Consider the following simple piece of code:
void multiplyByTwo(double &value)
value *= 2;
void test()
double value = 10;
The code above is so simple, it doesn't warrant any explanation. Now what if our test
function didn't have a double
value to pass to the multiplyByTwo
function. If test had an int
, we might have implemented it like so:
void test()
int value = 10;
double temp = static_cast<double>(value);
value = static_cast<int>(temp);
If we had another function which took multiple parameters and we needed to pass N arguments whose types differed from those which the function accepted, then we would have N temporary additional variables. This causes a lot of noise in the code, and distracts the reader from the real business logic of the code.
"An adapter helps two incompatible interfaces to work together" - Wikipedia
enables passing an argument by reference, to a function which expects an argument of a different type. You can grab the adaptcast.h implementation from the archive attached to this tip and namespace it according to your project needs.
Let's see adapt_cast
applied to our example above:
void test()
int value = 10;
In this fashion, if there were multiple arguments incompatible with the function signature, then the use of adapt_cast
would greatly reduce the noise in the code, making the business logic clearer.
Output-only Arguments
If an argument was output-only, i.e., its initial value is not used by the function, then adapt_cast_out
should be used instead. The following piece of code illustrates this:
void getMagicNumber(float &value)
value = 7.2f;
void test()
string str;
also has a nice side effect that the code is now documented as well, indicating that the argument is for output purposes only.
Input-only Arguments
was purposefully not designed to handle input-only arguments (i.e., arguments whose inital values only are used by the function, but nothing is returned via the references). The reasoning is that, if an argument is input-only, then the function interface will probably take it by value, or by const reference. In these cases, the user can manually do the static_cast
(which adapt_cast
does by default), or use a conversion function directly.
Explicitly Specifying Converters
will, by default, internally use static_cast
to convert between source and target arguments. The source argument being the object to be passed into the function whose type is incompatible with the function signature. And the target argument being a temporary which is compatible with the function signature, which acts as a substitute for the source argument.
Illustration of source and target arguments:
void test()
int value = 10;
also allows custom conversion functions to be provided. The syntax for using adapt_cast
with custom conversion functions is:
adapt_cast<TargetType &>(sourceObject, ConvertSourceToTargetFunction, ConvertTargetToSourceFunction)
Where the signature of a conversion function is:
OutputType func(const InputType &)
The following example illustrates usage of custom conversion functions with adapt_cast
double toDouble(const int &value)
return static_cast<double>(value);
int toInt(const double &value)
return static_cast<int>(value);
void test()
int value = 10;
multiplyByTwo(adapt_cast<double&>(value, toDouble, toInt));
There is much potential for improvement; if you make changes to the code, improve it, or have some better ideas, I would love to know. I can be reached by email at francisxavierjp [at] gmail [dot] com. Comments and suggestions are always welcome!