Sometimes you need to change objects type to another type.Convert.ChangeType does this job for you. But when you use Nullable(Of T), this function throws an exception.
You can use the following function to change type(including Nullable types) safely...
Private Function CType2(ByVal refObject As Object, ByVal destType As System.Type) As Object
If destType Is Nothing Then Throw New ArgumentException("Destination Type is null")
If refObject.GetType() Is destType Then Return refObject
If destType.IsGenericType And destType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(GetType(Nullable(Of ))) Then
If refObject Is Nothing Then Return Nothing
Dim c As New System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter(destType)
destType = c.UnderlyingType
End If
Return Convert.ChangeType(refObject, destType)
End Function