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Hello Friends,
I know i shouldn't have had posted all the content of my procedure.. Actually friends this procedure categorizes our company offices by country.. And the total count of employees in a particular country.. Now the employees are categorized in 3 categories.. And what actually i am supposed to do , I have to check certain given fields for all employees and accordingly count the employee whose certain field is empty.. For e.g exp_engt_cnt stands for those employees who are of category = 3 and their certain fields in engagement are null.. The procedure is displaying the data but i want to count the distinct employees rather than summing them up..
For E.g

1 RRRR 6 6 6

Here the site RRRR contains only one record but 2 fields in PERS are empty and 4 in PERS.. So it sums up all the data..
Can anyone help.. Please..

Author: Ishfaq A Khan.
Dated: 24th Dec 2009.
For: Checking The Incompletion Of Certain Fields In The Details Of The Employees.
--------------- SQL ---------------

    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
    @userid           VARCHAR(10)     = NULL,
    @grp1             VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @grp2             VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @grp3             VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @region_filter    VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @site_filter      VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @sect_filter      VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @post_filter      VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @nat_filter       VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @reli_filter      VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @cat_filter       VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @agent_filter     VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @prof_filter      VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @sectmain_filter  VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @sectsub_filter   VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @sectteam_filter  VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @spcl_filter      VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @extra_filter     VARCHAR(MAX)    = NULL,
    @report_id        INT             = 1,
    @with_result      BIT             = 0,
    @upto			  VARCHAR(20)	  = NULL


-- Do not continue if no userid parameter
IF @userid IS NULL or @userid = '' RETURN

-- 02-03-2009::Set value to Current Date if @Upto is not specified

-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.


-- define and initialize local variables
DECLARE @sqlcmd              VARCHAR(MAX),
        @sqlSubquery         VARCHAR(MAX),
        @sqlFields           VARCHAR(MAX),
        @sqlGroups           VARCHAR(MAX),
        @sqlTables           VARCHAR(MAX),
        @sqlWhere            VARCHAR(MAX),
        @sqlOrder            VARCHAR(MAX),
        @forPaginate         VARCHAR(MAX)

-- DEFAULTS for the SQL STATEMENT ----------------------------------------------

-- set the default report grouping to by Country and company site
-- if grouping is not specified

IF @grp1 IS NULL OR @grp1 = '' SET @grp1 = 'region'
IF @grp2 IS NULL SET @grp2 = ''
IF @grp3 IS NULL SET @grp3 = ''

SET @forPaginate = ''

IF (@with_result = 1)
     -- check if global temporary table exists
     IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##tmp_manpower','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##tmp_manpower
     SET @forPaginate = N' INTO ##tmp_manpower '

/* Main Fields to Select */
SET @sqlGroups  = @grp1 
IF @grp2 <> '' SET @sqlGroups = @sqlGroups + ',' + @grp2
IF @grp3 <> '' SET @sqlGroups = @sqlGroups + ',' + @grp3
SET @sqlGroups  = @sqlGroups + ', mcat,init_date,reeg_date,site_date,family_name,first_name,nat,reli,mcat, init_date,site_date,reeg_date,family_name,first_name,birthdate,nat,reli,address,'+
/* Main Fields to Select */
SET @sqlFields = @grp1 + ' AS group1 '
IF @grp2 <> '' SET @sqlFields = @sqlFields + ',' + @grp2 + ' AS group2 '
ELSE SET @sqlFields = @sqlFields + ','' '' AS group2 '
IF @grp3 <> '' SET @sqlFields = @sqlFields + ',' + @grp3 + ' AS group3 '
ELSE SET @sqlFields = @sqlFields + ','' '' AS group3 '
SET @sqlFields = @sqlFields +', mcat, init_date,site_date,reeg_date,family_name,first_name,birthdate,nat,reli,address,adtype,
SET @sqlFields = @sqlFields + 'COUNT(DISTINCT empno) AS cnt'

/* Tables used */
SET @sqlTables = N'dbo.fn_TE_ST('''+@upto+''','''+@userid+''') AS e '

/* Order of Records */
SET @sqlOrder = N'1,2,3,4'

/* Records Accessed filter */
SET @sqlWhere = ' (region   IN (SELECT code FROM dbo.fn_CheckAccess('''+@userid+''',''R'')) OR ' +
                '  conssite IN (SELECT code FROM dbo.fn_CheckAccess('''+@userid+''',''S'')))    '

-- Start ==> Added: 27-12-08
-- Check Sections Permission
DECLARE  @sections   VARCHAR(5);
DECLARE  @employees  VARCHAR(5);
SELECT @sections    = (SELECT TOP 1 code FROM dbo.fn_CheckAccess(@userid,'N'))
SELECT @employees   = (SELECT TOP 1 code FROM dbo.fn_CheckAccess(@userid,'E'))
IF @sections  IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere = @sqlWhere + ' AND sect  IN (SELECT code FROM dbo.fn_CheckAccess('''+@userid+''',''N'')) '
-- Check Employees Sections
IF @employees IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere = @sqlWhere + ' AND empno IN (SELECT code FROM dbo.fn_CheckAccess('''+@userid+''',''E'')) '
-- End ==> Added: 27-12-08

