''' <summary>
''' Converts a CIDR formatted string to the IPAddress-range it represents. (Function handles IPv4 only).
''' </summary>
''' <param name="zCIDR">CIDR formatted string, example: ""</param>
''' <returns>A List(Of IPAddress): (0)=StartIP, (1)=EndIP</returns>
''' <remarks>the machine's endianness is not considered by this function! Little Endian is assumed here.</remarks>
Private Function CIDR_to_IPRange(ByVal zCIDR As String) As List(Of IPAddress)
' zReturn will contain: zReturn(0) = StartIP, zReturn(1) = EndIP
Dim zReturn As New List(Of IPAddress)
' Split out the StartIP and /suffix from zCIDR = ""
' zSAP(0) should then contain the IP prefix = ""
' zSAP(1) will contain the suffix = "32"
Dim zSAP As New List(Of String) _
(zCIDR.Trim.Split("/".ToCharArray, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
' Add the StartIP
Catch ex As Exception
' No StartIP found, so return Nothing
Return Nothing
End Try
' Calculate and add the EndIP
' NOTE :: the wildcard bits calculation = 2^(32-zSuffix) - 1
' zPrefix must be in the 0-32 range (a suffix of 32 means the StartIP is the same as EndIP)
Dim zSuffix As Long = Math.Min(32, Math.Max(0, CLng(zSAP(1))))
zReturn.Add(New IPAddress( _
IP_to_Long(zReturn(0).GetAddressBytes, True) _
+ IP_to_Long(New IPAddress(2 ^ (32 - zSuffix) - 1).GetAddressBytes, False)))
Catch ex As Exception
' Either the /suffix wasn't given, or the IPAddress is out of range (maximum: 4294967295)
' I'm choosing to set the EndIP = StartIP if an error happens
End Try
Return zReturn
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Converts an IPv4 IPAddress, which is just a 32bit Unsigned Integer, to a Long
''' </summary>
''' <param name="zAddressBytes">IPAddress in Byte array form.</param>
''' <param name="zReverse">This allows you to consider the order of the given Byte array.</param>
''' <returns>A Long representing an IPAddress</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function IP_to_Long(ByVal zAddressBytes() As Byte, _
Optional ByRef zReverse As Boolean = False) As Long
If zReverse Then
Return CLng( _
CUInt(zAddressBytes(3)) << 24) _
+ (CUInt(zAddressBytes(2)) << 16) _
+ (CUInt(zAddressBytes(1)) << 8) _
+ (CUInt(zAddressBytes(0)))
Return CLng( _
CUInt(zAddressBytes(0)) << 24) _
+ (CUInt(zAddressBytes(1)) << 16) _
+ (CUInt(zAddressBytes(2)) << 8) _
+ (CUInt(zAddressBytes(3)))
End If
End Function