In an attempt to make a program with intellisense on the Run Dialog I came across a trick I had to share (note this is my first article).
I've been reading a few "memory" books recently and concluded its easier to remember a folders name rather than the directory it lives in. Simple.
Annoyances this trick aims to overcome
Forgetting folder locations
Double clicking My Computer taking like a minute to show the drives.
Reducing the time spent trawling through the Windows Explorer Treeview &/or traversing the hierarchy with double clicks.
- Create a shortcut of a favorite folder (eg Music)
- Rename the shortcut nicely (eg tunes)
- Put the shortcut in c:\Documents & settings\YourUserProfile
Now press Windows key + R > type tunes > enter
Note: Some users might need to put the short cuts in their My Documents directory. You could probably put the shortcut in any folder included in the PATH environment variable. The reason this works is because the Run command starts in the user's home directory by default.