When we look at a new programming language, we start with the "Hello, World!" program. In Ring we can write this simple program with different styles that reflect the general scope of the language! The language documentation comes with three styles in the begining, In this article I will try to present all of the styles that we can use after learning the different aspects of the language!
The Ring programming language is a dynamic programming language for Windows, Linux and macOS. Very similar to Python and Ruby, but brings a lot of features from BASIC too!, The new ideas in the language are related to domain-specific languages and using declarative and natural programming. It's free open source language.
In Ring 1.0
see "Hello, World!"
(2) Using nl we can print new line!
see "Hello, World" + nl
(3) The language is not case-sensitive!
SEE "Hello, World!"
(4) Using nl we can print new line!
SEE "Hello, World" + nl
See "Hello, World!"
(6) Using nl we can print new line!
See "Hello, World" + nl
In Ring 1.1
put "Hello, World!"
put "Hello, World!" + nl
PUT "Hello, World!"
PUT "Hello, World!" + nl
Put "Hello, World!"
Put "Hello, World!" + nl
(13) Using the Standard Library "stdlib.ring"
load "stdlib.ring"
print("Hello, World!")
(14) Using the Standard Library "stdlib.ring" and \n for new lines!
load "stdlib.ring"
print("Hello, World!\n")
LOAD "stdlib.ring"
PRINT("Hello, World!")
LOAD "stdlib.ring"
PRINT("Hello, World!\n")
Load "stdlib.ring"
Print("Hello, World!")
Load "stdlib.ring"
Print("Hello, World!\n")
(19) In Ring 1.6 we can use ? as see <expr> + nl
? "Hello, World!"
(20) We can write multiline strings
? "
Hello, World!
We can use functions|procedures, the main function will be executed in the start of the program.
(1) First Style
func main
see "Hello, World!"
(2) Second Style
def main
put "Hello, World!"
(3) Third Style
load "stdlib.ring"
func main() {
print("Hello, World!")
We can define a class, then create an object for this class!
(1) First Style
new MyApp { main() }
class MyApp
func main
see "Hello, World!"
(2) Second Style
new MyApp { main() }
class MyApp
def main
put "Hello, World!"
(3) Third Style
load "stdlib.ring"
new MyApp { main() }
class MyApp {
func main() {
print("Hello, World!")
The web library can be used from weblib.ring
We have the package System.web
This packages contains many classes that we can use for web development.
#!ring -cgi
load "weblib.ring"
import System.Web
new page {
text("Hello, World!")
Games are based on Allegro and LibSDL
To use these libraries through the game engine, We have gameengine.ring
load "gameengine.ring"
func main
oGame = new game {
title = "Hello, World!"
GUI (Desktop|Mobile) - using Qt
Desktop and mobile development are based on the Qt framework
To use this framework we will load the guilib.ring
load "guilib.ring"
new qApp {
new qWidget() {
setwindowtitle("Hello World")
move(100,100) resize(400,400)
We can define new statments in the language, then use classes to implement our definition
The next example define Hello World as a new command!
new natural {
Hello World
class natural
hello world
func getHello ? "Hello"
func getWorld ? "World!"
Points of Interest
(1) Different styles that match programmers with different backgrounds
(2) The language could be used in different domains
(1) All of these styles could be mixed in the same project!
(2) The language still new, A lot of libraries need more work!
Ring is a new programming language (just released in 2016)
The current version is Ring 1.6 (free open source - MIT License)