I have adapted xiaohe521's CIniReader
and CIniWriter
classes (LINK) to work with TCHAR
instead of char
This way, you can use it either in one- or two-byte character sets.
This is my first post, so I'm always glad to get your feedback! ;)
I wanted to use the aforementioned classes in Visual Studio 2010 and needed to adapt them in order to make the code compile.
Using the code
As I didn't change the way the code is working I ask you to check out
xiaohe521's description here! Of course your main-program hast to work with TCHAR
s, too!
This is what the new code looks like:
#include <windows.h>
class CIniReader
CIniReader(LPCTSTR szFileName);
int ReadInteger(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, int iDefaultValue);
float ReadFloat(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, float fltDefaultValue);
bool ReadBoolean(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, bool bolDefaultValue);
LPTSTR ReadString(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, LPCTSTR szDefaultValue);
TCHAR m_szFileName[255];
#endif //INIREADER_H
#include "IniReader.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
CIniReader::CIniReader(LPCTSTR szFileName)
memset(m_szFileName, 0x00, sizeof(m_szFileName));
memcpy(m_szFileName, szFileName, _tcslen(szFileName)*sizeof(TCHAR));
int CIniReader::ReadInteger(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, int iDefaultValue)
int iResult = GetPrivateProfileInt(szSection, szKey, iDefaultValue, m_szFileName);
return iResult;
float CIniReader::ReadFloat(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, float fltDefaultValue)
TCHAR szResult[255];
TCHAR szDefault[255];
float fltResult;
_stprintf_s(szDefault, 255, TEXT("%f"),fltDefaultValue);
GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, szDefault, szResult, 255, m_szFileName);
fltResult = (float)_tstof(szResult);
return fltResult;
bool CIniReader::ReadBoolean(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, bool bolDefaultValue)
TCHAR szResult[255];
TCHAR szDefault[255];
bool bolResult;
_stprintf_s(szDefault, 255, TEXT("%s"), bolDefaultValue? TEXT("True") : TEXT("False"));
GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, szDefault, szResult, 255, m_szFileName);
bolResult = (_tcscmp(szResult, TEXT("True")) == 0 ||
_tcscmp(szResult, TEXT("true")) == 0) ? true : false;
return bolResult;
LPTSTR CIniReader::ReadString(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, LPCTSTR szDefaultValue)
LPTSTR szResult = new TCHAR[255];
memset(szResult, 0x00, sizeof(szResult));
GetPrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, szDefaultValue, szResult, 255, m_szFileName);
return szResult;
#include <windows.h>
class CIniWriter
CIniWriter(LPCTSTR szFileName);
void WriteInteger(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, int iValue);
void WriteFloat(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, float fltValue);
void WriteBoolean(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, bool bolValue);
void WriteString(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, LPCTSTR szValue);
TCHAR m_szFileName[255];
#endif //INIWRITER_H
#include "IniWriter.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
CIniWriter::CIniWriter(LPCTSTR szFileName)
memset(m_szFileName, 0x00, sizeof(m_szFileName));
memcpy(m_szFileName, szFileName, _tcslen(szFileName)*sizeof(TCHAR));
void CIniWriter::WriteInteger(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, int iValue)
TCHAR szValue[255];
_stprintf_s(szValue, 255, TEXT("%d"), iValue);
WritePrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, szValue, m_szFileName);
void CIniWriter::WriteFloat(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, float fltValue)
TCHAR szValue[255];
_stprintf_s(szValue, 255, TEXT("%f"), fltValue);
WritePrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, szValue, m_szFileName);
void CIniWriter::WriteBoolean(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, bool bolValue)
TCHAR szValue[255];
_stprintf_s(szValue, 255, TEXT("%s"), bolValue ? TEXT("True") : TEXT("False"));
WritePrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, szValue, m_szFileName);
void CIniWriter::WriteString(LPCTSTR szSection, LPCTSTR szKey, LPCTSTR szValue)
WritePrivateProfileString(szSection, szKey, szValue, m_szFileName);
#if defined(UNICODE) || defined(_UNICODE)
#define tcout std::wcout
#define tcout std::cout
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include "IniWriter.h"
#include "IniReader.h"
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
CIniWriter iniWriter(TEXT(".\\initest.ini"));
iniWriter.WriteString(TEXT("Setting"), TEXT("Name"), TEXT("jianxx"));
iniWriter.WriteInteger(TEXT("Setting"), TEXT("Age"), 27);
iniWriter.WriteFloat(TEXT("Setting"), TEXT("Height"), 1.82f);
iniWriter.WriteBoolean(TEXT("Setting"), TEXT("Marriage"), false);
CIniReader iniReader(TEXT(".\\initest.ini"));
LPTSTR szName = iniReader.ReadString(TEXT("Setting"), TEXT("Name"), TEXT(""));
int iAge = iniReader.ReadInteger(TEXT("Setting"), TEXT("Age"), 25);
float fltHieght = iniReader.ReadFloat(TEXT("Setting"), TEXT("Height"), 1.80f);
bool bMarriage = iniReader.ReadBoolean(TEXT("Setting"), TEXT("Marriage"), true);
delete szName;
return 1;
22th April, 2012: Initial post