I have used this function countless times over the years. It was designed to be a fast/lightweight/cross browser way to assign functions to the events of any element on the page matching a specific criteria. It also works with expando attributes (custom attributes assigned at runtime).
The Function
function AddEventByAttributeValue(t, p, v, e, f)
var n = document.getElementsByTagName(t);
for (var i=0, l=n.length; i<l; i++)
if (n[i][p] == v) { n[i][e] = f; }
Using the Code
You can use the code in the following way:
AddEventByAttributeValue("a", "className", "lightbox", "onclick", function (e) {
e = e || event;
if (this.href.lastIndexOf(".jpg") == this.href.length - 4) {
alert("this is an image link");
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.returnValue = false;
return false;
or alternatively:
function lightboxImageClick(e)
e = e || event;
if (this.href.lastIndexOf(".jpg") == this.href.length - 4) {
alert("this is an image link");
e.cancelBubble = true;
e.returnValue = false;
return false;
AddEventByAttributeValue("a", "className", "lightbox", "onclick", lightboxImageClick);
to affect all element types where an attribute exists and value equals, use an astrix * as the tagName
AddEventByAttributeValue("*", "className", "lightbox", "onclick", lightboxImageClick);
Points of Interest
This function is aimed at projects that do not require bloated JavaScript frameworks. It does not provide a method to remove events, although this could be added if required.