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Hi all,
I am newbie to WPf.trying to update richtextbox control using dispatcher,while execution the application gets hangup but not goes to notresponding's working for particular minutes say (5)after that it get's freezes and updation carried out frequently.It will updates after the execution..
my code below...
Provide your suggestions....

Function to displaying information in richtextbox control

public void DisplayParamValues(string field, string expected, string actual, RichTextBox rtx,string tolerance)

string actualData = null;
string refData = null;

//// removing start of text,end of text,data link escape characters for actual
actualData = this.RemoveAltCharacters(actual);

//// removing start of text,end of text,data link escape characters for reference
refData = this.RemoveAltCharacters(expected);

string res = null;

if (Prop.ATS_Prop.Platformlimitation.Equals("Y"))
string platform=Prop.ATS_Prop.Platform;
string[] split=platform.Split('_');
string exp = pltfrmLimit.GetPlatfromLimitaion(field,Prop.ATS_Prop.Sink,split[0]);
if (exp != null)
refData = exp;


//// Check the tolerance applicable
if (!tolerance.Equals("NA"))
//// Converting tolerance value to double
double incTole = Convert.ToDouble(tolerance);
double decTole=-1* Convert.ToDouble(tolerance);
double actualVal=0;
double refVal=0;

//// Converting to double for actual and reference value
if (actualData.Contains(" ") && refData.Contains(" "))
String[] actDataSplit = actualData.Split(' ');
string[] refDataSplit=refData.Split(' ');
actualVal =Convert.ToDouble(actDataSplit[0]);
refVal = Convert.ToDouble(refDataSplit[0]);
actualVal =Convert.ToDouble(actualData);
refVal = Convert.ToDouble(refData);
double actTole=actualVal-refVal;

//// validating the PASS or FAIL
if (actualVal == refVal || actTole <= incTole || actTole >= decTole)
res = "PASS";

res = "FAIL";

//// writing the result to the trace
if (System.IO.File.Exists(Prop.ATS_Prop.FilePath))
writer = File.AppendText(Prop.ATS_Prop.FilePath);
if (res.Equals("PASS"))
writer.WriteLine(field + ": PASS\n");
writer.WriteLine(field + ": FAIL");
writer.WriteLine(":\nReference : " + expected + " Actual : " + actual);

//// Displays the result to control
if (res.Equals("PASS"))
rtx.AppendText(field + ": PASS\n");
if (Prop.ATS_Prop.AnalyScroll)
rtx.AppendText(field + ":FAIL\n");
rtx.AppendText("Reference : " + expected + " Actual : " + actual + "\n");
if (Prop.ATS_Prop.AnalyScroll)
//// appending result to the trace file
if (System.IO.File.Exists(Prop.ATS_Prop.FilePath))
writer = File.AppendText(Prop.ATS_Prop.FilePath);
if (refData.Equals(actualData))
writer.WriteLine(field + ": PASS\n");
writer.WriteLine(field + ": FAIL");
writer.WriteLine(":\nReference : " + expected + " Actual : " + actual);

//// Displays the result to control
if (refData.Equals(actualData))
rtx.AppendText(field + ": PASS\n");
if (Prop.ATS_Prop.AnalyScroll)
rtx.AppendText(field + ":FAIL\n");
rtx.AppendText("Reference : " + expected + " Actual : " + actual + "\n");
if (Prop.ATS_Prop.AnalyScroll)


Prop.ATS_Prop :

/// Get and Sets properties for ATS

public static class ATS_Prop
/// Name of the application used

private static string application;

/// Name of the platform used

private static string platform;

/// Test cases table name

private static string testcases;

/// Expected table name

private static string expected;

/// Workflow table name

private static string workflow;

/// Name of the source used

private static string source;

/// Name of the sink used

private static string sink;

/// Custom Parameter selection

private static string customParam;

/// Thread state

private static bool threadstate;

/// Stress occurences

private static int occurences;

/// Stress test ids

private static string stressTestIds;

/// Directory structure for dut trace

private static string dutFilePath;

/// Run button control

private static Button runButton;

/// Stop button initialization

private static Button stopButton;

/// Custom run button initialization

private static Button customRunButton;

/// Grid initialization

private static Grid displayGrid;

/// Checkbox initialization

private static CheckBox stressChck;

/// platform revision information

private static string dutHeader;

/// Platform revision

private static string rev;

/// revision label initialization

private static Label revision;

/// Directory structure of actual result trace

private static string filePath;

/// Directory structure of stress/Custom execution trace

private static string dir;

/// List of test ids

private static ArrayList testIds = new ArrayList();

/// DUT directory

private static string dutDir;

/// Dut auto scroll

private static bool dutScroll;

/// Analyzer auto scroll

private static bool analyScroll;

/// Testplan version

private static double testplanVersion;

/// Platform limitation

private static string platformlimitation;

#region Platformlimitation
/// Gets or sets Platform limitation

public static string Platformlimitation
get { return ATS_Prop.platformlimitation; }
set { ATS_Prop.platformlimitation = value; }

#region Testplan Version
/// Gets or sets Testplan version

public static double TestplanVersion
get { return ATS_Prop.testplanVersion; }
set { ATS_Prop.testplanVersion = value; }

