Here is a way to do this without using the registry.
In the project's properties, Settings pane, add the following settings. You can name these settings anything you want, but use the same setting name in the code shown below:
Name: MainWindowState
Type: System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState
Scope: User
Name: MainWindowLocation
Type: System.Drawing.Point
Scope: User
Name: MainWindowSize
Type: System.Drawing.Size
Scope: User
Put the following in the form's
Dim st As FormWindowState = My.Settings.MainWindowState
Dim siz As Size = My.Settings.MainWindowSize
Dim loc As Point = My.Settings.MainWindowLocation
Me.WindowState = st
If Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal Then
If siz.Width <> 0 AndAlso siz.Height <> 0 Then Me.Size = siz
If loc.X <> 0 AndAlso loc.Y <> 0 Then Me.Location = loc
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Me.Location = New Point(100, 100)
End Try
Put the following in the form's
My.Settings.MainWindowState = Me.WindowState
If Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal Then
My.Settings.MainWindowLocation = Me.Location
My.Settings.MainWindowSize = Me.Size
End If
Add settings for as many forms as you want to track in your project, and adjust the code accordingly. Put the code blocks in each form, referencing the proper setting name. Each user will then have the forms appear exactly as he/she left them the last time.