This tip details how to install a .NET Common Language Runtime Stored Procedure on SQL Server. It does NOT cover writing the .NET code, just the installation in SQL Server.
There are several good articles on creating CLR stored procedures, so this one will only focus on the installation process.
STEP 1: Configure SQL Server
1a: Run this query to make sure the CLR is enabled in SQL Server:
select case [value]
when 0 then 'You NEED to run the sp_configure.'
else 'You do NOT need to run the sp_configure.'
from sys.configurations
where name = 'clr enabled';
1b: IF you NEED to run sp_configure, continue, ELSE go to STEP 2:.
Run the following SQL. This will enable the .NET Framework (.NET 2.0 in SqlSvr 2008r2). The "reconfigure
" commands requires SERVER admin privileges to run.
sp_configure @configname=clr_enabled, @configvalue=1
STEP 2: Grant the User, and Assembly "external access" Rights.
Login to the database as a user in the system admin role, OTHER THAN the user you are going to use to execute the rest of the process (e.g. use the "sa
" system account). This is necessary because a user cannot grant these rights to themselves. Execute the following SQL:
use master;
grant external access assembly to [Domain\Login];
alter database {database name} set trustworthy on;
STEP 3: Get the .NET CLR Assembly
Compile the .NET CLR project in Visual Studio, or get an already compiled DLL file.
Copy the CLR.dll file to a location that can be referenced by the SQL Server machine as a file path.
STEP 4: Import the .NET assembly into SQL Server
Execute the following SQL. This imports the .NET assembly into SQL Server.
declare @dllPath nvarchar(255) = '{The file system path to your CLR DLL (e.g. C:\Temp\CLR.dll)}'
create assembly {choose assembly name} from @dllPath with permission_set = external_access;
STEP 5: Create the Procedure in SQL Server
Execute the following SQL. This creates stored procedures from the methods in the assembly. Replace the (@msg nvarchar(max), @result nvarchar(max) output)
parameters with the parameters and return defined in the .NET function.
create procedure {choose SP name} (@msg nvarchar(max), @result nvarchar(max) output)
as external name {choose Assembly name}._
[{.NET namespace}.{.NET class name}].{.NET function name};
STEP 6: Call the Stored Procedure
Executing the following will run the stored procedure (substitute the parameters for what you created in Step 5).
declare @res nvarchar(max);
exec {SP name chosen in Step 5} @msg = 'The msg', @result = @res output;
print @res;