I was doing research on JavaScript to see if there was finally a get set definition. And much to my surprise, there was:
function class(){
var propertyName;
this.__defineGetter__('propertyName', function(){
return value;
this.__defineSetter__('propertyName', function(val){
value = val;
I was a little bothered by the formatting with both being functions instead of properties. But not that big of a deal. However, when I try it out and it doesn't work, I did some more research and discovered that it was only supported by FF and everything else was considered "legacy."
The formatting of this new get-set definition gave me an idea though, based on some of my coding that uses assumed function arguments.
function class(){
var propertyName;
this.propertyName = function(val){
if(typeof val != 'undefined'){
propertyName = val;
return propertyName;
I have tested this in Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari and Firefox. The way it works:
var class = new class();
When you call the function, it detects if an argument is passed. If it is, it sets the
variable and returns nothing; if it isn't, then it returns the current value of the