-- Add the filters, if ANY
IF @region_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere   = @sqlWhere + ' AND region IN (' + @region_filter + ')'
IF @site_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere     = @sqlWhere + ' AND conssite IN (' + @site_filter + ')'
IF @sect_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere     = @sqlWhere + ' AND sect IN (' + @sect_filter + ')'
IF @post_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere     = @sqlWhere + ' AND post IN (' + @post_filter + ')'
IF @prof_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere     = @sqlWhere + ' AND prof IN (' + @prof_filter + ')'
IF @nat_filter  IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere     = @sqlWhere + ' AND nat  IN (' + @nat_filter + ')'
IF @reli_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere     = @sqlWhere + ' AND reli IN (' + @reli_filter + ')'
IF @cat_filter  IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere     = @sqlWhere + ' AND mcat  IN (' + @cat_filter + ')'
IF @extra_filter IS NOT NULL SET @sqlWhere    = @sqlWhere + @extra_filter

-- END of DEFAULTS for the SQL STATEMENT ----------------------------------------------

/* Make the SQL Statements to get the records from the masterfile ang group them accordingly */
SET @sqlSubquery = ' SELECT '   + @sqlFields +
                   ' FROM '     + @sqlTables +
                   ' WHERE '    + @sqlWhere +
                   ' GROUP BY ' + @sqlGroups

/* STORE the group records */
CREATE TABLE  #resultset (
       group1           VARCHAR(MAX),
       group2           VARCHAR(MAX),
       group3           VARCHAR(MAX),
       totals_cnt           INT,
       exp_engt_cnt         INT,
       exo_engt_cnt         INT,
       tcn_engt_cnt         INT,
       exp_pers_cnt         INT,
       exo_pers_cnt         INT,
       tcn_pers_cnt         INT,
       exp_docs_cnt         INT,
       exo_docs_cnt         INT,
       tcn_docs_cnt         INT,
       exp_qual_cnt         INT,
       exo_qual_cnt         INT,
       tcn_qual_cnt         INT,
       exp_post_cnt         INT,
       exo_post_cnt         INT,
       tcn_post_cnt         INT,
       exp_prof_cnt         INT,
       exo_prof_cnt         INT,
       tcn_prof_cnt         INT,
       exp_spec_cnt         INT,
       exo_spec_cnt         INT,
       tcn_spec_cnt         INT

INSERT INTO #resultset
EXEC('SELECT group1,group2,group3,
      SUM(cnt) as totals_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''3'' AND (init_date = '''' or reeg_date = '''' or site_date ='''') THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as exp_engt_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''4'' AND (init_date = '''' or reeg_date = '''' or site_date ='''') THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as exo_engt_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''2'' AND (init_date = '''' or reeg_date = '''' or site_date ='''') THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as tcn_engt_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''3'' AND (family_name='''' or first_name='''' or birthdate='''' or nat='''' or reli='''' or (adtype = ''P'' AND ISNULL(address,'''') = '''') ) THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as exp_pers_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''4'' AND (family_name='''' or first_name='''' or birthdate='''' or nat='''' or reli='''' or (adtype = ''P'' AND ISNULL(address,'''') = '''') ) THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as exo_pers_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''2'' AND (family_name='''' or first_name='''' or birthdate='''' or nat='''' or reli='''' or (adtype = ''P'' AND ISNULL(address,'''') = '''') ) THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as tcn_pers_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''3'' AND (doccode=''PAS'' AND (ISNULL(refn,'''')='''') OR (doccode=''WP'' AND (ISNULL(refn,'''')='''')) OR (doccode=''RP'' AND (ISNULL(refn,'''')=''''))) THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as exp_docs_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''4'' AND (doccode=''PAS'' AND (ISNULL(refn,'''')='''') OR (doccode=''WP'' AND (ISNULL(refn,'''')='''')) OR (doccode=''RP'' AND (ISNULL(refn,'''')=''''))) THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as exo_engt_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''2'' AND (doccode=''PAS'' AND (ISNULL(refn,'''')='''') OR (doccode=''WP'' AND (ISNULL(refn,'''')='''')) OR (doccode=''RP'' AND (ISNULL(refn,'''')=''''))) THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as tcn_engt_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''3'' AND ((ISNULL(qua_code,'''')='''')or (ISNULL(inst_code,'''')='''') or (ISNULL(formstudy_code,'''')='''') or (ISNULL(fieldstudy_code,'''')=''''))  THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as exp_qual_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''4'' AND ((ISNULL(qua_code,'''')='''')or (ISNULL(inst_code,'''')='''') or (ISNULL(formstudy_code,'''')='''') or (ISNULL(fieldstudy_code,'''')=''''))  THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as exo_qual_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''2'' AND ((ISNULL(qua_code,'''')='''')or (ISNULL(inst_code,'''')='''') or (ISNULL(formstudy_code,'''')='''') or (ISNULL(fieldstudy_code,'''')=''''))  THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as tcn_qual_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''3'' AND LEN(post) = ''4'' AND LEFT(post, 1) = ''X'' THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as exp_post_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''4'' AND LEN(post) = ''4'' AND LEFT(post, 1) = ''X'' THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as exo_post_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''2'' AND LEN(post) = ''4'' AND LEFT(post, 1) = ''X'' THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as tcn_post_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''3'' AND LEN(prof) = ''4'' AND LEFT(prof, 1) = ''X'' THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as exp_prof_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''4'' AND LEN(prof) = ''4'' AND LEFT(prof, 1) = ''X'' THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as exo_prof_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''2'' AND LEN(prof) = ''4'' AND LEFT(prof, 1) = ''X'' THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as tcn_prof_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''3'' AND (len(spcl) <> ''4'' or spcl = '''') THEN cnt ELSE 0 END)  as exp_prof_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''4'' AND (len(spcl) <> ''4'' or spcl = '''') THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as exo_prof_cnt,
       SUM(CASE WHEN mcat=''2'' AND (len(spcl) <> ''4'' or spcl = '''') THEN cnt ELSE 0 END) as tcn_prof_cnt