#region AnalyzerScroll
/// Gets or sets Analyzer scroll

public static bool AnalyScroll
get { return ATS_Prop.analyScroll; }
set { ATS_Prop.analyScroll = value; }

#region DUTScroll
/// Gets or sets Dut scroll

public static bool DutScroll
get { return ATS_Prop.dutScroll; }
set { ATS_Prop.dutScroll = value; }

#region PropertyCustomParam
/// Gets or sets Custom Parameter

public static string CustomParam
get { return ATS_Prop.customParam; }
set { ATS_Prop.customParam = value; }

#region PropertyThreadstate
/// Gets or sets thread state

public static bool Threadstate
get { return ATS_Prop.threadstate; }
set { ATS_Prop.threadstate = value; }

#region PropertyOccurances
/// Gets or sets Occurrences

public static int Occurrences
get { return ATS_Prop.occurences; }
set { ATS_Prop.occurences = value; }

#region PropertyStresstestids
/// Gets or sets Stress test ids

public static string StressTestIds
get { return ATS_Prop.stressTestIds; }
set { ATS_Prop.stressTestIds = value; }

#region PropertyDutFilePath
/// Gets or sets DutFile path

public static string DutFilePath
get { return ATS_Prop.dutFilePath; }
set { ATS_Prop.dutFilePath = value; }

#region PropertyRunButton
/// Gets or sets Run button

public static Button RunButton
get { return ATS_Prop.runButton; }
set { ATS_Prop.runButton = value; }

#region PropertyStopButton
/// Gets or sets Stop Button

public static Button StopButton
get { return ATS_Prop.stopButton; }
set { ATS_Prop.stopButton = value; }

#region propertyCustomRunButton
/// Gets or sets custom run button

public static Button CustomRunButton
get { return ATS_Prop.customRunButton; }
set { ATS_Prop.customRunButton = value; }

#region PropertyDisplayGrid
/// Gets or sets Display Grid

public static Grid DisplayGrid
get { return ATS_Prop.displayGrid; }
set { ATS_Prop.displayGrid = value; }

#region propertystresscheckbox
/// Gets or sets stress checkbox

public static CheckBox StressChck
get { return ATS_Prop.stressChck; }
set { ATS_Prop.stressChck = value; }

#region PropertyDutheader
/// Gets or sets dut header

public static string DutHeader
get { return ATS_Prop.dutHeader; }
set { ATS_Prop.dutHeader = value; }

#region propertyRev
/// Gets or sets revision

public static string Rev
get { return ATS_Prop.rev; }
set { ATS_Prop.rev = value; }

#region PropertyRevision
/// Gets or sets Revision

public static Label Revision
get { return ATS_Prop.revision; }
set { ATS_Prop.revision = value; }

#region PropertyFilepath
/// Gets or sets file path

public static string FilePath
get { return ATS_Prop.filePath; }
set { ATS_Prop.filePath = value; }

#region PropertyDut
/// Gets or sets DUT

public static string DutDir
get { return ATS_Prop.dutDir; }
set { ATS_Prop.dutDir = value; }

#region PropertyDir
/// Gets or sets Dir

public static string Dir
get { return ATS_Prop.dir; }
set { ATS_Prop.dir = value; }

#region Propertytestids
/// Gets or sets test ids

public static ArrayList TestIds
get { return ATS_Prop.testIds; }
set { ATS_Prop.testIds = value; }

#region propertyApplication
/// Gets or sets Property for application

public static string Application
get { return application; }
set { application = value; }

#region Propertyplatform
/// Gets or sets property for platform

public static string Platform
get { return platform; }
set { platform = value; }

#region propertytestcases
/// Gets or sets property for Test cases

public static string Testcases
get { return testcases; }
set { testcases = value; }

#region Propertyexpected
/// Gets or sets property for Expected

public static string Expected
get { return expected; }
set { expected = value; }

#region Propertyworkflow
/// Gets or sets property for Workflow

public static string Workflow
get { return workflow; }
set { workflow = value; }

#region Propertysource
/// Gets or sets Property for Source

public static string Source
get { return ATS_Prop.source; }
set { ATS_Prop.source = value; }

#region Propertysink
/// Gets or sets property for sink

public static string Sink
get { return ATS_Prop.sink; }
set { ATS_Prop.sink = value; }
Updated 30-May-13 19:06pm
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 30-May-13 12:03pm    
Dispatcher.Invoke and Dispatcher.BeginInvoke (why do you use BeginInvoke, not more usually used Invoke?) are designed to avoid hanging, not create it! Do you call your BeginInvoke from a separate, non-UI thread? If not, it makes no sense.
Why are you using (ThreadStart) in delegate? It's possible, but suggests you don't understand what you are doing. Normally, System.Action is used.
Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov 30-May-13 12:09pm    
OK, the code is quite bad (especially comparison with hard-coded string and hard-coded texts in general), but there is no apparent problem here. It could be not just here, but somewhere else. We cannot see what are "Prop", "AST_Prop", "res", "rtx", where your BeginInvoke is called, etc. What if the invoked method recursively call itself, until some condition is met? You need to use the debugger and find out what's going on. Besides, pass "Prop", "res" and "rtx" as parameters of the delegate instance.

Another alternative: simplify the code sample to a very simple but complete one, still manifesting the problem. Post it all using "Improve question".


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