Conventional implementation of Visitor
interface looks like this:
class IVisitor
virtual void Visit(Type1& o) = 0;
virtual void Visit(Type2& o) = 0;
virtual void Visit(Type3& o) = 0;
All the methods are void
, so there is no straightforward way to return value when visiting the object from the class hierarchy. This tip shows the generic way to implement visitors that can return values without the need to change the visited hierarchy.
Example: Evaluating the Expression
Let's have a very simple expression tree class hierarchy with just two types of node - Number
, representing the integral value, and Plus
, representing the addition of two expressions (Nodes
class Node
using NodePtr = shared_ptr<Node>;
class Number : public Node
Number(int value_) : value{ value_ } {}
int value;
class Plus : public Node
Plus(NodePtr left_, NodePtr right_) : left{ left_ }, right{ right_ }{}
NodePtr left, right;
shared_ptr<plus> plus(NodePtr left, NodePtr right) { return make_shared<plus>(left, right); }
shared_ptr<number> number(int value) { return make_shared<number>(value); }
So we can create an expression e.g. like this:
auto expr = plus(number(3), plus(number(5), number(7)));
Now we want to evaluate this expression. The easiest and most natural way to do it is to traverse the expression recursively and compute the partial values of every subtree, so the value of the Plus
node is the sum of the values of both of its subnodes and the value of the Number
node is the number associated to it.
It's a good practice to decouple the operation (evaluation) from the data (expression tree) as much as possible. Visitor pattern will help us do it. Let's make our expression tree objects visitable (changes are bold):
class Node
virtual void Accept(INodeVisitor& vis) = 0;
#define MAKE_VISITABLE virtual void Accept(INodeVisitor& vis) override { vis.Visit(*this);}
using NodePtr = shared_ptr<Node>;
class Number : public Node
Number(int value_) : value{ value_ } {}
int value;
class Plus : public Node
Plus(NodePtr left_, NodePtr right_) : left{ left_ }, right{ right_ }{}
NodePtr left, right;
But here we need to return the value from the evaluation of subtree so that we can combine them. How to do that without invading the tree hierarchy definition?
Enter ValueGetter
We will define ValueGetter
, generic helper class for visitor to store computed values in local objects and to retrieve them on demand:
template<typename VisitorImpl, typename VisitablePtr, typename ResultType>
class ValueGetter
static ResultType GetValue(VisitablePtr n)
VisitorImpl vis;
n->Accept(vis); return vis.value;
void Return(ResultType value_)
value = value_;
ResultType value;
The GetValue static
function does the following:
- Creates a new instance of a visitor
- Lets the visitor process given node via standard Accept -> Visit bounce
- Returns value stored by this processing
The Return
method allows concrete visitor (the class derived from ValueGetter
) to store the result.
The template parameters of the class are concrete implementation of the visitor, pointer to the visitable class hierarchy and result type of the visitation. We'll see this on the concrete example later.
Using the ValueGetter to Create Evaluator
Now, we can derive from ValueGetter
to create our Evaluator
visiting class:
class Evaluator : public ValueGetter<Evaluator, NodePtr, int>, public INodeVisitor
virtual void Visit(Number& n)
virtual void Visit(Plus& n)
Return(GetValue(n.left) + GetValue(n.right));
It derives from ValueGetter
by Curiously Recurring Template Pattern so that the ValueGetter
can instantiate the Evaluator
itself. It also implements INodeVisitor
interface the conventional way - overriding all overloads of Visit
virtual method for every type of supported node.
Another Visitor: Serializator
With the help of ValueGetter
template class, it is now very easy to implement more visitors with any return type. Let's make one more for the expression tree: Serializator
. The job of Serializator
is to return the textual representation of the expression, e. g. "(3 + (5 + 7))
". While this would be also possible with cannonical visitor, with ValueGetter
it is even easier and instructive for our case:
class Serializer : public ValueGetter<Serializer, NodePtr, string>, public INodeVisitor
virtual void Visit(Number& n)
virtual void Visit(Plus& n)
Return("(" + GetValue(n.left) + " + " + GetValue(n.right) + ")");
The number is simply converted to the string
, while the Plus
is serialized as "(<left_subtree_value> + <right_subtree_value>
)". And this is it. If we use it in the program:
auto expr = plus(number(3), plus(number(5), number(7))); cout << Serializer::GetValue(expr) << " = " << Evaluator::GetValue(expr) << endl;
we get the following output:
(3 + (5 + 7)) = 15