It might be required to generate random numbers for one of the following or other reasons.
- To provide unique IDs for records in a database
- To provide unique file names for a file in IO system
- To provide unique random IDs for customers, orders, communications, objects or resources in a system
- To provide unique tracking IDs for goods and services
What is linear congruential method?
It is a sequence of numeric values X1, X2,,X3 ,… between zero and n-1 by using the following recursive relationship:
Xi+1= (aXi + c) mod m, where i=0, 1, 2,...
Output: X0, X1, X2,… where X0 is called seed.
- The total number of possible random numbers generated depends on the value of a, c, m and X0.
- If c and m are relatively prime, then random numbers are in the interval between
[0, m-1]
. - The value of a is equals to
1 + 4*j
; where j=1, 2, 3,
Using the Code
Having the above principle, let us consider how to adopt the linear congruential method to generate random numbers.
Let us assume that XYZ Company has PCI requirement to assign for each of its customers unique random number with digits of 12. Provide a possible solution for XYZ Company to be able to generate the required possible random numbers with 12 digits.
Proposed Solution by XYZ Company IT Department
- 7 digits of cycle length for a random number
- 2 digits of current year
- 2 digits of current date month
- 1 digit of shift (if morning 1, else 2)
How to Implement the Above Proposed Solution Using Linear Congruential Method?
Step 1
Find 7 digits cycle length for the random number.
Using linear congruential, we might have a sequence of numbers X0, X1, X2, … with the following relationship:
Xi+1 = [(aXi + c) mod m] --------------------------- (1)
Choice a= 17 and c= 13 and m =
= 8388608 and X0
= 13 with GCF(c=13, m=223) = 1, with c and m are relatively prime.
Hence, we can make random numbers with a cycle length of 8388608
with sequence of random numbers with the following relationship:
Xi+1 = (17Xi + 13) mod 223 with X0 = 13 --------- (2)
Step 2
Cycle length adjustment (period of random numbers), i.e., in this case, IT department decides to be per shift.
Hence, we can recycle the above random number generation using the following relationship:
Yi+1 = Xi+1 + (Z * 107) where Xi+1 from equation (2) and Z is with format smmyy
where yy
is the current year, mm
is the current month and s
is the current shift (morning = 1, others = 2).
12 digits random numbers.
SQL Implementation of the above analysis.
Create customer table with fields: customerid
, customerTrackingNo
, firstName
, lastName
, sex
, address
, and isActive
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Customer](
[customerid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[customerTrackingNo] [varchar](12) NOT NULL,
[firstName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[lastName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[sex] [varchar](10) NULL,
[address] [varchar](200) NULL,
[isActive] [bit] NULL,
Create a function “udfGetNextRandomNumber
” to calculate @Xi+1 and adjust based on the required number of digits using the following script:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].udfGetNextRandomNumber( @Xi int )
RETURNS varchar(12)
DECLARE @currentTrackingNo varchar(12);
DECLARE @lastCustomerid int;
DECLARE @a int, @c int, @m int, @XiNext int;
DECLARE @year varchar(2), @month varchar(2), @shift varchar(12);
DECLARE @count int;
SET @a= 17;
SET @c = 13;
SET @m = power(2,23);
SET @XiNext = ((( @a * @Xi ) + @c) % @m);
SET @year = (SELECT RIGHT(YEAR(getdate()),2));
SET @month = (SELECT RIGHT('00' + CAST(DATEPART(mm,getdate()) AS varchar(2)), 2));
SET @shift = (SELECT LTRIM(Right(REPLACE(CONVERT(nvarchar(MAX),_
CAST(GetDate() as smalldatetime), 109),':00:000', ' '), 8)));
SET @shift = Right(Cast(@shift as varchar(12)),2);
if (upper(@shift)= 'AM')
SET @shift = '1';
SET @shift = '2';
SET @shift = @shift + @month + @year;
DECLARE @cycleAdjustment bigint;
DECLARE @nextcycleAdjustment varchar(12);
SET @cycleAdjustment = CAST(@shift as bigint);
SET @nextcycleAdjustment = _
CAST( (@cycleAdjustment * power(10,7) + @XiNext) AS VARCHAR(12))
RETURN @nextcycleAdjustment
Create a stored procedure called “SPU_AddCustomer
” to insert a record into the customer
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SPU_AddCustomer]
@firstName varchar(50),
@lastName varchar(50),
@sex varchar(10),
@address varchar(200),
@isActive bit,
@SeedX0 int =13
DECLARE @customerTrackingNo varchar(12), _
@previousTrackingNo varchar(12), @count int, @lastCustomerid int ,@Xi int;
SET @count = (SELECT Count(*) FROM Customer)
IF (@count > 0)
SET @lastCustomerid = (Select Max(customerid) from Customer);
SET @previousTrackingNo = (Select customerTrackingNo _
From Customer where customerid = @lastCustomerid);
SET @previousTrackingNo = (SELECT RIGHT(@previousTrackingNo,7))
SET @Xi = CAST(@previousTrackingNo as int);
SET @Xi = @SeedX0;
SET @customerTrackingNo =dbo.udfGetNextRandomNumber(@Xi);
INSERT INTO dbo.Customer(customerTrackingNo, firstName, lastName,sex, [address],isActive)
Values(@customerTrackingNo, @firstName, @lastName, @sex, @address,@isActive)
Points of Interest
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