I came upon the need to save multiple frames to a single file - here is where the Tiff file format shines. Not much documentation on how to do it with color so I thought I would share what I found. Enjoy!
Private Sub SaveImages(ByVal imgs() As Image, ByVal filepath As String)
Dim info As ImageCodecInfo = Nothing
For Each ici As ImageCodecInfo In ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders()
If ici.MimeType = "image/tiff" Then
info = ici
End If
Dim enc As Imaging.Encoder = Imaging.Encoder.SaveFlag
Dim ep As New EncoderParameters(1)
ep.Param(0) = New EncoderParameter(enc, CLng(EncoderValue.MultiFrame))
Dim pages As Bitmap = Nothing
Dim frame As Integer = 0
For Each img As Image In images
If frame = 0 Then
pages = DirectCast(img, Bitmap)
pages.Save(filepath, info, ep)
ep.Param(0) = New EncoderParameter(enc, CLng(EncoderValue.FrameDimensionPage))
Dim bm As Bitmap = DirectCast(img, Bitmap)
pages.SaveAdd(bm, ep)
End If
If frame = images.Count - 1 Then
ep.Param(0) = New EncoderParameter(enc, CLng(EncoderValue.Flush))
End If
frame += 1
End Sub