I was working on a database project that requires database project incremental build. The requirements were to change some Stored Procedures,
add insert data script in the database project, and get the Install, Rollback SQL script using the VSDBCMD command. I was running VSDBCMD command manually
using the command prompt. To avoid manual process the Solution I came up with is a database project diff SQL script UI tool which generates the SQL diff script from
two database projects as well as the VSDBCMD commands that can be used in the automated build.
Using the code
I have created the DBDiffTool form which contains buttons, text boxes, check boxes etc.
When a user clicks on the Browse button, the following actions are invoked:
private void btnSourceModelFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult result = openDialog.ShowDialog();
if (result == DialogResult.OK)
txtSourceModelFile.Text =openDialog.FileName;
private void btnTargetModelFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult result = openDialog.ShowDialog();
if (result == DialogResult.OK)
txtTargetModelFile.Text = openDialog.FileName;
private void btnSoruceManifestFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DialogResult result = openDialog.ShowDialog();
if (result == DialogResult.OK)
txtSourceManifestFile.Text = openDialog.FileName;
When a user clicks on the Yes/No radio button, the following actions are invoked:
private void rdoIncludeSourceManifest_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
lblSourceManifest.Visible = true;
txtSourceManifestFile.Visible = true;
btnSoruceManifestFile.Visible = true;
private void rdoExcludeSourceManifest_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
lblSourceManifest.Visible = false;
txtSourceManifestFile.Visible = false;
btnSoruceManifestFile.Visible = false;
When a user clicks on the 'Execute' button, the following action is invoked:
private void btnCreateCommand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (txtSourceModelFile.Text == string.Empty)
MessageBox.Show("Enter the Source Model File path ");
if (txtTargetModelFile.Text == string.Empty)
MessageBox.Show("Enter the Target Model File path ");
if (rdoIncludeSourceManifest.Checked)
if (txtSourceManifestFile.Text == string.Empty)
MessageBox.Show("Enter the Source Manifest File path ");
if (txtDBName.Text == string.Empty)
MessageBox.Show("Enter the Database name");
string baseDirectoryPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
if (File.Exists(baseDirectoryPath + "DiffScript.txt"))
File.Delete(baseDirectoryPath + "DiffScript.txt");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("/a:Deploy /dsp:Sql /dd- ");
sb.Append("/ModelFile:" + txtSourceModelFile.Text + " ");
sb.Append("/TargetModelFile:" + txtTargetModelFile.Text + " ");
if (rdoIncludeSourceManifest.Checked)
sb.Append("/Manifest:" + txtSourceManifestFile.Text + " ");
sb.Append("/p:TargetDatabase=" + txtDBName.Text + " ");
sb.Append("/p:AbortOnFirstError=" + chkAbortOnFirstError.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:AlwaysCreateNewDataBase=" +
chkAlwaysCreateNewDatabase.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:BlockIncrementalDeploymentIfDataLoss=" +
chkBlockIncrementalDeploymentIfDataLoss.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:CheckNewConstraints=" + chkCheckNewConstraints.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:CommentOutSetVarDeclarations=" +
chkCommentOutSetVarDeclarations.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:DeployDatabaseProperties=" +
chkDeployDatabaseProperties.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:DropConstraintsNotInSource=" +
chkDropConstraintsNotInSource.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:DropIndexesNotInSource=" +
chkDropIndexesNotInSource.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:EnforceMinimalDependencies=" +
chkEnforceMinimalDependencies.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:GenerateDeployStateChecks=" +
chkGenerateDeployStateChecks.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:GenerateDropsIfNotInProject=" +
chkGenerateDropsIfNotInProject.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:IgnoreComments=" + chkIgnoreComments.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:IgnoreDefaultSchema=" + chkIgnoreDefaultSchema.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:IgnoreExtendedProperties=" + chkIgnoreExtendedProperties.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:IgnorePermissions=" + chkIgnorePermissions.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:IgnoreWhitespace=" + chkIgnoreWhitespace.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:IncludeTransactionalScripts=" + chkIncludeTransactionalScripts.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:IgnoreAnsiNulls=" + chkIgnoreAnsiNull.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:IgnoreFilegroupPlacement=" + chkIgnoreFilegroupPlacement.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:IgnoreFillFactor=" + chkIgnoreFillFactor.Checked.ToString() + " ");
sb.Append("/p:IgnoreLoginSids=" + chkIgnoreLoginSids.Checked.ToString() + " ");
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.Arguments =sb.ToString();
startInfo.CreateNoWindow =false ;
startInfo.FileName = baseDirectoryPath + "\\UtilityDlls\\vsdbcmd.exe ";
startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden ;
using(Process exeProcess= Process.Start(startInfo) )
System.IO.StreamReader readFile = new System.IO.StreamReader(baseDirectoryPath + "DiffScript.txt");
txtDiffScript.Text = readFile.ReadToEnd();
txtCommand.Text = "vsdbcmd.exe " + sb.ToString();
catch(System.Exception ex )
txtDiffScript.Text = ex.ToString();
Attached source code
- contains the database project diff script tool and sample database projects.
- contain the tool code.