Hi guys, in the following trick I am gonna show you how to capture videos snapshots every specified time where you can press on those snapshots and make the video go back to play from them.Note that every single line is commented to make everything clear.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<title>Video Timeline</title>
<video id="movies" autoplay oncanplay="startVideo()" onended="stopTimeline()" autobuffer="true"
width="400px" height="300px">
<source src="Intermission-Walk-in.ogv" type='video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'>
<source src="Intermission-Walk-in_512kb.mp4" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"'>
<canvas id="timeline" width="400px" height="300px">
<script type="text/javascript">
// # of milliseconds between timeline frame updates
var updateInterval = 5000;
// size of the timeline frames
var frameWidth = 100;
var frameHeight = 75;
// number of timeline frames
var frameRows = 4;
var frameColumns = 4;
var frameGrid = frameRows * frameColumns;
// current frame
var frameCount = 0;
// to cancel the timer at end of play
var intervalId;
var videoStarted = false;
function startVideo() {
// only set up the timer the first time the
// video is started
if (videoStarted)
videoStarted = true;
// calculate an initial frame, then create
// additional frames on a regular timer
intervalId = setInterval(updateFrame, updateInterval);
// set up a handler to seek the video when a frame
// is clicked
var timeline = document.getElementById("timeline");
timeline.onclick = function(evt) {
var offX = evt.layerX - timeline.offsetLeft;
var offY = evt.layerY - timeline.offsetTop;
// calculate which frame in the grid was clicked
// from a zero-based index
var clickedFrame = Math.floor(offY / frameHeight) * frameRows;
clickedFrame += Math.floor(offX / frameWidth);
// find the actual frame since the video started
var seekedFrame = (((Math.floor(frameCount / frameGrid)) *
frameGrid) + clickedFrame);
// if the user clicked ahead of the current frame
// then assume it was the last round of frames
if (clickedFrame > (frameCount % 16))
seekedFrame -= frameGrid;
// can't seek before the video
if (seekedFrame < 0)
// seek the video to that frame (in seconds)
var video = document.getElementById("movies");
video.currentTime = seekedFrame * updateInterval / 1000;
// then set the frame count to our destination
frameCount = seekedFrame;
// paint a representation of the video frame into our canvas
function updateFrame() {
var video = document.getElementById("movies");
var timeline = document.getElementById("timeline");
var ctx = timeline.getContext("2d");
// calculate out the current position based on frame
// count, then draw the image there using the video
// as a source
var framePosition = frameCount % frameGrid;
var frameX = (framePosition % frameColumns) * frameWidth;
var frameY = (Math.floor(framePosition / frameRows)) * frameHeight;
ctx.drawImage(video, 0, 0, 400, 300, frameX, frameY, frameWidth, frameHeight);
// stop gathering the timeline frames
function stopTimeline() {
Enjoy !