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I have a datatable, from DataTable pluggin of JQuery.
In a modal form i have one datatable that had worked perfectly until one day.

Other details is that the html code is generated, as you can see in the image below:
I have other modal like this but with other table of customer accounts and it works perfectly:

 $(window).on('', function() { 

 $('#resultadomodalCC_filter label input').focus();

$(document).ready(function() {  
           var id = $(this).attr("id");
            var acta = $("input[name="+id+"]").val();
        type: "POST",
            url: "../gestionn/views/modules/cliente/procesodeuda.php",
            data: {"accion":"acreditar","idc":id,"monto":acta,"sesion":$("#sesion").val()}, 

            error: function(){
                alert("error petición ajax");
           success: function(data){
            type: "POST",
            url: "../gestionn/views/modules/cliente/includes/editarCliente.php",
            data: { "accion": accion}, 
            dataType: "json",
error: function(){
                alert("error petición ajax");
            success: function(data){
                 t=  $('#resultadomodalCC').DataTable({
        columns: [
        {data:"CUIT", title: "CUIT" },
        {"data": "nombre", title: "NOMBRE " },
        {"data": "deduda", title: "DEUDA" },
        {"title": "ENTREGO" ,  render: function (data, type, row,meta) {
            return '<input type="text" name="'+row.idcliente+'" class="editableM"/>';
            $(".editableM").maskMoney({prefix:'$', allowNegative: true, thousands:',', decimal:'.', affixesStay: false});
         } },
        {title: "PAGO",  render: function (data, type, row,meta) {
            return "<a class='btn btn-primary' id="+row.idcliente+" name='agregar' >+</a>";
         }  }
                        "sProcessing":     "Procesando...",
                        "sLengthMenu":     "Mostrar _MENU_ registros",
                        "sZeroRecords":    "No se encontraron resultados",
                        "sEmptyTable":     "Ningún dato disponible en esta tabla",
                        "sInfo":           "Mostrando registros del _START_ al _END_ de un total de _TOTAL_ registros",
                        "sInfoEmpty":      "Mostrando registros del 0 al 0 de un total de 0 registros",
                        "sInfoFiltered":   "(filtrado de un total de _MAX_ registros)",
                        "sInfoPostFix":    "",
                        "sSearch":         "Buscar:",
                        "sUrl":            "",
                        "sInfoThousands":  ",",
                        "sLoadingRecords": "Cargando...",
                        "oPaginate": {
                            "sFirst":    "Primero",
                            "sLast":     "Último",
                            "sNext":     "Siguiente",
                            "sPrevious": "Anterior"
                        "oAria": {
                            "sSortAscending":  ": Activar para ordenar la columna de manera ascendente",
                            "sSortDescending": ": Activar para ordenar la columna de manera descendente"
          responsive: true }); } });

in the template.php file, the main file i have:

<?php error_reporting(E_ALL);
ini_set('display_errors', '1');?>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0"/>
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-50oBUHEmvpQ+1lW4y57PTFmhCaXp0ML5d60M1M7uH2+nqUivzIebhndOJK28anvf" crossorigin="anonymous">

    <script src=""></script>
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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>

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        echo $_SESSION['userid'];
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        echo $_SESSION['idsesion'];
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        echo $_SESSION['inicio'];

    <!-- Page Content -->
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   <?php  if (isset($_GET['controller'])&&isset($_GET['action'])) {



        if (isset($_GET['id'])){
        call($controller,$action,0); }

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some suggest?

What I have tried:

The code of modalform is this:

<pre>$(window).on('', function() { 

 $('#resultadomodala_filter label input').focus();

  $('#resultadomodala_filter input').on('keypress', function(event){
     if (event.keyCode ===13){
$(document).ready(function() {

            type: "POST",
            url: "../gestionn/views/modules/articulo/filtroP.php",
            data: { "tf": "todos"}, 
            dataType: "json",
            error: function(){
                alert("error petición ajax");
            success: function(data){
           t=  $('#resultadomodala').DataTable({

        columns: [
        {"data":"codalfa", title: "COD.:" },
        {"data": "nombre", title: "NOMBRE" },
        {"data": "marca", title: "MARCA" },
        {"title": "P/U" ,  render: function (data, type, row,meta) {
            return '<label class="editable">$ '+row.precio+'</label>';
         } },
        {"data": "detalle", title: "CAT.:" },
        {"data": "subcategoria", title: "SUBCAT.:" },
          {  title:"CANT",
                render: function (data, type, row,meta) {
            return "<input type='text' style='width:50px;' name='"+row.idproducto+"' class='cantidad' value='1' tabindex='3' placeholder='cant'/>";
               {  title:"AGREGAR",
                render: function (data, type, row,meta) {
            return "<a  class='btn btn-primary' onclick='agregarProducto("+row.idproducto+");' name='agregar' >+</a>";
                        "sProcessing":     "Procesando...",
                        "sLengthMenu":     "Mostrar _MENU_ registros",
                        "sZeroRecords":    "No se encontraron resultados",
                        "sEmptyTable":     "Ningún dato disponible en esta tabla",
                        "sInfo":           "Mostrando registros del _START_ al _END_ de un total de _TOTAL_ registros",
                        "sInfoEmpty":      "Mostrando registros del 0 al 0 de un total de 0 registros",
                        "sInfoFiltered":   "(filtrado de un total de _MAX_ registros)",
                        "sInfoPostFix":    "",
                        "sSearch":         "Buscar:",
                        "sUrl":            "",
                        "sInfoThousands":  ",",
                        "sLoadingRecords": "Cargando...",
                        "oPaginate": {
                            "sFirst":    "Primero",
                            "sLast":     "Último",
                            "sNext":     "Siguiente",
                            "sPrevious": "Anterior"
                        "oAria": {
                            "sSortAscending":  ": Activar para ordenar la columna de manera ascendente",
                            "sSortDescending": ": Activar para ordenar la columna de manera descendente"
          responsive: true });


 function agregarProducto(idproducto){
    var cantidad=0;
         if (cantidad!==""){
    var accion = "agregar";
            type: "POST",
            url: "/gestionn/views/modules/facta/procesoFactA.php",
            data: {"accion":accion,"id":id,"cant":cantidad}, 

            error: function(){
                alert("error petición ajax");

  } else{
    alert("ingrese cantidad");


But i have been prooving the same code passing a JSON Array instead of ajax request:

and as you can see it works perfectly.
Updated 3-Nov-19 5:30am
RickZeeland 3-Nov-19 3:25am    
Did you try in another browser ?
Member 10177561 3-Nov-19 7:16am    
Obviously.. But is the same
Richard Deeming 5-Nov-19 10:36am    
Check your browser's developer console for errors.

Check the network tab to see what your AJAX request is doing.

If it was working, and then stopped, then something must have changed. Either you changed the code, or you changed the database, or you updated the browser. Try to work out what changed when the code stopped working to see if that gives you any clues.

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