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Searching within all the Stored Procedures in a database

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15 Mar 2012CPOL 13.8K  
You can search for any string with in the TSQL scripts of all the Stored Procedures in a database using the syscomments table.


Sometimes we may want to find out which procedure updates a particular column to a given status, which all procedures are joining two given tables etc. If we can search with in the stored procedure text it will enable us to isolate the problem and rectify bugs faster.

Using the code

Just query the syscomments table that stores all the TSQL scripts of the procedures. The below query also joins sys.objects also to find out the created and last modified time of the stored procedures.

SELECT ProcedureName, TEXT
, so.create_date [Created Date]
, so.modify_date [Modified Date]
FROM SysComments sc
JOIN Sys.Objects so ON OBJECT_NAME( =
WHERE Text LIKE '%Sample%'

Note that this script works only with SQL Server


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