I assume that the data has been read into a dataset!
To read an sql blob field into a picture box, just do this:
'create a PictureBox or use the one on your form!
Dim pic As New PictureBox
'rs is the record set.
'.ImageContent is the field name containing the blob field.
'here is the catch, assign the blob field directly into an array of Byte
Dim img As Byte() = rs.ImageContent.ToArray
'write the array content into memory
Dim ms As New MemoryStream()
ms.Write(img, 0, rs.ImageContent.Length)
With pic
'assign some other properties here
'read the converted blob image into the picture box
'use overload option one!
.Image = Image.FromStream(ms)
End With
That's all!
I hope it's use full
Willem Hijlkema
the Netherlands