This tip will help you to generate Insert data scripts for Master table Data scripts.
In my Application development tenure; I am also involved in the development and deployment of code & DB scripts on LIVE application server. So it is difficult to remember what values are changed or added to master tables. I have to check individual table records and then make changes to LIVE SQL DB Server. Here, I tried to resolve this by generate scripts for these tables. (Of course, first I have to remove/ truncate table values from LIVE Server.)
Using the Code
This is a simple SQL Procedure that you have to add in your database.
CREATE PROC [dbo].[usp_Generate_InsertScript]
@TableName VARCHAR(255) ,
@bitIncludeIdentityField BIT = 0
declare @FieldNames varchar(max),@FieldValues varchar(max),@SqlStatement varchar(max)
seLECT @FieldNames='',@FieldValues='+'
Select @FieldNames = @FieldNames + '['+name+'],',
@FieldValues = @FieldValues+'isnull('+CASE WHEN xtype IN (58,61,167,175,231) _
THEN 'Char(39)+' ELSE 'SPACE(0)+' END
CASE WHEN xtype IN (58,61,167,175,231) THEN'+Char(39)'ELSE '+_
Space(0)' END +','+cHAR(39)+'null'+cHAR(39)+')+'+cHAR(39)+','+cHAR(39)+'+'
FROM Sys.SysColumns
Where Id=Object_Id(@TableName) AND colstat IN(0,@bitIncludeIdentityField)
seLECT @FieldNames= left(@FieldNames,lEN(@FieldNames)-1),_
@FieldValues = left(@FieldValues,lEN(@FieldValues)-5)
set @SqlStatement = 'select '+char(39)+'INSERT INTO '+@TableName+' _
('+@FieldNames+') values ('+char(39)+@FieldValues+'+'+Char(39)+')'+_
Char(39)+' from '+@TableName
EXEC usp_Generate_InsertScript 'TableName'
Points of Interest
SQL Query simplify