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Completely Empty the SharePoint Recycle Bin

5.00/5 (8 votes)
8 Sep 2013CPOL 109.6K  
A quick way to empty all entries in the SharePoint 2007 recycle bin without having to empty one page at a time.

If you have lots of stuff in your SharePoint Recycle Bin and want to empty it all, here’s a quick tip:

  1. Navigate to the recycle bin page (e.g., http://localhost/_layouts/recyclebin.aspx)
  2. In the address bar, type “javascript:emptyItems()” (minus the quotes)
  3. Press Enter. You will be asked if you really want to empty the recycle bin.
  4. Click OK to empty it; click Cancel to leave it alone.

It’s much faster to empty it this way if you have multiple pages of “stuff” in your recycle bin.

Note that this tip may only work with Internet Explorer. The browser must be able to understand the "javascript:" portion of the "url" in the address bar.

[Update: This tip works with SharePoint versions from 2007 to 2013. -sj]


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