FROM (' + @sqlSubquery + ') AS M GROUP BY group1, group2, group3 ORDER BY group1, group2, group3')

print @sqlSubQuery;

/* NOW, return the result with the descriptions */
SELECT @sqlcmd = N'SELECT R.*, '+
                 N' RT.tot_totals, RT.tot_engt_exp,RT.tot_engt_exo,RT.tot_engt_tcn,
                                   RT.tot_spec_exp,RT.tot_spec_exo,RT.tot_spec_tcn,' +
                 N' r1.code_desc AS group1_desc '
IF @grp2 <> '' SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ', r2.code_desc AS group2_desc  ' + @forPaginate
IF @grp3 <> '' SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ', r3.code_desc AS group3_desc  '
SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ' FROM #resultset AS R ' +
                 N' LEFT JOIN dbo.fn_SelRef('''+@userid+''','''+@grp1+''') AS r1 ON R.group1 = r1.code '
IF @grp2 <> '' SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ' LEFT JOIN dbo.fn_SelRef('''+@userid+''','''+@grp2+''') AS r2 ON R.group2 = r2.code '
IF @grp3 <> '' SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ' LEFT JOIN dbo.fn_SelRef('''+@userid+''','''+@grp3+''') AS r3 ON R.group3 = r3.code '
SET @sqlcmd = @sqlcmd + ', (SELECT COUNT(totals_cnt) as tot_totals,
                      SUM(exp_engt_cnt) AS tot_engt_exp,SUM(exo_engt_cnt) AS tot_engt_exo,SUM(tcn_engt_cnt) AS tot_engt_tcn,
                      SUM(exp_pers_cnt) AS tot_pers_exp,SUM(exo_pers_cnt) AS tot_pers_exo,SUM(tcn_pers_cnt) AS tot_pers_tcn,
                      SUM(exp_docs_cnt) AS tot_docs_exp,SUM(exo_docs_cnt) AS tot_docs_exo,SUM(tcn_docs_cnt) AS tot_docs_tcn,
                      SUM(exp_qual_cnt) AS tot_qual_exp,SUM(exo_qual_cnt) AS tot_qual_exo,SUM(tcn_qual_cnt) AS tot_qual_tcn,
                      SUM(exp_post_cnt) AS tot_post_exp,SUM(exo_post_cnt) AS tot_post_exo,SUM(tcn_post_cnt) AS tot_post_tcn,
                      SUM(exp_prof_cnt) AS tot_prof_exp,SUM(exo_prof_cnt) AS tot_prof_exo,SUM(tcn_prof_cnt) AS tot_prof_tcn,
                      SUM(exp_spec_cnt) AS tot_spec_exp,SUM(exo_spec_cnt) AS tot_spec_exo,SUM(tcn_spec_cnt) AS tot_spec_tcn
                      FROM #resultset) AS RT ' +
                 N' ORDER BY R.group1, R.group2, R.group3 '

/* LAST, Return the bloody result */

Updated 24-Sep-10 1:25am
senguptaamlan 28-Aug-10 4:45am    
One of the most painful SQL Scripts I've ever seen...can you imagine the performance hit of the procedure U've written ???
khanishfaq82 28-Aug-10 4:54am    
Dear Sen,
Thanks for realizing the pain i have been through in writing this script but it is something that was required for reporting coz this single procedure is capable of generating more than 35 reports by passing individual parameters or combination of parameters.. So even if it had a performance hit, it was ok as long as the boss was satisfied. :-)..
Maciej Los 10-May-11 15:14pm    
It's very hard to understand your post, coz of length...
You have wrote: "i want to count the distinct employees rather than summing them up..", so use COUNT(DISTINCT employees) function instead of SUM() function.

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