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A simple attribute to store licensing information and credits

5.00/5 (6 votes)
10 May 2011CPOL 20K  
A few fields to store general information on the provided code
using System;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple=true)]
public class AttributionAttribute : System.Attribute
    String _author;
    String _authorLink;
    String _contributionTitle;
    String _contributionLink;
    public AttributionAttribute()
    public String Author
        get { return this._author; }
        set { this._author = value; }
    public String AuthorLink
        get { return this._authorLink; }
        set { this._authorLink = value; }
    public String ContributionTitle
        get { return this._contributionTitle; }
        set { this._contributionTitle = value; }
    public String ContributionLink
        get { return this._contributionLink; }
        set { this._contributionLink = value; }

This makes it easy to give credit to the author, without having to keep a list of what's referenced and whatsnot.
[assembly: Attribution
    Author = "Jani Giannoudis",
    AuthorLink = "",
    ContributionTitle = "User Settings Applied",
    ContributionLink = ""

Giving credit in a generic DataGridView is as easy as fetching all attributes from the current executing assembly and all it's references and summing them;
foreach (AttributionAttribute aa in attribs)
  int newRowIdx = dataGridView1.RowCount;
  dataGridView1[0, newRowIdx].Value = aa.Author;
  dataGridView1[0, newRowIdx].ToolTipText = aa.AuthorLink;
  dataGridView1[1, newRowIdx].Value = aa.ContributionTitle;
  dataGridView1[1, newRowIdx].ToolTipText = aa.ContributionLink;

Enjoy :)


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