColour( 1.0f ) );
        model->addModel( model3d );
        object->model = model;
        float modelWidth = model3d->getWidth();
        float modelHeight = model3d->getHeight();
        float modelDepth = model3d->getDepth();
        // Adjust model height
        const float scaleFactor = sandbagWidth / modelWidth;
        CCVector3FillPtr( &model->scale, scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor );
        model->rotateY( 90.0f );
        modelWidth *= scaleFactor;
        modelDepth *= scaleFactor;
        modelHeight *= scaleFactor;
        object->setCollisionBounds( modelDepth, modelHeight, modelWidth );
        object->translate( 0.0f, object->collisionBounds.y, 0.0f );
        object->setPositionXZ( sandbagLocations.list[i]->x, sandbagLocations.list[i]->y );
        pathFinderNetwork.addCollideable( object, ground->collisionBounds );
        object->disableCulling = true;
        object->readDepth = true;
        object->drawOrder = 99;

How do you move?

The playerDestinationPending variable of SceneGameSyndicate.cpp handles moving the player, when a touch is released the variable is set by projecting the 2D touch position from screen space into world space.

// Callback for when a touch is released
bool SceneGameSyndicate::touchReleased(const CCScreenTouches &touch, const CCTouchAction touchAction)
            if( hitObject == NULL )
                playerDestinationPending = new CCVector3();
                camera->project3DY( playerDestinationPending, touch.position.x, touch.position.y );
                CCClampFloat( playerDestinationPending->x, -mapBounds.width, mapBounds.width );
                CCClampFloat( playerDestinationPending->z, -mapBounds.height, mapBounds.height );
                if( playerDestinationIndicator != NULL )
                    playerDestinationIndicator->setPositionXZ( playerDestinationPending->x, playerDestinationPending->z );
                    playerDestinationIndicator->model->setColourAlpha( 1.0f );

Inside the updateScene function, as soon as we've released our touch for longer than our threshold, we tell our character to move there (this allows us to both process different commands for single and double touches).

bool SceneGameSyndicate::updateScene(const CCTime &time)
    // Move the player
    if( playerDestinationPending != NULL )
        const CCScreenTouches *touches = gEngine->controls->getScreenTouches();
        if( touches[0].lastTimeReleased > CC_DOUBLE_TAP_THRESHOLD )
            if( controlsMoving == false )
                playerCharacter->controller->goToScan( *playerDestinationPending );
                DELETE_POINTER( playerDestinationPending );

How to die?

The registerAttack function in SceneGameSyndicate.cpp gets called whenever a collision is made between a bullet and a player. Here we check the health of the player, update the in-game healthbar, and if the life is less than 0, we tell our play manager that our game has ended. If you're looking to add in an explosion or some cool death animatics, this is the place to do it.

void SceneGameSyndicate::registerAttack(CCObject *from, CCObject *to, const float force)
    CharacterPlayer *friendCharacter = getFriend( to );
    if( friendCharacter != NULL )
        const float healthRatio = friendCharacter->controller->getHealthRatio();
        sceneGameUI->setHealthAlpha( 1, healthRatio );
        if( healthRatio <= 0.0f )
            if( ScenePlayManager::scene != NULL )

Wrapping up

Hopefully, from this guide, you should now be able or be motivated to port your games over to support the Intel chipset for Android. The source code is available, so feel free to experiment with it, the section above should give you some good pointers on the easiest places to make changes to extend the gameplay. There's a heck of a lot more I'd like to add to this article, however it's best to leave it here to not scare off potential awesome gaming heroes with something too long. There has been some potentially scary topics discussed here (NDK debugging), if you have any issues or questions, just leave a comment, and I'll try to improve this article over time. If you'd like other systems of the game explaining (AI, Path Finding, Model Loading, Controls, Architecture), leave a comment and I'll work on another article focusing on that topic.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Apache License, Version 2.0

Written By
Software Developer (Junior)
United Kingdom United Kingdom
7 years console games dev.
3 years mobile r&d.
Now working on a real-time design and development tools for the creation of 3D games and apps across mobile and web platforms. (

Development history
Brian Lara International Cricket 2005 (Codemasters) - PS2/XBox
World Championship Rugby 2005 (Acclaim) - PS2/XBox/PC
50 Cent Blood on the Sand (Activision) - PS3/Xbox 360
F1 2010 (Codemasters) - PS3/Xbox 360/PC
iGrapher (Software is Poetry) - Web/iOS/Android
Stock Market Hero (Software is Poetry) - iOS
Nah Bruv Shisha Sim (Software is Poetry) - iOS
Lambi Islands (France Telecom) - iOS
Female Mosque Finder (Faith Matters) - iOS
Music Gym (Software is Poetry) - iOS
Freedom Square (Software is Poetry) - iOS
FacePlayer (Software is Poetry) - iOS/Android/PC
MyndPlayer (MyndPlay) - iOS
Quran Project ( - Android
Phone Wars (PLAYIR) - Web/iOS/Android/WP8/PC
Food Fighters (PLAYIR) - Web/iOS/Android/WP8/PC
Tank Legends (PLAYIR) - Web/iOS/Android/WP8
World of Fighters (PLAYIR) - Web/iOS/Android/WP8

Comments and Discussions

AnswerRe: We have a winner Pin
ashcairo29-Aug-12 10:34
professionalashcairo29-Aug-12 10:34 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Ed Nutting28-Aug-12 15:01
Ed Nutting28-Aug-12 15:01 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
ashcairo28-Aug-12 15:12
professionalashcairo28-Aug-12 15:12 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Ed Nutting28-Aug-12 15:21
Ed Nutting28-Aug-12 15:21 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Chris Maunder28-Aug-12 14:24
cofounderChris Maunder28-Aug-12 14:24 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Ed Nutting28-Aug-12 15:32
Ed Nutting28-Aug-12 15:32 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Chris Maunder29-Aug-12 18:44
cofounderChris Maunder29-Aug-12 18:44 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
Ed Nutting29-Aug-12 22:00
Ed Nutting29-Aug-12 22:00 
Hi Chris,

Thank you very much this is fantastic news! I am so excited that you are happy for me to do this! I have sent you an email (through Code Project) with more details of the app and what it requires from API's. I am so happy that I can contribute to Code Project like this as I really do love this site!

Many thanks!

(A now rather excited developer)
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Christian Amado28-Aug-12 12:46
professionalChristian Amado28-Aug-12 12:46 
GeneralRe: My vote of 5 Pin
ashcairo28-Aug-12 12:56
professionalashcairo28-Aug-12 12:56 

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